Quartex System

"Is this what you implied by choosing? Old Man, did you know something like this was going to happen?"


When he first saw this screen he thought he had turned into an idiot, however, when he saw that the window screen didn't seem to be leaving any time soon he pushed the thoughts of being delusional to the back of his mind.

Zhao Yun's was on the verge of stomping at the ground and banging his head on the walls, "Why are so many weird things happening? I'm starting to doubt my eyes, am I still sane? Would someone insane know if they were sane? I mean, I don't think I am insane" he rubbed his eyes and reopened them once again only to see the window screen was still floating in front of him in thin air.

Maybe his hunger was starting to impair his vision and maybe even affecting his mind?

For these past few hours, he had been seriously contemplating on what he should do. His situation as it was, was uncertain, however, he had a feeling that the most likely scenario would him being killed off by either one, the people who captured him, or two, starvation.

His hunger was hitting an all-time low and if he didn't get food soon he was sure that he would not survive another three days.

So his choices as it stood were one, take the chance of waiting for the warden to come and deal with him and hope that his captures believe his story and let him go, or two, accept this inheritance that was in front of him now and hope that it will somehow give him a way of getting out of this place.

After a long while passed, he sighs deeply, "I don't like the first idea, the chance of surviving is slim and I don't feel like dying again if I can help it. The only choice left is this thing"

Zhao Yun stared at the window screen for a moment before raising his arm, his finger stopped just inches from the box, "Forget it, I will deal with the consequences when they come, besides, this inheritance could have something to do with the old man, the possibility is small but it still exists. If he should have a connection with this then this is my only chance at finding him"

Without hesitating any longer he his finger moved and pressed "Yes".

A loading icon appeared and swirled in circles, Zhao Yun could tell that it resembled a lot like the computer systems on Earth particularly the game interfaces.

After waiting for only a moment several window screens replaced the old.




Zhao Yun was stunned for a moment, "It will aid me?"

Feeling as if a lifeline was just thrown out to him he immediately pressed "Yes" to start the tutorial.

However, just after pressing "Yes" he almost instantly regretted his decision. Information flooded his mind causing a splitting headache and only after a short while passed did he start to feel better.

He collapsed to the floor and felt his vision going blurry, "I can't pass out, otherwise, it might fall asleep for good"

Zhao Yun mustered the last of his strength to sit back up and bite his tongue to make the pain keep him conscious.

He felt as if his brain had scanned every word from a book and had perfectly memorised it to the letter, he felt like his mind has overworked. Zhao Yun recalled the information and looked at the new window screen in front of him.

However, even though he was mustering every ounce of his strength to remain conscious he still felt his eyesight getting blurry by the second.





Zhao Yun who was struggling to keep his eyes opened all of a sudden felt a warm current of energy flow throughout his body, starting from his heart to his chest, then left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg, and finally the head.

One could also faintly see that the bruises on Zhao Yun's fragile body were actually starting to slowly disappear.

He felt completely revitalised as if he was reborn, he hadn't felt this good since coming to this world, even on Earth, his mind had never felt this focused before.

"Amazing, I was so close to having the biggest nap on the reapers lap and yet I feel like the weariness was all but made up. I don't even that hungry any more"

Zhao Yun stood up and immediately checked around his body, he felt that even his fragile body had slightly gotten better.

"How is this possible?"

He returned his sight on the several displayed system notifications, after reading through them he was dumbfounded, "This system is truly benevolent, it really did come and aid me"

Now that he could actually focus on figuring away out of this place he put all his attention on studying the system's capabilities.

"From the tutorial, it talks about the functions in detail"

Pressing the icon a system screen appeared,

Name: Zhao Yun

Cultivation: Mortal - Damaged Spiritual Veins

Bloodline: Human

Condition: Normal

System Points: 0

"Starting with status, it reflects and even monitors my being, such as my name, the level of my cultivation, bloodline as well as the condition of my body"

Zhao Yun scratched his head in confusion, "How is this any different from the system interfaces in games?" He was very curious about the existence of this Quartex System, what really was it?

He shook his head and returned back to the topic at hand, he could spend as much time as he wants thinking about the origin of the system after he is in the green. (In the green basically means; being safe)

Seeing that "Status" was pretty self-explanatory, he continued on and pressed the "Skills" icon underneath "Status".

Skill List:


"Skills, it says that the system will record the skills I learn... Maybe its for people who have bad memory? Other than that there is no other information"

He continued on to "Objectives", however, after reading the system screen he was stunned, dumbfounded.

Main Objective - Prevent the destruction of the universe or win the Universal Realm War - Rewards: ???

"...Is this thing broken?" His eye twitched several times and immediately felt an invisible pressure crushing down on his shoulders.

He couldn't help but feel as if he was scammed, but at the same, a lingering thought was creeping into mind that made him shiver in fear and excitement. "Old man, this definitely has something to do with you". He wiped his eyes, his eyes shone with even more brightness than before.

"I'll come back to this afterwards"

He had to push his wild thoughts to the back of his mind, at the moment he felt as if it was about time for the people who captured him to deal with him.

"Next is Inventory, a spatial dimension that is capable of storing any amount of non-living objects, indeed useful, but, is it real?"

Opening the "Inventory" screen, several rows of boxes appeared in front of him with the majority of them being blank, however, there were some that were filled in with various icons.

A system notification appeared on the side of the inventory screen with several lines of text.

Zhao Yun read them carefully and was stunned once again.


Shadow Void Steps

Mystic Eye Bloodline

Water Form Sword Manual

Iron Sword

1x Body Restoration Pill

3x Energy Vitality Pills

3x Spiritual Energy Gathering Pills

1x XP Pill

1x Star Ranked 1 Dungeon Key

Divine Spiritual Veins

His body trembled in excitement, he felt as if he had won the lottery.

"Hopefully now I'll be able to leave, but does this inventory really work?" Curious he followed the instructions on how to take things out from his inventory, putting his arm through the inventory system interface he felt as if his hand had slipped into a pool of water. He imagined the object he wished to appear and then felt his handhold something.

Zhao Yun pulled his arm out and with it, a hilt came out followed by an iron blade, this was the iron sword he was gifted. His eyes sparkled in awe "This inventory has so many practical uses, I won't ever need to carry a bag"

"From my passed selves life, there were talks about how once you reached a certain level in cultivation one could also possess his own small pocket dimension to store things. The only other thing that comes close to this ability is the storage rings"

After observing the iron sword for a moment he placed it back into his inventory and continued to look at the rest of the gifts. He quickly came to a plan after viewing the descriptions.

"I'll learn the techniques available then I'll take these to fix myself" His body trembled in excitement, obtaining the ability to perform supernatural abilities was something that made him excited to try. On Earth he practised his martial arts daily under the old man, he has always enjoyed the feeling of bettering himself and had even set his goal to one day beat the old man.

The Quartex Survival Crate was as its name suggested, it would give the host the gifts that would best keep him alive for a period so as to gather power and also useful gifts that would help him directly if his situation was dire.

Indeed, the system seemed to be like a benevolent god that has pitied Zhao Yun and so it showed mercy to him and graced him a golden spoon to help.

Zhao Yun felt like a naked girl that was seducing a sugar daddy, only when she paid with her body did the sugar daddy decided to lend a helping hand.

"Why am I feeling embarrassed?" His shook his head to rid of his guilty thoughts.

"The rest of the pills can't help me at the moment, I can only wait when I am capable of cultivating, only then would I be able to use them"

Before he could start using his items he heard a system notification ring and a screen appeared,

"Hmm?" Zhao Yun narrowed his eyes, although he looked at the rewards he couldn't care less about it at the moment, the only question that came to his mind was, "Why did I suddenly receive an objective? I haven't done anything, unless..."

Zhao Yun darted his eyes towards the cellar door and locked his sights on the dark long hallway.

A sense of urgency rang inside his head and his heart began to beat faster, "I have to hurry!"

Without wasting any more time he immediately took out the "Body Restoration Pill" from his inventory, it was a small brown ball that didn't have anything else noticeable to look at, he opened his mouth and threw the pill in and swallowed.

At first, he couldn't feel anything but then a burning sensation washed all over his body from head to toe, his eyes shot wide open and he had to forcefully hold in his voice as it threatened to make a loud yell.

He felt as if a thousand fire ants had entered his body was hollowing him out so as to build their nest, he was being destroyed from the inside.

Zhao Yun sweated bullets and he rolled around the ground in agony, 'I have to bear with it! Just a little more!'

After what felt like forever for Zhao Yun the burning sensation gradually reduced and instead was replaced with a fresh but bruised feeling. He stood up and looked around his body, "This is my body?"

His body had undergone a big change, his fragile and bony body was replaced with a masculine body, although he was thinner than usual it was because of his excessive starvation, with just some food he would have a body comparable to his Earth self, maybe even better!

"Alright, on to the next"

He pressed the box icon containing the "Divine Spiritual Veins" and another drop-down box appeared

This time he steeled his heart and prepared himself for the worse, "Merge"

At this moment he felt like a rope was being rolled out inside his body like, then again another burning sensation came from inside him, however this time it wasn't as hot as it was when taking the "Body Restoration Pill".

A smile appeared on the side of his lips and he sighed in relief, the feeling of being hollowed out from the inside by thousands of fire ants wasn't a comfortable feeling and wasn't something he would choose to do again if he was given another option.

A loading bar appeared in front of him indicating how long the process of merging his new spiritual veins would take.




After waiting for about a minute the loading bar reached "100%" and the merging was completed, Zhao Yun felt something unlike before, he felt something strange was around him as if something was in his grasp yet he could not touch it.

"Is this spiritual energy? Amazing" He stared in awe, although it was a minuscule feeling he could still feel its mystical existence.


A loud sound suddenly was heard down the long dark hallway startling Zhao Yun from his awe state mind, his facial expression changed into a deathly serious one.

Zhao Yun quickly threw the xp pill in his mouth and swallowed, he had made sure before that the system would completely mask his spiritual energy so as to not alert anyone.
