Chapter 40 The Right Calculation

Grace Mainland, Dark Forest.

Slowly, Level 7 Silver Thunder Wolf opens his eyes.

"Wife... !!!! Enemy!!!" [Level 7 Silver Thunder Wolf] suddenly stands up and spreads his wings to protect his wife and shows his fangs.

"WUUU!!! Wuu... Wuu..." [Level 6 Silver Thunder Wolf] is stopping her husband.

"!!!" [Level 7 Silver Thunder Wolf] shocks about mighty being in his wife's story then looks around and could sense that all his fallen wolves are alive. He retracts his wings and walks toward Yang Min You.

"Human... Thank... you... for... your... mercy..." [Level 7 Silver Thunder Wolf] says but he doesn't bow since he is a beast king with high intelligence.

"Nothing. Based on your wife's story, you and your army didn't kill any fire snake, then why are you trying to kill that little snake." [Yang Min You] asks.

"Wrong... I... just... want... to... extract... her... essence... but... her... cultivation... talent... will... be... crippled... And... I... prepare... to... compensate... her... with... heavy... protection... from... my... family... for... the... rest... of... her... rest..." [Level 7 Silver Thunder Wolf] explains.

"My king, are you also planning to cripple my great great great granddaughter too?" [Sky Tree Spirit] asks while walking toward Yang Min You. Luo Hao team follow him with fright and goosebumps when they saw too much wolves.

"Yes... But... if... I... found... another... way... to... treat... my... wife... and... daughter... I... will... not... touch... them..." [Level 7 Silver Thunder Wolf] answers.

"Last question, King. Why did you want to kill Xiao Qing, my Jade Blade Spider? Your killing intent was real before." [Yang Min You] asks.

"High... level... and... intelligent... beast... who... came... to... Dark... Forest... before,.. always... arrogant,.. dangerous... and... killed... a... lot... of... our... beasts... I... couldn't... take... the... risk... to... let... her... roaming... around... in... Dark... Forest." [Level 7 Silver Thunder Wolf] says.

"She is from Dark Forest too, the Jade Blade Spider Queen's sister. She joined us and become one of my wife. So put down your hostility." [Yang Min You] answers.

"!!! Since... when... Jade... Blade... Spiders... have... a... Level... 7... beast?!?!" [Level 7 Silver Thunder Wolf] shocks, his eyes wide opens.

"Don't worry too much. Xiao Qing won't destroy this Dark Forest balance. She only worries about her family. They are too weak and stupid compare with another beast clan." [You You Min] says.

"Then, give me your daughter, we will try to treat her." [Yang Min You] says.

"Wuu..." [Level 6 Silver Thunder Wolf] pushes her daughter toward Yang Min You.

Yang Min You bites his right index finger, and control one drop blood with his Pure Profound Qi toward the cub's mouth. This drop of blood is different with Yang Min You's blood from injury before. He activates his Immortal Martial Spirit in this drop of blood.

"Where is wolf's beast core position? I'll control my blood toward her beast core." [Yang Min You] says.

Level 6 Silver Thunder Wolf points the location with her front paw. Yang Min You immediately merges his blood with the cub's weak Qi.

Yang Min You immediately separates the new Qi into two parts, Yang Min You takes one part, and You You Min takes one parts. Yang Min You tries to open the blocked meridian, and You You Min heals the wound that appear from forced opening blocked meridian and makes sure that the opened meridian not closed again.

"Kaing... Kaing..." [The cub] whines and from her mouth drips blood.

"Hold... on,.. dear... I... can... sense... that... you... are... getting... better... Hold... on..." [Level 7 Silver Thunder Wolf] whispers and licks her daughter's forehead.

After one hour, the treatment is over. The cub is breakthrough into Level 1 Silver Thunder Wolf, and her complexion becomes better. But she falls asleep, because of too tired. At the same time, Mo Yan Yu and Xiao Qing heal halves of the unconcious wolves from their battle before.

"We are tired, you guys stay here, we will treat your wife and the rest of wolves tomorrow. Deal?" [Yang Min You] asks.

"Deal..." [Level 7 Silver Thunder Wolf] answers.

"Oh, prepare some food for those five people too, they are our friends. Protect them." [You You Min] adds.

"Don't... worry,.. all... of... humans... in... these... vicinity... are... my... guests... Look,.. even... my... brother... already... prepare... some... animal... meat... for... them... to... eat." [Level 7 Silver Thunder Wolf] points toward Level 5 Silver Thunder Wolf which brought some animal meat toward Luo Hao.

"I see. Luo Hao, they are friends, don't worry too much. We are going back first, see you tomorrow." [Yang Min You] says and immediately teleports back to New God's Domain.

"!!!!" Luo Hao team and all wolves shocks. They couldn't sense Yang Min You team's presence at all.

"... Hahahaha, Die Er, Ya Lan, the rest is up to you two. You two are girls, you have higher opportunity. We, male team can become their friend are already our great luck." [Luo Hao] laughes.

"... Become... friend... is... better... than... become... enemy... Brother,.. please... bring... that... little... snake... family... here... Let... them... have... reunion... here... tomorrow." [Level 7 Silver Thunder Wolf] says.

"Grrr..." [Level 5 Silver Thunder Wolf] answers.


New God's Domain.

Everyone take a bath then have a dinner. After that Xiao Qing is taking care little snake and Xiao Shu, and playing and resting together. While Yang Min You has intimate plays with You You Min, Mo Yan Yu and Ruby.

Yang Min You's Immortal Martial Spirit really leveled up to level 2. Ruby is the most happiest girl about this level up. She finally gets the right calculation about her unsealing points.

1 ml Yang Min You's sperm x Yang Min You's level ^ Yang Min You's Immortal Martial Spirit.

In this case, Yang Min You's cultivation realm is Elementary Realm - Third Sky equal with level 3. Then the result is 1 ml x 3^2 = 9 point per ml.

Ruby is really happy, that means she will be unseal faster than before. But, no one understand about how to increase Martial Spirit Level except from constant used.


Grace Mainland, Dark Forest.

The next day.

Yang Min You team return to Dark Forest and begins the rest of treatment. Because of massive treatment, their healing skill also more proficient and getting stronger.

Little snake returns to her parents and chats happily. After finished all of treatment, Level 7 Silver Thunder Wolf prepare a lot of animal meat and fruit. They have a feast.

Of course, Di Ya Lan cooks the meat for Yang Min You team and Luo Hao team. She unexpectedly brings a season with her. Really a chef talent. They prefer to eat grill meat than raw meat. Only some wolves and Silver Thunder Wolves try to eat Di Ya Lan's grill meat. The rest eat raw meat.

The next day.

They separate, Luo Hao team join Yang Min You team and go back to Sky Tree with Sky Tree Spirit, before continue their journey through right route.

The Level 7 Silver Thunder Wolf and Level 6 Fire Snake, little snake's father request to meet up again several years again. Yang Min You just tell them to left a message to Sky Tree Spirit, Xiao Shu will often play to him later.


Grace Mainland, Merchant Union, Tian Yun City.

Spring Pavilion. This is a big restaurant in Tian Yun City. It has four floors. First floor for regular citizen eating. Second floor, there are several big rooms for regular citizen event and marriage event. Third floor for high status people like Big Five Family and high cultivator regular eating. And the fourth floor is used for Big Five Family and high cultivator meeting.

No one know who is the owner, but everyone guess that the owner come from big family in Endless Sea. This restaurant has 5 people Nirvana Realm and 5 people Sky Realm as guards and one Sky Realm as manager. No one dare to make ruckus inside the restaurant including Big Family. The consequence is too big.

Four big families already come to the fourth floor. Unexpectedly, Bei Ming Patriarch, Bei Ming Shang and Bei Ming Ce with his two bodyguards arrive uninvited. He decided to come because from Five Big Family, only Bei Ming Family is not invited.

Bei Ming Shang's cultivation realm is the highest but not the strongest among five family. His realm is Sky Realm - Second Sky. The rest of his family are blacksmith, their cultivation realm are not too good. Except his beloved grandson, Bei Ming Ce. His realm is Disaster Realm - First Sky at the age 25 years old.

Bei Ming Shang gives his grandson two elder bodyguards with Nirvana Realm cultivation. Jiu San and Yin Kui. Bei Ming Shang very dotted his grandson. But Bei Ming family is known as backstabber family. No one dares to cooperate for long term, including the other four family.