Chapter 35 Shi Family

Grace Mainland, Dark Forest.

Yang Min You immediately extracts those nine people's Profound Qi. After separating their Pure Profound Qi, he discards the impure Qi (as usual give impure ball Qi to Mo Yan Yu, and she kicks it to the sky) and separates the Pure Qi into two balls. Yang Min You and You You Min each absorb one ball.

"Ya Lan, take those men away. I will open Mu Yu Die's jacket." [You You Min] says to Di Ya Lan.

After stabilized their Profound Qi, You You Min tells Mu Yu Die to lay down. You You Min immediately opens her front jacket. She releases the knot that tighten Mu Yu Die's Du Dou in her back, then flips up Du Dou's stomach area until only her breasts are covered. While Yang Min You pulls down her short tunic a little until her Dan Tian area is exposed.

Everything happened so fast, Mu Yu Die stuns and her face is red from embarassment. And she almost gets up.

"Calm down. We will treat your heart and Dan Tian at the same time. Your Profound Qi in your heart and Dan Tian are too chaotic and somehow they were connected. This symptom usually appeared on Martial Spirit injury. It will wound you more seriously if not treated at the same time. Failure in heart means death, and failure in Dan Tian means say goodbye to cultivation world." [You You Min] says. But the one who actually diagnosed her is Ruby.

Yang Min You and You You Min sit face each other, while Mu Yu Die is laying between them. You You Min inserts her right hand to Mu Yu Die's left breasts... Wrong. Mu Yu Die's heart area, and Yang Min You puts her right hand on Mu Yu Die's Dan Tian. They begin to treat Mu Yu Die's injury in heart and Dan Tian.

After Di Ya Lan, Mo Yan Yu and other three males gain a distance. They begin to chat again.

( ° △ °|||) "What Dark World said before about being crippled into Elementary Realm - First Sky is real!?!?" [Hu Long] frightens.

"Yup, everyone who become their enemies, their cultivation will be crippled to the most basic. Min You Ge said they would taste life on fear from their other enemies." [Mo Yan Yu] explains.

"Other enemies?" [Hu Long] asks.

"..." [Mo Yan Yu] speechless, she feels Hu Long's slow reaction almost same with her family Johnson.

"Fool!!! Just look at that Fang Mercenary. Do you think their enemies only us?" [Zhao Xin] says while slapping Hu Long's back head.

"..." [Di Ya Lan] speechless while looking at these two people. Her expression also becomes strange.

"What's wrong?" [Luo Hao] asks when he notices Di Ya Lan's strange expression.

"... Are they into THAT now?" [Di Ya Lan] asks curiously.

(⊙.⊙)"..." [Everyone] speechless.

"Well, you chat first, I will train over there and help You Min Jie and Min You Ge a little." [Mo Yan Yu] stands up.

"What kind of training? Can we see it?" [Luo Hao] asks.

"Extracting Bernard's Qi. Feel free to see. But if you want to learn it, you must ask Min You Ge's consent." [Mo Yan Yu] says while approaching unconscious Bernard.

Mo Yan Yu has a hard time about separating Pure and Impure Profound Qi. When she tought that she was success, she immediately brings Pure Qi Ball to Yang Min You. But Yang Min You rejects it. He tells Mo Yan Yu that her Qi Ball still not pure.

For two hours, she reduces Bernard's cultivation into Human Realm - Second Sky, and she created two Pure Qi Balls and gave its to Yang Min You and You You Min who already finished treating Mu Yu Die.

Everyone take a rest for a few hours, after that Luo Hao team separate and go back to Sky Tree. Mu Yu Die and Di Ya Lan have changed back to their spare clothes and returned the jacket. After treatment, everyone can feel the change on Mu Yu Die, from her aura, her temperament, and her cultivation. Her Cultivation returns to her peak, Human Realm - Third Sky.

"Allright, since they already gone. I'll activate our house level 3 and our world level 4 upgrade first. Ruby, you pick Xiao Shu, and Yan Yu, you pick Xiao Qing. Let them train with us. You Min and me will breakthrough first to Elementary Realm - Third Sky. Let's work now." [Yang Min You] orders everyone.


Grace Mainland, Merchant Union, Tian Yun City.

Three days later.

Shi Family is one of the five biggest families in Merchant Union. The other four families are Bei Ming Family who maybe stayed neutral, Mo Family who are Shi Family nemesis, Ling Family who are Mo Family's allies, and Zuo Family who are Shi Family's allies.

Shi Jian is Shi family patriarch. His cultivation realm is Nirvana Realm - Second Sky. There is also Shi Tie, his brother from the same generation, he is also an elder in Shi Family. Shi Family Patriarch was chosen base on their cultivation. But it is a pity, Shi Jian's offspring lack in talent about cultivation. He has one son Shi Yang, one daughter Shi Qing and one adoptive son who is also Shi Qing's husband Yang Hai.

Shi Yang is already middle age man and his cultivation only Human Realm - Second Sky. He has one son Shi Tian Xiao, twenty five years old man with Nascent Realm - First Sky, and one daughter Shi Tian Ling, twenty seven years old girl with Elementary Realm - Third Sky.

Yang Hai couldn't cultivate because of some irregular meridian in his body. He was adopted by Shi Jian when he was kidnapped and escaped by accident in Endless Sea He doesn't remember about his real family, since he was too young when he was kidnapped. He only remembered his name, Yang Hai. Shi Jian likes his temperament and business skill. He fell in love and married Shi Qing and have a son Shi Yan.

Shi Qing's cultivation was crippled to Elementary Realm - Third Sky after she gave birth Shi Yan. Her original cultivation was Nascent Realm - Third Sky. She was a little heartbroken when she knew that Shi Yan couldn't cultivate, but she also prouded with Shi Yan's upbringing.

Shi Tie as Shi Jian brother, his cultivation realm is Earth Realm - Second Sky. He has two sons and three grandsons. Shi Tie's offspring are Shi Family's next generation hope and he is very proud and always bragging his grandsons. His sons, Shi Gang and Shi Kuo both in Disaster Realm - Second Sky. Shi Gang only has one son, Shi Tian Yun, nineteen years old man with Nascent Realm - Third Sky. Shi Kuo has two sons, Shi Tian Luo, twenty first years old man with Nascent Realm - Second Sky, and Shi Tian Ke, twenty years old man with Nascent Realm - Second Sky.

Now, inside Shi Jian's study room, there are four people. Shi Jian, Shi Tie, Shi Qing, and Yang Hai.

"This year, our family situation is very bad. Since Mo Yan Yu and Ling Shao Feng were engaged. These two family are cooperated to sabotage our business." [Shi Jian] angries when he looks at his business record book.

"Can you do something, Yang Hai?" [Shi Tie] asks with gloomy face.

"...I already did everything I could. I only could repress our loss by 30%. It is hard to prevent our loss if they are using physical force, not business strategy." [Yang Hai] answers.

"...I understand. Qing Er, how is it? Is there any news about Shi Yan from Silent Town? He has been missing for a year in Dark Forest." [Shi Jian] asks.

"No news, Father. Do you remember, a month ago, I had a very bad feelings, and dreamed about Shi Yan shouting to me? After that night, I felt something is empty. I am ready to accept Shi Yan's bad news now." [Shi Qing] answers while wiping her tears with her sleeve.

Shi Jian and Shi Tie look at each other and sigh. Suddenly the door is knocked.


"Enter!!!" [Shi Jian] shouts.

"Father. Uncle. There is a strange news from Silent City." [Shi Gang] enters the room and immediately tell the news.

"...Strange news?" [Shi Tie] asks.

"Is it about Shi Yan?" [Shi Qing] asks emotionally.

"Cousin Qing, please calm down. Uncle, as we already knew Mo Chao Ge and Mo Yan Yu entered Dark Forest for about half years. We didn't know their purpose. Today, Mo Chao Ge comes out from Dark Forest with two caravans. Inside them are full injured people. He immediately sent people to ask Han Zhong to meet him. After they met, Mo Chao Ge told Han Zhong that he wants vendetta between our family is ended. He also said he will persuade Mo Xun by himself about it. Han Zhong couldn't believe it at first, but before they separated, Mo Chao Ge said with serious face 'It is for our younger generations, Shi Yan and Mo Yan Yu.' " [Shi Gang] says.

Han Zhong is Shi Family man that was stationed at Silent City to wait about Shi Yan's information. He is Disaster Realm - Second Sky.

Σ(っ°Д °; )っ "...WHAT!?!?!?" [Shi Jian four people] shock. Shi Qing slumps on the floor.