Chapter 48 Hobby... Make Up

Grace Mainland, Merchant Union, Silent City.

Everyone who saw the strange smile in Yang Min You's team, become puzzle.

"Why do you smile like that, Shi Yan? Don't you afraid of Bei Ming Family's sneak attack?" [Shi Qing] asks with worry.

"Hahahahaha... Don't worry too much, Aunt Shi Qing. As long as they are not faster than Silver Thunder Wolf King, they won't be able to sneak attack Yang Min You." [Hu Long] laughes and says.

"Silver Thunder Wolf King? That level 7 wolf?" [Chi Xiao] asks.

"Yang Min You fought one on one with the King, while You You Min and Mo Yan Yu fought with around one hundred wolves." [Hu Long] says.

"Oi, don't exaggerate the story. Xiao Qing was also there at that time. That battle was friendly battle." [You You Min] reprimands him.

"Sorry, You Min Jie." [Hu Long] apologizes, but he still grins.

Everyone are shocked but not too much since they already saw Xiao Qing. Except Ling Yue Yue, Ling Shao Feng, and Mo Zhan. They are really frightened.

"Yan Yu... Did you really meet that Level 7 beast Silver Thunder Wolf King?" [Ling Shao Feng] asks timidly.

Mo Yan Yu just nods her head. Ling Shao Feng becomes gloomy. Mo Yan Yu doesn't want to answer him, just nod.

Ling Yue Yue distressed too. She realized these matters after she saw all of the girls in the main hall. About beauty, everyone have each characteristic of beauty. About strength, she doesn't have the courage to meet Level 7 beast. She doesn't have any ability that can be proud of. For the first time, she is completely defeated without comparing with the other party.

You You Min has been looking at Ling Yue Yue for a while. She is also a beauty but ... a weirdo? What was she thinking about to have that much facial expression? Confindent expression, dejected expression, smiling, sighing.

"What are you thinking about? Ling Yue Yue?" [You You Min] asks directly.

"Hmm? Nothing... I was told by my family to create a connection with you. And if possible, I join your team too as Shi Yan's wife. But, for the first time I realized. I have nothing to be proud of if I compare to you all. Except, that girl... I have a little confident with my look if being compare with that girl." [Ling Yue Yue] sighes while pointing at Di Ya Lan.

Di Ya Lan is not angry at all when she heard what Ling Yue Yue's said. She also realized her weak points too from appearance, skill, and her widow status. So she trained hard her hobby, her cooking ability. So she believes her cooking is her strong point.

Mu Yu Die is similar with Di Ya Lan. She focuses on music. Both of them realized that New God's Domain has a lot of thing that can be studied. So both of them don't have inferiority complex. They just focus on what they want.

"Then, what is your hobby?" [You You Min] asks again.

"Hobby... Make up." [Ling Yue Yue] answers dejectly.

"Martial Spirit?" [You You Min] asks again.

"Our family don't have martial spirit." [Ling Shao Feng] answers. His face is a little funny, between afraid and anger.

"... That's your own weakness. In the past, Human race were the weakest race. But they could stand equally with other stronger race because of their Martial Spirit. And that EVERY HUMAN I SAW had Martial Spirit." [You You Min] says. Of course, it was Ruby's experience.

"!!!" Everyone in the main hall stand up and shock. Except Hu Long, Ling Shao Feng and Mo Zhan. They understand You You Min's words.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! I understand. I understand. That means even I have Martial Spirit, just I haven't realize what is it and how to do it." [Chi Xiao] laughes broadly. Ling Yue Yue, Luo Hao and Zhao Xin also become happy.

"What's happened? Why did some of you so happy like that?" [Hu Long] asks.

Ling Shao Feng also confuses.


Ling Yue Yue slaps Ling Shao Feng's back head again.

"Stupid brother, our Ling Family actually have a chance to gain Martial Spirit.This is a good news. What is with your gloomy face?" [Ling Yue Yue] says with a joyful smile.

Ling Shao Feng just realizes it now. But his focus is different with other people. He becomes very afraid toward You You Min. He stutters "D-d-did you say 'I saw' just now?" while stepping back several steps.

"!!!" Everyone in the main hall shock again when they heard Ling Shao Feng's word. But they immediately smile and become more confident, especially those who haven't gain Martial Spirit. (Except Ling Yue Yue.) They understand that it was Ruby's word.

Ling Yue Yue decides to work hard to follow You You Min. She wants to become stronger too.

The chatterbox Mo Zhan is completely quite now. He realizes that he couldn't brag about his power now. His silent makes Ling Yue Yue and Mo Yan Yu a little strange, but they ignore it after a while.

Mo Zhan decides to ask "Sister Yan Yu, how strong are you now?"

"Me?" [Mo Yan Yu] asks back while pointing at herself.

"Follow me." [Mo Yan Yu] goes to the yard. Mo Zhan and Ling Shao Feng follow her.

In the yard, Mo Yan Yu just shows her Lighting Martial Spirit in her hand then she shoots a Lightning Qi Slash to the sky. Ling Shao Feng kneels down in shock. He realizes that Mo Yan Yu is really stronger than him now. When he compares it with Mo Zhan's lightning, their thickness are completely in different level. Mo Yan Yu comes back to the main hall and sits down. After a while, Mo Zhan and Ling Shao Feng also come back.

"Yan Yu... Is your favourite Verdant Crescent Slash also stronger now?" [Ling Shao Feng] asks with depressed expression.

"Hhh... That master of mine... is too weak. He said before that my Verdant Crescent Slash is his best skill and I already reached Mastery in this skill. But in front of Min You Ge and You Min Jie, that skill is just a basic skill. Both of them could use it easily. What you saw in the yard was teached by them." [Mo Yan Yu] sighes.

"Allright, let's have a dinner now. Outside is already a little dark." [Shi Qing] says to lighter the awkward situation.

"Yue Yue, you three people stay here too. Let's have dinner together." [Shi Qing] adds.

Everyone have dinner together, then they excuse themselves to rest. Ling Yue Yue three people are asked to sleep over at Shi house. Ling Shao Feng and Mo Zhan refuse and go back to each house. They have a very heavy feeling lately. But Ling Yue Yue is stayed over. Her purpose is to get close to You You Min as much as possible.

At late night, Yang Min You and girls decide to go back to New God's Domain but they don't bring back Zuo Shi and Ling Yue Yue. They couldn't sleep and missed their spring bed. Everyone are tired and immediately go to sleep. Only You You Min and Ruby are assaulting Yang Min You in his sleep.

The next day, Luo Hao, Zhao Xin and Hu Long go to the mercenary guild. They disband their old team and register their new team with Luo Hao as their leader. Di Ya Lan and Mu Yu Die are registered as their members too. But they also know that Mu Yu Die and Di Ya Lan will not focus on their mercenary team in the future. It just their only way to protect their family bond, since they are not blood related. They decide to make Tian Yun City as their basecamp.

"Zhao Xin, Hu Long. Increase your vigilance. There are a lot of people watching us with strange eyes." [Luo Hao] says.

"Shall we run now?" [Zhao Xin] asks.

"No need. Just increase your vigilance." [Luo Hao] answers.

At the same time at Shi Family Branch house, Yang Min You and You You Min are observing everyone's training especially those who haven't train Pure Profound Qi. They point out the flaw of their skill and how to resolve it. With their sensitive sense of Qi, they can do it easily. They doesn't teach the Pure Profound Qi to them.

'You Min. Luo Hao's team are in danger, they are surrounded by around thirty people. I sense five people from yesterday observing in slight distance over there too.' [Ruby] is mind talking to You You Min. And she conveys Ruby's word to Yang Min You.


Yang Min You claps his hands to gain attention.

"Girls. Luo Hao team are surrounded right now.We will go and it will be six man battle team. I, You Min, Ruby, Yan Yu, Die and Ya Lan will go." [Yang Min You] asks. After that, the six of them prepare themselves for battle.

"Shi Yan. Be careful." [Shi Qing] sends him with worry expression.

"Don't worry too much Ma." [Yang Min You] smiles. Then they immediately leave for rescue.

"Who is Ruby? I never see her before." [Ling Yue Yue] asks to Zuo Shi.

"Oh, Ruby Jie is an expert. Far stronger than my master." [Zuo Shi] answers.

Ling Yue Yue nods her head and decides to pay respect to her later.