Chapter 44 Meeting Parent

Grace Mainland, Merchant Union, Silent City.

Silent City is the second biggest city in Merchant Union. Silent City is an entryway to Merchant Union from Fire Empire and God Blessed Empire. The number of people are bigger than Tian Yun City. There are a lot of mercenary groups that using this city as their basecamp.

For the last week, a lot of young generations and some hotshots from Five Big Family came to Silent City. A lot of civilians and mercenary became wary. Later, they calmed down since they didn't sense any hostility from that Five Big Family. But they confused with Five Big Family except Bei Ming Family. They never imagined before that those Four Family can be in harmony with each other.

Today, a group of eight people enter Silent City, three of them wear strange fashion and causing some attraction to them. Before long, Five Big Family have heard these news and begin to move.

"Min You Ge, these city is quite crowded. Later, let's go shopping." [You You Min] says while hopping around.

"No way, we are poor. You Min, just try to remember which one you like, then you can buy it at New God's Domain with better quality." [Yang Min You] retorts.

"... Min You Ge, did you forget about Shi Yan?" [Mo Yan Yu] suddenly asks.

"Shi Yan? Of course I remember. This body original owner. Why?" [Yang Min You] asks.

"He is from Big Five Family in Merchant Union... What I mean is, he is from rich family." [Mo Yan Yu] answers.

Σ( ° △ °) "Huh?!?!" [Yang Min You and You You Min] shock. They completely forget about this.

"Well, I think I agree with Min You Ge. We can buy something with better quality in New God's Domain just like my clothes, I wear now. This clothes have the same motif and colour with my tattered clothes before but it is more comfortable in my body and more durable too." [Mu Yu Die] says.

"Then let's just window shopping, but we must try delicacy in here. New God's Domain doesn't sell food." [You You Min] says.

"Agree!!!" [Everyone] says.

Luo Hao, Zhao Xin and Hu Long couldn't enter New God's Domain. But they knew about it. And the new clothes, they wear now was bought by Mu Yu Die and Di Ya Lan from New God's Domain. They like it too. So they just follow Yang Min You around.

"Now, let's go to Shi Family Branch first." [Yang Min You] says.

After walking for a few blocks, they reach a big house with wood placard above its main door. This wood placard has some words, Shi Family Branch.

Yang Min You eight people enter the house. A middle age attendant greets them.

"Welcome back, Young Master Shi." [Attendant] bows to them.

"??? Do you remember me? It has been a year." [Yang Min You] asks in surprise.

"I am sorry, Young Master. I don't remember you at all. You were very rarely visiting here, Young Master. I recognized you after I saw Miss Mo, and I already knew about her story." [Attendant] says.

"WAHAHAHAHAHA!?!?" [All girls] laugh very loudly. All men are holding their laugh, but their shoulder are very tremble. Yang Min You facepalms. 'Shi Yan, Shi Yan... What kind of person are you? Your people couldn't recognize you in your territory... Are you a hikikomori?'

"Min You Ge... Shi Yan couldn't cultivate, so he always isolated himself in Shi Main House in Tian Yun City. He never came out except for invitation or city event. He always read some books in his house. I think the number I met him before didn't pass ten." [Mo Yan Yu] whispers to Yang Min You and You You Min.

"... I see. He was suffered from inferiority complex." [You You Min] says.

"But why did he die in that blood cave? It is a very rare case for hikikomori to do an expedition. What kind of book did he read?" [Yang Min You] whispers back.

The attendant watches Yang Min You whispering to each other, and he realizes that something is wrong. His name is Han Zhong. A trustee aide from Shi Main Family. There is no way that he couldn't recognize Shi Yan and vice versa.

"Young Master, please enter the main hall first, Master Yang is waiting for you." [Han Zhong] says.

"Ok, you lead the way." [Yang Min You] answers confidently.

When they enter the main hall, there are four people waiting for them. Han Zhong doesn't enter the main hall, but immediately leaves and gives command to not let anyone come to the main hall. He gives them some privacy.

When Mo Yan Yu saw Shi Qing, she immediately comes and hugs her and says tenderly "Greeting Ma, I am Mo Yan Yu, now is your third daughter in law."

(=゚Д゚=) "... Huh!?!?" [Everyone] dumbfound.

You You Min immediately follows Mo Yan Yu's action. Then the other girls follow her.

Yang Hai and Shi Qing are shocked beyond believe.

"You are Mu Yu Die, the granddaughter of that famous General Mu from Fire Empire? How did Shi Yan meet you?" [Yang Hai] confused.

Luo Hao answers for her. "Brother Yang, General Mu already died under joint attack of his political enemies. We are under Yang Min You's protection now. You thinked too highly about us. My name is Luo Hao, before I was a Vice General under General Mu, now I am only an old man who become Mu Yu Die's foster father."

"Wait a minute, just now all of you said first, third, sixth and seventh daughter in laws??? Where are the second, fourth, and fifth daughter in laws? Are they coming with you?" [Shi Qing] asks in confuse but she is stopped by Yang Min You's word.

"These two are..." [Yang Min You] asks while looking at Zuo Shi and Chi Xiao. The two of them also looking at him in curious. Especially Zuo Shi, she found out that Yang Min You's aura was completely different with Shi Yan. It is more approachable than the always serious Shi Yan.

Shi Qing almost jumps in fright. She immediately says "Shi Yan, she is your fiance, Zuo Shi, and beside her is Chi Xiao, her master and also her foster father."

You You Min looks around at Zuo Shi's face and figure and vice versa.

"Yup, I like her. Min You Ge, take her as your eighth wife." [You You Min] says with blooming smile.

"Oi... You Min..." [Yang Min You] retorts but he is cut off by Mo Yan Yu.

"I agree. Zuo Shi is a good girl. She is a genius from Zuo Family who is already Human Realm - Second Sky. Her only weakness is too lazy." [Mo Yan Yu] says.

"You are right, Miss Mo. She only cultivates at most one hour a day. I couldn't make her to seriously cultivate. Her good point is her straighforward and childish attitude." [Chi Xiao] sighes.

"Do you accept it, Zuo Shi?" [You You Min] asks.

"Hmmm. Let me think about it first." [Zuo Shi] says. But she has a big curiosity toward You You Min too.

"Allright, you have time until we decide to leave Merchant Union in the near future." [You You Min] says.

"What!!!! You want to go again?" [Shi Qing] frightens.

Yang Min You looks around and after decides that everyone are family, he begins to tell his story.

"So, in another word, Shi Yan's soul was destroyed. And I am another soul from different world who merges with Shi Yan's body. You You Min and me are from different world. And I don't have any Shi Yan's memory." [Yang Min You] says to the point.

Shi Qing's eyes are brimming with tears.

"Yang Ge, huhuhu... The bad dream from two month ago was real. Shi Yan, he was dead two month ago. Huhuhu..." [Shi Qing] cries while hugging Yang Hai.

"If you can accept me, than allow me to call you two, Mama and Papa. If you can not, than it is our fate to be separated here." [Yang Min You] says with a little hopeful look.

"I accept you. After all, your body is still my child body." [Yang Hai] answers with heavy voice.

"I... I also accept you with condition. Allow me to call you, Shi Yan." [Shi Qing] says with tears. At first, she couldn't accept Yang Min You, but when she heard Yang Hai's word that Yang Min You's body is still her child body, she tries to accept it.

"Thank you, Papa and Mama." [Yang Min You] hugs both of them. After he releases them, You You Min also hugs both of them, kisses them on the cheek and whispers "Thanks, Pa, Ma. Actually both of us are orphan in our original world."

"Since both of you accept us, I will call the other two wives now." [Yang Min You] immediately disappeared.

"!!! Where is Shi Yan?" [Shi Qing] shocks.

"Space ability???" [Chi Xiao] also shocks.

"Just like he said before, we have a different space called New God's Domain. Since, it hasn't mature, currently only Min You Ge, all of her wives and female being can enter it. I don't know if Papa can enter it now. But we believe in the future, all of you can enter it." [You You Min] says.

Suddenly Yang Min You, Xiao Qing and Xiao Shu appear. Yang Hai, Shi Qing are shocked and almost fall but they are held by You You Min. Zuo Shi and Chi Xiao are also shocked and Chi Xiao immediately stands in front of Zuo Shi.