Chapter 41 Meeting

Grace Mainland, Merchant Union, Tian Yun City.

Bei Ming Shang looks very pissed off when he and his family arrived.

"Huh?!?! Bei Ming Patriarch? Why are you coming here?" [Ling Jue] asks while approaching Bei Ming Family.

"You, Four Family hold a meeting and didn't invite us, Bei Ming Family. What are you planning behind our family? Huh!!!" [Bei Ming Shang] angries.

"Bei Ming Patriarch, we don't see any need to involve you to this meeting, so we decided not to invite you." [Mo Tuo] says.

"YOU!!! MO TUO, HOW DARE YOU SPEAK LIKE THAT TO ME?!?!" [Bei Ming Shang] becomes more angry.


"YOU!!!" [Bei Ming Shang] is very angry because of impolite words, but someone pokes his back.

"Grandpa, this meeting is about disengagement, please calm down." [Bei Ming Ce] whispers.

"Huh? Disengagement? Mo Patriarch, Ling Patriarch, I am sorry about my attitudes. Then since we already arrive here. Just treat us as ordinary guest." [Bei Ming Shang] says shamelessly.

"Hmp!! Suit yourselves." [Mo Tuo] answers with sullen face.

Bei Ming Shang brings his family into a table then looks around. He wonders why Shi and Zuo Families also here when the topic is disengagement. He also wonders why Mo Family and Ling Family still in harmony when their grandchildren is disengaged.

Before long, Mo Chao Ge arrives with Johnson and Li Han. They are carrying Master Karu with sedan chair. His condition is still weak with fever because of infection in his amputated arm.

"BASTARD!!! YOU FINALLY HERE!!!" [Mo Tuo] shouts in angry.


"YOU!!!" [Mo Tuo] angries and has been held by Mo Chao Tian.

"Chao Ge! Is this matter very dangerous?" [Mo Chao Tian] asks.

"Yes, Chao Tian Ge. It is involving a very mighty being. I couldn't sense her cultivation realm. But she is far stronger than Father." [Mo Chao Ge] says with calm tone.

"!!!" Everyone in the room are shock.

"Are you saying the truth, Chao Ge?" [Mo Tuo] asks in shock.

"Stronger than me, Chao Ge?" [Bei Ming Shang] also asks.

Mo Chao Ge looks at Bei Ming Shang and says "Yes, Bei Ming Patriarch."

"..." Everyone speechless.

"Then, please sit down, everyone. I will start my story." [Mo Chao Ge] says.

"First, this was about my Mo Family secret. We, Mo Family dispatched two teams to Fire Empire vicinity. My team's job were opening route and making sure the route were safe from beast. And the second team were leaded by Mo Yan Yu. Their job were to find and pick up Master Karu and bring him safely to our Mo Family. And just like you all knew, Master Karu was stealing an incomplete map of Heaven's Gate." [Mo Chao Ge] says. But...

"MO CHAO GE!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING???" [Mo Tuo] angries again.

"BE QUITE, DAD!!! FOR SAFETY REASON, THERE WILL BE NO SECRECY!!!" [Mo Chao Ge] yells back at Mo Tuo. And the rest of people also agitated. Bei Ming's Family shows their greedy eyes when they heard Heaven's Gate map.

"Let me continue, now. Mo Yan Yu's team succeeded to find Master Karu and bring him back with her team. But, in the middle of Dark Forest, Mo Yan Yu was kidnapped when their team were taking a rest. These Johnson and Master Karu were the witness. The time is about two months ago." [Mo Chao Ge] says.

"John..." [Mo Chao Tian] wants to ask Johnson but he is interrupted by Ling Shao Feng.

"JOHNSON, told me everything you knew about incident!!! Your life depended yours answers!!!" [Ling Shao Feng] screams arrogantly.

"... Second Master, at that time, Miss Mo was going away alone for her private matter. Of course, no one followed her. After around fifteen minutes, there was a loud sound like something hitting a metal. When we tried to approach her, suddenly a heavy pressure appeared and forcing all of guards to fell down and couldn't move. At that time, we heard Missy yelled forcing us to go, or everyone will be killed by Senior. Then, after that the pressure was taken back and we ranaway." [Johnson] says.

"... Just a pressure, and the whole team couldn't move? How far were you from Miss Mo?" [Bei Ming Shang] asks with serious face.

"We didn't know, but I was sure that we were more than 500m from Missy's location." [Johnson] answers.

"..." Everyone become quite.

"I don't think I can do that..." [Mo Tuo] answers.

"Me too." [The other four patriarches] add.

"Two months ago? That was almost the same time I had a bad dream and premonition about Shi Yan." [Shi Qing] says.

"Sister Shi Qing, we will talk about Shi Yan later. Johnson, continue." [Mo Chao Ge] says.

"Yes, Third Master. After that, we continued our journey as fast as possible. In my mind, just to meet up with Third Master as soon as possible. But, we couldn't move fast. This Master Karu was bringing with him more than ten medicinal slaves. When we arrived at Jade Blade Spider teritorry, one of his medicinal slave was attacking that spider. They retaliated and our team were destroyed. Master Karu lost his arm and all of his belongings by Jade Blade Spider Queen. All Medicinal Slave dead, our beast caravans were destroyed. Our men heavily injured and we moved at slow pace until we met Third Master." [Johnson] explains.

"What about Master Karu's map? Is it destroyed?" [Mo Tuo] asks with pale expressions.

"I think yes. Since I was the most lucky one with little injured, I protected the rear team when we ranaway. I saw the spiders didn't pursue us but destroying our caravan, our supply bags. I think Master Karu's little bag was destroyed too. " [Johnson] answers.

"Just like you see, this weak oldman is Master Karu. Despite being weak, he dared to bring a lot of medicinal slaves to Dark Forest. Father, our mission is failed. Master Karu is crippled. The map is destroyed. And we must prepared for his teacher, Mu Xun's anger. I am sure that he will come to us in the near future." [Mo Chao Ge] says while looking at Mo Tuo.

Mo Tuo shocks, his body trembles, he couldn't say anything. His plan is destroyed completely. And he will be facing a strong and angry people in the near future. He is not sure whether Mu Xun will believe his explanation.

"That's all about our mission, about map and Master Karu. Next, I will tell you all about our next problem. Four Family problem." [Mo Chao Ge] stops for a while and drinks a cup of tea then continue talking again.

"After I met Johnson, I gave their team a light treatment and left them some medicines. I planned to search Mo Yan Yu and followed their trace and met mercenary group under Zhao Xin leadership." [Mo Chao Ge] says.

Bei Ming Shang and Bei Ming Ce's eye squint.

"Grandpa, isn't that the name of mercenary which Mu Yu Die hired?" [Bei Ming Ce] whispers.

"That's right. Keep quite." [Bei Ming Shang] whispers back.

"Zhao Xin warned me about the battle near them. My team continue to follow the trace and found out three people and one talking beast." [Mo Chao Ge] says.

"WHAT!?!?" [Everyone] shock. Some of them even stand up.

"Yes, she is a talking beast. Just like we all know, in Dark Forest, the only talking beast is Level 7 Silver Thunder Wolf. And the beast I met is Green Jade Blade Spider." [Mo Chao Ge] says.

"OH MY GOD!?!? Another level 7 beast?!?!" [Zuo Xu] shocks.

"If this beast leads the Jade Blade Spider colony, it is not a wonder that Yan Yu team were destroyed." [Mo Tuo] says with pale face.


Mo Chao Ge claps his hand to gain some attention.

"Alright, everyone. I believes all of you will be surprise about the other three people too. The first person is a young girl, she is called You You Min. The second person is also a young girl, everyone here knew who she is, she is our missing Mo Yan Yu, and the last person is a young man, he is called Yang Min You, but... his old name is SHI YAN. Yes, he is the missing Shi Yan from Shi Family." [Mo Chao Ge] says.

"WHAT!?!?" [Everyone] shocks.