Chapter 38 Silver Thunder Wolf

Grace Mainland, Dark Forest.

"Wait!!! Xiao Shu and Fire Snake stay here first. We must know what is this wolf pack want." [You You Min] also getting ready for battle.

"Yan Yu, go back and arrange our secret weapons on the table in living room. A lot of them. We don't know how many wolf are there in these pack." [Yang Min You] says to Mo Yan Yu.

Mo Yan Yu immediately goes and comes back and says "I piled the pouches up in the table based of its content already."

"Good. You Min, Yan Yu and Xiao Qing, try pick a sack by transfering only your hand and limb, can you do it?" [Yang Min You] asks.

"We can. Focus, Min You Ge. They come." [You You Min] answers decisively.

One by one, silver wolves show up, their strength are varied from Level 3 to Level 5 beast. They create a way for their leader. Level 7 - Rank 1 Silver Thunder Wolf. The strongest beast in this Dark Forest. Its size is twice bigger than the other wolf. Two metre height and four metre long body exclude its tail. And this leader have a pair of five metre silver wing. The other wolf doesn't have it.

"... What... a... strange... team... Humans... Are... those... beasts... your... slaves...?" [Level 7 wolf] asks, it releases its pressure.

"Hiss..." [Fire Snake]

"Hiii..." [Xiao Shu]

Fire Snake and Xiao Shu move themselves to hide behind Yang Min You.

"... Funny... You... hide... behind... that... human?... Fire... Thunder... Snake... and... Mutated... Sky... Tree... Both... of... my... preys... are... here... RRR... RRR... RRR." [Level 7 wolf] laughes.

"Allright, Xiao Shu, you take this snake and go back to New God's Domain first. Oh, don't touch the table in living room. And you already learn how to watch us from New God's Domain. GO!!!" [Yang Min You] says.

"Yes!!!" [Xiao Shu] answers happily and immediately asks Fire Snake to clings on her and immediately go back to New God's Domain.

Σ( ° △ °) "!!! GRRRR!!!!... Where... are... my... preys?..." [Level 7 wolf] shocks and angries when it suddenly couldn't sense Xiao Shu and Fire Snake.

"They... are... not... your... preys..." [Xiao Qing] answers.

Σ( ° △ °) "What?...Talking... spider,... my... new... prey... Kill... them... all..." [Level 7 wolf] gives its command and immediately jumps and slashes its right claw toward Xiao Qing.


Yang Min You intercepts its claw using his left shield, Yang Min You is thrown away, but he used Level 7 wolf's physical power and Qi to rotate several times in the air before throwing his left shield. His left shield was coating with uneven Qi, just like saw, and rotates at high speed.



Level 7 wolf is forced to take a few steps back. The left side of its neck, its fur is burnt and there is a thin cut on its skin. It was screamed in pain.

Yang Min You lands on the ground with his back first and immediately jumps and standby on his squatting position. He throws up a mouthful blood, and immediately wipes his mouth using his sleeve. He immediately activates his Immortal Martial Spirit for fast recovery.

"You... can... hurt... me?... Impossible..." [Level 7 wolf] also throws up a mouthful blood because of its neck injury.

"Hehehe..." [Yang Min You] just gives a mocking smile.

On the other sides, after Yang Min You intercepted that level 7 wolf, Xiao Qing immeadiately helps Mo Yan Yu and shoots her web in fan mode toward wolves. Since she is Level 5 - Rank 1 now, and her web quality also top grade because of Pure Profound Qi. Her web is more sticky and more durable now. Only some level 5 wolves could rip her web.

Mo Yan Yu immediately gives San Xing Da Fa on the lower level wolves head, and makes them unconcious while Xiao Qing shoots more web on the struggling level 5 wolves. Sometimes Xiao Qing also stabs using her four front legs to the distracted level 5 wolves on their abdomen.


While the level 5 wolves were whining in pain, Mo Yan Yu and Xiao Qing already arrives in front of them and throws a mini pouch on each level 5 wolves head. Wrong... more accurately is near their eyes. Each pouch contains dry lime powder. One of seasoning that was bought from New God's Domain shop. Their eyes were hurt so much that they couldn't open their eyes, and Mo Yan Yu and Xiao Qing immediately delivers San Xing Da Fa on their heads.

By the way, Xiao Qing is swinging her legs like baseball stick when using San Xing Da Fa. With this half of wolf pack was defeated.

On You You Min's side, she throws eight mini pouches and immediately slashes it open using Claw Qi Slash. The wolves were vigilanced about You You Min's attack. But...


One after another, the wolves begin to sneeze heavily. Inside these pouches were dry pepper powder.

Back at the God's Domain when You You Min still an NPC, as a healer and support, she had an outstanding ability about controlling the flow of battle. As she was given freedom by Yang Min You, she focused on studying all basic magics. And in New God's Domain, each morning while Yang Min You and Mo Yan Yu train their own skill, she trains her previous basic magics but she was substituting mana with Pure Profound Qi. And unexpectedly with a little modification, she can recreate her previous basic magic with her Pure Profound Qi.

"EARTH NEDDLE!!!" [You You Min] shouts. And from her body, a lot of Pure Profound Qi in dot form shoot out. And this Profound Qi begins to sucks and coats each dot with sand and gravels from the surrounding until it forms a cone, with sharp point pointed wolves. Each Earth Neddle length were around 20 cm. All of this happens in second.

Countless Earth Neddles was shot at the sneezing wolves. Some wolves were impaled at their limbs and some wolves were impaled in their body. They tried to evade it, but uncontrollable sneezing were hindering their judgement.


Then You You Min is delivering San Xing Da Fa on each wolf head before making sure that Earth Neddle didn't impale their vital organ.

'Wow... It just likes in Min You Ge's novel, dry pepper and dry lime are the best secret weapons...' [Ruby] mind talks to You You Min.

"Hahahaha, Yan Yu, Xiao Qing, do you need my help?" [You You Min] shouts.

"No! Our side are finished too." [Mo Yan Yu] answers.

"Now, only their leader is left." [You You Min] watches at Yang Min You's side.

"Impossible... my... wolves... were... defeated... this... fast?... Human,... how... dare... you... used... underhanded... tricks... ROARRR!!!" [Level 7 wolf] roars in angry.

"My ancestor said in the battle of life and death, nothing is true, everything is permitted." [Yang Min You] smirks.

"Wow... What a wise ancestor..." [Mo Yan Yu] amazed.

"...What ancestor?!?! That is just one of his favourite old game quote." [You You Min] almost bites her tounge, when she says about this ancestor.

"Game?" [Mo Yan Yu] asks.

'You can ask me later in New God's Domain. Now focus on their battle first.' [Ruby] mind talks to Mo Yan Yu.

Level 7 wolf spreads its wings, it looks like bat wing. It begins to jump around the branch and its momentum become very fast. Yang Min You couldn't follow its movement, he just focuses on the flowing Qi in his surrounding to predict its attack.

After it gains its speed and power, this wolf attacks from the upper branch behind Yang Min You, and from its wing, some electric current appear and move toward this wolf's both front claws.

Yang Min You knows that he is too slow against this wolf, he didn't try to jump or evade it to the side. He just falls on his back while preparing to pick a mop sticks in the toilet in New God's Domain.

The wolf shocks, it didn't imagine that Yang Min You evaded his attack by falling on his back. But because of its speed, it couldn't change his attack route.


Level 7 wolf lands its attack on the ground, and it creates a massive crater. The surrounding young trees are uprooted. But Yang Min You already made his move, when the wolf was passing above him. He immediately grabs the mop sticks and immediately stabs it to the wolf butt hole with all of his might. From one and half metre long stick become one metre long stick. The wolf was bleeding excessively from its butt hole. The wolf was trembled in pain, it couldn't stand but also couldn't sit down.

"Des-... des-... despicable... human..." [Level 7 wolf] was crying, its strength was gone bit by bit because of absolute pain.

"Don't worry, I will not kill you. But since you attacked me with so much killing intent, I'll destroy your cultivation." [Yang Min You] says. Then Yang Min You walks toward the wolf's head, but unexpectedly, the level 7 wolf uses all of his remaining strength to swing its tail toward Yang Min You's chest.