Chapter 49 Bei Ming Ce's Plan

Grace Mainland, Merchant Union, Silent City.


After came out from Shi Family Branch house, Bei Ming Ce was very angry. His and his grandfather's entire plan was read and destroyed by that girl.

"Yin Kui, Jiu San. Send people to watch Shi Family Branch house. Any people come out from this house, report to me." [Bei Ming Ce] ordered his two guards. After that he went to the highest class restaurant in the city.

"Yes, Young Master." [Yin Kui and Jiu San] answered.

After organizing some people, the two guards came back to meet Bei Ming Ce in the restaurant.

Before long, there was a report, that there was an electric energy was shot to the sky. People nearby that house could sense goosebumps because of that electric.

"Who is it? Mo Yan Yu? Is her power increase?" [Bei Ming Ce] confused.

"Don't worry too much, Young Master. We couldn't sense any energy from here, that means she is not that strong." [Yin Kui] said.

"You are right. She was only Nascent Realm Second Sky before." [Bei Ming Ce] answered.

After that, there were several reports, but that only several servants and maids were coming out to buy something. He ignored it.

At night, there was a report that Mo Zhan and Ling Shao Feng were coming out from that house.

"Great, let's intercept them now." [Bei Ming Ce] said to his guards and immediately leaved. Yin Kui followed him while Jiu San left some money on the cashier for payment and followed them.

Before long, they stopped Mo Zhan and Ling Shao Feng.

"Bei Ming Ce, what do you want?" [Ling Shao Feng] asked. Both of them raised their vigilance.

"HAHAHAHAHA. I just want you two to colaborate with me." [Bei Ming Ce] laughed sinisterly.

"Colaborate?" [Ling Shao Feng] looked at him with more vigilance.

Ling Shao Feng and Mo Zhan knew that their emotion were uncontrollable and often causing problems. But they are genius youngsters too. They easily recognized the coming trouble. They also knew that these Bei Ming Ce is second only to Bei Ming Shang in backstabbing people. But they hadn't experienced it before.

"I want both of you to send your people to kidnap and kill that Shi Yan and that girl... If I am not wrong, her name is You You Min. She is quite a beauty, we can taste her before kill her too." [Bei Ming Ce] sinisterly smiled.

"I refused." [Mo Zhan and Ling Shao Feng] answered at the same time. At this time, they had a same mind. 'Are you crazy? You want us to kidnap, rape and kill that ancient being. Aren't that the same with courting death, Asshole.'

"You dare to refuse me?" [Bei Ming Ce] became angry again.

"Our father stripped our authority over our people before coming here." [Mo Zhan] said easily.

"Yup, they were afraid that we were courting problem." [Ling Shao Feng] added.

Previously, both of them were very angry with this order. But now they realized that they almost make an enemy with ancient being. Both of their family would be destroyed completely if they make her angry.

"Those middle age foxes!!!" [Bei Ming Ce] cursed angrily. Once again his plan was failed. And that people weren't here too.

"Bei Ming Ce!!! Why are you cursing our father? Are you planning to become enemy with the our two families?" [Mo Zhan] got angry too.

"Capture them!!! And bring them back!!!" [Bei Ming Ce] ordered his guards. Both of them immediately knocked them unconciously.

Bei Ming Ce returned home and began to think of a new plan. He knew if that uncles ordered their people to ignore the younger generation's request, these younger generation would not be able to order them. Because people in his family also like that.

Later, he called five of his people. He ordered them to find around fifty mercenary people. He didn't care about their cultivation. Their jobs were to cripple everyone that coming out from Shi Family Branch house. If not possible to cripple, then killed them. And these five people must introduced themselves as people from Ling Family and Mo Family when hire them.

Today, the unlucky person who are coming out this morning are Luo Hao, Zhao Xin and Hu Long. Bei Ming Ce and his guards bring Mo Zhan and Ling Shao Feng to watch and listen the report on the highest class restaurant.

Mo Zhan and Ling Shao Feng are poisoned. They can not used their Profound Qi. They are not different with ordinary citizen right now. They are forced to watch the show together with Bei Ming Ce.


Meanwhile, You You Min activates her Gamer Martial Spirit and adds the other five people into party. Yang Min You and Ruby are not surprised since they often played game together at night when they had spare time. Mo Yan Yu, Mu Yu Die and Di Ya Lan are shocked with the flying words / game's interface and game's map. But after a while, they used to it.

Ruby plans to recolour the enemy in the map, but she realizes that the range is too short. So, she changes the plan to use party chat for easier communication. And this party chat is similar to mind chat but the whole party can heard it, the other people couldn't heard it.

When Yang Min You realizes that the number of enemy are over fifty people. He backs to home alone. He requests to Yang Hai to lend him some people. He only needs them to bring the fainted people to go home. Ling Yue Yue and Chi Xiao pick their communication device and request some people from their Branch home. Then Ling Yue Yue, Zuo Shi and Chi Xiao follow Yang Min You. Behind them, around 60 people from three Big family gather and follow them.

For the first time, Yang Min You saw a communication device from this world. It is made from jade. The higher jade's quality the more number can be connected. And it can only be operated using Profound Qi. After watching it for a moment, Yang Min You disinterested. He will buy New God's Domain's handphone later. It just too expensive for the current him.

Yang Min You meets You You Min and rejoins the party. The five people begin to move at fast speed, and knock out some people that Ruby points out along the way. Chi Xiao three people are shocked by how efficient the movement of Yang Min You's team. Even two of the knocked out people are Disaster Realm. They couldn't react at their fast sneak attack.

Before long, Yang Min You team can see Luo Hao team in the distance. Seeing they are safe for now. Yang Min You separates from the team and moves to the highest class restaurant in these city. Ruby already pointed out that there are five known people, and five people who coming in and out nonstop to meet them.

You You Min's Gamer Martial Spirit and Ruby's pointing are very important in the party for sneaking attack at high speed. So only Yang Min You moves alone. Chi Xiao team are requested to follow You You Min team to pick fainted people back to home.

At the highest room on the restaurant, Bei Ming Ce has heard some report. When he heard about Yang Min You and four girls were coming out of the house, he became happy and almost ordered the people to attack him. But before he did that, a new report came again that Yang Min You had returned back to the house alone. Before long a new report came again that Yang Min You came out again, behind him was Chi Xiao, Ling Yue Yue, and Zuo Shi. What he couldn't believe, there were around 60 people moved out under their combine order.

Bei Ming Ce becomes very angry again. His plan will backfire to him if these mercenary were captured. It would be better if they are dead, there would be no evidence. He hardly believes that Ling Family also move out under Ling Yue Yue's order. He glares at Ling Shao Feng and throws his cup to Ling Shao Feng. Ling Shao Feng's forehead is bleeding since he can not use any Profound Qi. He glares at Bei Ming Ce too.

"Young master, bad news. Almost half of the mercenary are lost contact. The rest of mercenary are running away under heavy sneak attack when we contacted them." [Yin Kui] reports.

Before Bei Ming Ce answers, another report come again.

"Young Master, Shi Yan is walking toward here alone. I already order our five people below to cripple him." [Jiu San] says.

"Good. Bring his body here. I will torture him and use him as bait to capture that girl. If I don't torture, rape and kill both of them, my anger will not dissipated." [Bei Ming Ce] smiles sinisterly.

"Really?" [???]