Chapter 39 Petrification Martial Spirit

Grace Mainland, Dark Forest.

Level 7 Silver Thunder Wolf used its remaining strength to swip its tail toward Yang Min You.


Yang Min You blocks its tail using his right shield and uses his left hand to grab his right forearm and support it. But since he was not in stable stance, he is thrown away for dozens metre before he hit a very big tree and sunk for half a metre into it. Yang Min You vomits a mouthful blood again. Level 7 Silver Thunder Wolf looks at Yang Min You and smirk before it falls down unconciouss.

"Min You Ge!!!!" [Mo Yan Yu and Xiao Qing] scream.

"Calm down!!! He is fine." [You You Min] says.

'Huh!?!? Min You can block it at that close range? But their speed difference and power gap... unbelievable.' [Ruby] flickers.

"Block?" [Mo Yan Yu] shocks.

'Yes, and he used wolf's qi as coat on his body to cushion his back.' [Ruby] adds.

You You Min just smiles and they walk toward Yang Min You.

"Cough... Cough... Ruby, Yan Yu, come here!!!" [Yang Min You] says while coming out from big tree. His right shield shattered into several pieces.

"What's wrong, Min You Ge?" [Mo Yan Yu] asks.

"Look!!! Both of my arms, my chest and my back become like these. Skin become gray, the gray area become heavy and less sensitive. Are there petrification curse in this world?" [Yang Min You] asks.

"What!?!? Petrification?... I see, that is Petrification Martial Spirit from Shi Family, Min You Ge." [Mo Yan Yu] says happily.

"Huh?!? Martial Spirit? Then..." [Yang Min You] begins to try to regulate his Profound Qi to the gray area. He tries to assimilate the gray area with his Profound Qi. He found out that in the gray area there is another active Qi like Immortal Martial Spirit. After a while, he can control Petrification Martial Spirit freely.

"How is your injury?" [You You Min] asks.

"It's fine already, I think my Immortal Martial Spirit is level up, the speed of recovery is increased." [Yang Min You] says.

'Really??? Let's try it tonight.' [Ruby] flickers very happily and unconciously release her full power aura. But she realizes it and immediately retracts her aura.

Ó( ° △ °|||) "Calm down, Ruby." [Yang Min You] shivers. 'Is You Min's aggresive behaviour influenced by Ruby?'

After checking around the big tree, "... Heal." [You You Min] casually heals it. And its big hole is recovered at fast rate.

"??? What are you doing, You Min Jie?" [Mo Yan Yu] asks.

"Oh! I just thought, this tree is very big, must be very old, and I wonder if this tree also becomes beast race like Sky Tree. So I just healed it." [You You Min] answers.

"I see." [Mo Yan Yu] nods.

"Don't drop your guard, they are coming again." [Yang Min You] suddenly warns everyone.


Dark Forest, Sky Tree.

Luo Hao teams were anxious and shivering in fear.

"Boss Luo... What happened just now? Wolf howling and that crazy pressure..." [Hu Long] shivers in fear.

"I also don't know. Maybe that level 7 wolf was battling a mighty being. The pressure just now was far above Nirvana Realm..." [Luo Hao] also shivers.

"Human." [???]

Luo Hao team jump in fright. And immediately prepare their weapons and formation.

"Who are you, Seni.." [Luo Hao] asks.

But before Luo Hao finished, Hu Long, Di Ya Lan, and Mu Yu Die scream "GHOST!!!!"

"Who is a ghost? I am Sky Tree Spirit. And what are you doing in here? You have been stayed in front of me for several days and doing nothing. And that girl in white cloth, who are you? I can sense Yang Min You and You You Min scents from your body." [Sky Tree Spirit] answers.

"S-S-Sky Tree Spirit?" [Luo Hao team] shocks.

"As mercenary, I never heard about Sky Tree Spirit before..." [Zhao Xin] dumbfounds.

"As military personel, me too..." [Luo Hao] answers in shock.

"Senior, just now you said Yang Min You, and You You Min? Do you know them?" [Mu Yu Die] asks.

"Of course I know, my great great great granddaughter join them, in other word I am their family ancestor, HAHAHAHAHA..." [Sky Tree Spirit] laughes happily.

Then without waiting Mu Yu Die's answers, he asks "I want to go to see that battle, after all that level 7 Silver Thunder Wolf is the king of these Dark Forest, and strangely I also felt Yang Min You presence in that place, anyone of you want to go with me?"

Luo Hao team look at each other, then Luo Hao said "We go with you."

But after they depart for a moment, a group of ten people are running out from that direction.

"Huh? Luo Hao?" [Han Leader] shocks.

"Huh? Dark World people? This... You are really crippled into Elementary Realm..." [Luo Hao] shocks.

"Yes. And now we go back to Fire Empire. Just for your information, as far as I know, Dark World only sent two teams to tracked you. And both of them have been crippled by that Senior. So you can relax for a while." [Han Leader] says.

"I understand. Take care yourselves." [Luo Hao] says and they separate.

"...You don't want to kill them? They pursued you before." [Sky Tree Spirit] asks.

"No. We already promised to let them go after they were crippled by Yang Min You." [Mu Yu Die] answers.

"I see. Are you also his wife?" [Sky Tree Spirit] asks.

"Currently not. But we plan to become his wives. I already decide to let go my revenge. I will pursue strength, pursue my happiness, and make sure my Mu family blood not end in my generation." [Mu Yu Die] smiles while hugging Di Ya Lan.

Luo Hao and Di Ya Lan smile.

"Uncle Luo... No, Dad if Fire Empire still disturb us in the future, I believe Yang Min You will take action. About our past, let's forget it." [Mu Yu Die] says to Luo Hao.

"HAHAHAHA... That's great. Die Er." [Luo Hao] laughes while crying in happiness.

"Let's go now, I can sense hundreds wolves are coming to that direction. Follow me, and you are safe." [Sky Tree Spirit] says.

Σ( ° △ °|||) "Hundreds..." [Di Ya Lan] shivers.

Luo Hao pats Di Ya Lan's shoulder and answers "Yes, Senior."


Dark Forest.

One by one, wolves and Silver Thunder Wolves show up, in front of them there are one Level 6 Silver Thunder Wolf, one Level 5 Silver Thunder Wolf, and Silver Thunder Wolf cub. The level 6 Silver Thunder Wolf and Silver Thunder Wolf cub look very weak, and they move toward unconcious Level 7 Silver Thunder Wolf, they lick its face.

"Don't... worry... All... of... them... are... alive..." [Xiao Qing] says to Level 6 Silver Thunder Wolf.

"RRRR... RRRR..." [Level 5 Silver Thunder Wolf] becomes more vigilance and shows its fangs.

"Wuu..." [Level 6 Silver Thunder Wolf] just howl slowly and Level 5 Silver Thunder Wolf retreats.

"Good... so... we... can... talk... now..." [Xiao Qing] says and comes forward, the level 6 Silver Thunder Wolf also come toward Xiao Qing.

"Wuu... wuu..." [Level 6 Silver Thunder Wolf]

"We... just... passing... here... Your... husband... attacked... us... first..." [Xiao Qing] says.

"Wuu..." [Level 6 Silver Thunder Wolf]

"I... accept... your... apologize... but... why... did... you... want... to... kill... little... snake... and... little... tree... and... mobilize... this... big... army?..." [Xiao Qing] asks.

"Wuu... wuu... wuu... wuu..." [Level 6 Silver Thunder Wolf]

"... wait... a... minute..." [Xiao Qing] then tells everyone about what happened.

"So, this Level 7 Silver Thunder Wolf is this Dark Forest King, and that level 6 is his wife and that cub is his daughter. His wife was weakened greatly because of giving birth and he planned to use Xiao Shu essence as her treatment. And that cub is a mutated and suffering from Ice Element? Become a Silver Ice Thunder Wolf? So his dad wanted that little snake essence which is also a mutate, Fire Thunder Snake to treat her?" [Yang Min You] resumes the story.

"Why did this forest have a lot of mutated beasts? Is it a bad premonition?" [Mo Yan You] wonders.

"Maybe... Something dangerous are coming and this Grace Mainland is trying to protect itself by give birth a lot of mutation... Including us..." [You You Min] says.

'... Maybe... He will be awakened in near future... Min You, You Min, we must upgrade New God's Domain as fast as possible. And we must recruit a lot of girls to become his wives as fast as possible.' [Ruby] flickers weakly.

"Oi... Calm down Ruby. Don't be frightened like that, and just let it flow. And don't recruit any girls recklessly, it will destroy our teamwork." [Yang Min You] says.

'Sorry... I understand. I will recruit talented girls.' [Ruby] says.

"Good. Let's heal and wake that Level 7 up first." [You You Min] says and walks to level 7 Silver Thunder Wolf with Yang Min You and Xiao Qing.

Xiao Qing explains about the treatment to that Level 6 Silver Thunder Wolf, then Yang Min You pulls out the mop stick, and You You Min heals that wound. After that, Level 6 Silver Thunder Wolf and the Silver Ice Thunder Wolf cub are licking this Level 7 Silver Thunder Wolf face to wake him up.