Chapter 45 Non Human Race Wives

Grace Mainland, Merchant Union, Silent City.

"Pa, Ma. Let me introduce my other two wives. This is Xiao Qing, my fourth wife. Beast Race - Jade Blade Spider Clan from Dark Forest." [Yang Min You] says.

"Greeting... Pa... Ma..." [Xiao Qing] greets them.

"L-L-Level 7 beast???" [Chi Xiao] stutters with pale face.

Yang Hai and Shi Qing froze when they heard level 7 beast.

"And this is Xiao Shu, my fifth wife. Beast Race - Sky Tree Clan from Dark Forest." [Yang Min You] says.

"Greeting Pa, Ma." [Xiao Shu] says. Everyone already decided before to hide the real race of Xiao Shu, it would cause a lot of trouble for Xiao Shu.

"SKY TREE!!!!! T-T-That big tree in the Dark Forest???" [Yang Hai] shocks.

"Oh, he is my great-great-great-great grandfather." [Xiao Shu] answers.

Yang Hai looks at Chi Xiao with pale face and says "Chi Xiao brother... Could you go with me for asking apologize later? I always took a pee at behind Sky Tree, whenever I went for business trip..."

Chi Xiao trembles with pale face too. "So fluent with human speech... A Level 8 beast?"

"... Don't worry Pa, I will tell him about your apologize, you don't need to make a special trip to my great-great-great-great grandpa." [Xiao Shu] reassures Yang Hai.

"...Xiao Qing? Xiao Shu? Can I touch you?" [Zuo Shi] asks. Her eyes are bling - bling with full of curiosity.

"Xiao Qing, Xiao Shu. She is Zuo Shi, in the future, she is your eighth sister." [You You Min] says.

Xiao Qing and Xiao Shu nods their head toward Zuo Shi. And Zuo Shi immediately jumps, hugs and poking them while laughing like a child.

"... You Min, are you sure about Zuo Shi becoming my eighth wife? Why do I feel guilty to defile such pure girl in the future?" [Yang Min You] comes to You You Min who holds the froze Shi Qing.

"You must. I like her very much like my own daughter. It was a pity, Shi Yan was so rigid like a block, and Zuo Shi didn't develope any feeling toward him. But, now is different. Her eyes are rarely showing an interest toward people like now." [Shi Qing] glares at Yang Min You.

"Allright Ma." [Yang Min You] smiles toward her. Shi Qing also realizes it, she felt that the barrier between them can be reduce easily. Now she thinks that it is better to accept the new Shi Yan, since her only son already dead, and from this new son, she could feel a warm family feeling that was rarely felt from her super serious son.

CLAP!!! Yang Min You claps his hands.

"Allright, I can see that everyone are calming down. Now, I will introduce you my second wife. Ruby." [Yang Min You] says.

"Wait a minute, son. Let me drink some tea first. Although she is your second wife but she is the last, you introduce to us. She must have a very big secret." [Yang Hai] picks a cup of tea from the table. Shi Qing and Chi Xiao follow him to drink a cup of tea first.

"Allright, we are ready." [Yang Hai] says to Yang Min You.

'Actually I am here since beginning.' [Ruby] flickers her flame. Now her flame is a little pale compare than before. Her Profound Qi is substituted with Pure Profound Qi little by little.

"What!!!!" [Chi Xiao] shocks. His breath becomes faster. He couldn't feel Ruby's presence until there is a flicker.

A red ring flies from You You Min cloth.

'Greeting Ma, Pa. Although I am far far older than you two. I am Ruby, the second wife. A Demon Clan - Charming Race. Currently I am sealed inside this Blood Vein Ring.' [Ruby] flickers.

"D-Demon Race?" [Shi Qing] asks with a little tremble.

'Yes Ma. I am sealed in this ring for a long time. I already forget about it. But Min You Ge has my picture, you can see it.' [Ruby] flickers.

Yang Min You shows Ruby's photo to everyone. When Ruby saw Yang Min You and You You Min's photo before, she wondered about these high quality picture. And then she tried to buy her photo in New God's Domain shop. And the shop sold her photo based on her memory. She was very happy to see her original appearance again and treated this photo as a treasure.

"So beautiful. Ruby, who is sealing you?" [Shi Qing] asks while watching Ruby's photo.

'This... I'll tell you a little secret and keep it as your family secret. Only your trusted people can hear about this. This world have several inhabitants planets. And there are a lot of race and clan in these planets. At that time, suddenly appeared a being, we didn't know what was his race. And he was very strong, and could create several clones at once, a lot of clan was completely annihilated. He always destroyed everything.' [Ruby] explains.

"... I never read this story from any ancient literature I found." [Chi Xiao] says.

"Maybe in Shi Yan's room has it. He liked to collect, read and copy a lot of ancient literatures." [Yang Hai] says.

"What is his name? He killed my Shi Yan." [Shi Qing] looks angry.

'Sorry, Ma. I can not say his name. If he is still alive, I mean his real body, he can know our location just by saying his name.' [Ruby] flickers.

"Hiss!!! So strong. I read before that in God Realm, people can gain that ability." [Chi Xiao] deeply inhales and exhales. Yang Hai and Shi Qing shock when they look Chi Xiao's expression.

'All of race joined attack to defeat him. The weaker members joined attack to destroy his clones. And I was in these weaker team too. My team destroyed one of his clone. But only his clone's body was destroyed, he used his clone's soul to blast and separate all of my team member, and me as this team leader was sealed in this ring. His soul was guarding this ring and I was completely cut off with outside world. I was awaken when this soul was killing and trying to occupy Shi Yan's body. At that time, I saw Shi Yan's original soul was destroyed and a second soul appeared and fought with this soul for several hours. The second soul was also destroyed, and Min You Ge soul appeared. Min You Ge won in those soul battle for a week.' [Ruby] continues with her story.

"What kind of enemy was that? So strong!!!" [Hu Long] trembles in fear.

"... Son, you just appeared here and immediately in deadly battle. It was hard for you..." [Yang Hai] pats Yang Min You's shoulder. Yang Min You just smiles.

"Your mental must be very strong, I don't think I can survive in those soul battle for a week." [Chi Xiao] sighes.

"No way, it just that soul was weaken a lot by time and couldn't recover his energy." [Yang Min You] says.

'Then I was released and could move around. Later, I found out from Min You Ge that I was sealed more than billion years.' [Ruby] ends her story.

"... Miss Ruby, can I ask what is your cultivation before being sealed?" [Chi Xiao] asks.

'I am at Immortal Realm - First Sky.' [Ruby] answers.

"???" [Everyone] confuse.

"I never heard that realm." [Luo Hao] says. This is the first time for Luo Hao male team to learn about Ruby's existence too.

"Ruby's cultivation under sealed now is True God Realm - Third Sky. Above True God Realm are King God Realm, Original God Realm, Ethereal God Realm, Incipient God Realm, Immortal Realm, Territory Ancestor Realm, and Absolute Beginning Realm." [You You Min] says with michievous eyes.

"OH MY GOD???" [Everyone except New God's Domain member and Zuo Shi] shock and exclaim.

"Ruby, how old are you before sealed?" [Shi Qing] asks.

'I forget. I think I am around 500 years old when I breakthrough to Immortal Realm - First Sky. I resented my master before for forbidding all of her disciples to have any romantic relationship. But I am glad now. I can have a romantic feeling with Min You Ge. And have a lot of nice sisters.' [Ruby] flickers.

"Qing Er? What's wrong?" [Yang Hai] asks when he saw Shi Qing's gloomy face.

"I am upset that the enemy is too strong before. But after hear Ruby's story, I am feeling very old when Ruby called me Ma." [Shi Qing] sighes. Everyone speechless.

"Pa, Ma, I have present for you two. But, all male must go out first." [Yang Min You] says.

Luo Hao immediately understands. "Brother Chi Xiao, let's go and prevent everyone from entering this room." Then four people going out. Zuo Shi stays behind.

"Yup, now. PARTY!!!" [You You Min] sends party invitation to Yang Min You, Ruby and Mo Yan Yu.

"Pa, Ma, now strip all your clothes and change to this clothes." [Mo Yan Yu] grins, she already bought these clothes before and left them in her room, now she just picks them from New God's Domain.