First Step

Zhao Yun quickly threw the xp pill in his mouth and swallowed, he had made sure before that the system would completely mask his spiritual energy so as to not alert anyone.



Four days ago.

Inside the Chen Clan's residence, in Chen Luoyang's working quarters.

A middle-aged man was sitting in a chair that seemed to be made out spiritual beasts from various beasts behind a large wooden desk. The middle-aged man had an intimidating aura that could be easily be mistaken for harbouring bad intentions as if was plotting something, he wore a long purple robe with golden edges and his eyes and his brows resembled a lot like eagles.

Focused, sharp and pointy, his demeanour overall would give someone the first impression of a wild beast who was not only cunning but strong as well.

This man was Chen Luoyang, the current Family Head of the Chen Clan.

He leaned back in his chair let out a big heavy breath, his sight then landed on the three individuals who were currently ceremoniously bowing and waiting for his orders.

Chen Luoyang narrowed his eyes and asked, "What happened, who harmed my daughter? Explain now"

After giving his daughter a task, he sent her away to obtain some valuable pills from the Pill Associations located in Qing City, however, it was also because his daughter wished to ask her uncle some questions related to herbs who was currently a senior apprentice at the Pill Association.

He sent some guards to protect her from the shadow, after all, if his enemies captured his daughter and used her against him, Chen Luoyang wouldn't know where to place his hands.

The three individuals standing in front of him were exactly the guards he had sent out to protect his daughter from danger.

Yet, when they returned to the Clan, his daughter was not only injured she was even poisoned?! What were the guards doing? If they couldn't "Guard" or "Protect" his daughter what use were they?

However, not only did they fail to keep his daughter safe, they even dared to say that the perpetrator who harmed her was a cripple?

What a hilarious joke!

His daughter was turning twelve this year and she was currently in Ninth Stage of Elementary Realm! She was beaten and poisoned by a hooligan? Who was also a cripple to boot? Show me how a cripple could harm my daughter, I would like to see him try!

What kind of clown show was he watching? It was obvious that you three are holding something important from me!

After they explained what happened, the Clan Leader stood up and swung his arm down in a rage, he smashed a small side wooden table into pieces before looking towards the "protectors".

He yelled in anger "Are you telling me that a cripple harmed my daughter?! Speak the truth now!"

The three guards shivered in fear, they knew the consequences of their actions and should they not be able to give a proper explanation to appease their Clan Headmaster anger, they would receive punishment. When they thought about the type of punishment they would receive they immediately stopped otherwise they were not confident in stopping themselves from leaking.

Chen Luoyang was like the calm before the storm, although he just broke a table in half and looked to be composed right now, he was actually holding back his desire to rip these useless protectors apart.

You had one job and this is what you bring back to me?!

If they don't choose their words carefully they could very well most likely end up dying, a brave soul walked forward and spoke carefully, "Please appease your anger Headmaster, we swear on the heavens that we are telling the truth! When we arrived on the scene we saw the young crippled boy swing down a tree branch mercilessly near the young miss, we confirmed that the tree branch matched the young misses injury-"


The sound of bones cracking was heard and when the brave soul looked up he saw that the Headmaster was clenching his fist so hard that he could even see spiritual energy wisp from it. An immense pressure crashed on to those inside the room as Chen Luoyang's spiritual energy was released.

The brave soul swallowed his saliva.

His forehead was drenched in cold sweat that he had to continuously use the calf of his robe to clear it away. After explaining, he lifted his head a little to observe the Headmaster's expression and when he saw that his expression was completely frosted over a shade of black he felt his vision going blurry.

The Headmaster squinted his eyes and carefully observed him, he could tell that part of this guy's story was real. His daughter was indeed aloof, curious about all things and kind, it would not have surprised him if his daughter was distracted and ran off to satisfy her curiosity. However, the problem was that a young boy who was a cripple was standing over her, why would he want to harm his daughter? Is he afraid that he has too much time in his life that he wishes for death?

He felt that the truth wasn't so simple.

He couldn't grasp anything reliable as his daughter was still unconscious to this day. "When my Chao'er wakes up, I will personally hand out the fitting punishment"

He observed each of the guards carefully with his eyes, he asked "What has happened with the "perpetrator"?"

The guards quickly answered, at this point, their backs were drenched in sweat, "Headmaster, after returning to the Clan we personally threw him in the Cold Cellar Prison"

Chen Luoyang frowned but didn't say anything, he couldn't be bothered to look at them any longer so he sent them away.

Silence crept into the room, Chen Luoyang leaned back in his chair and pinched the bridge of his nose, he spoke, "Chen Bai, what do you make of the situation?"

A figure walked out from the shadows behind him, this figure was dressed completely black and wore a white mask, after pondering for a moment, he was hesitant to speak.

Chen Luoyang could tell what he was thinking even without looking at him, "Speak freely, I merely want to hear your opinion"

Chen Bai was a confidant of Chen Luoyang, whenever Chen Luoyang needed something done, Chen Bai was the man who dealt with the more menial tasks, he worked in the shadows and not many people even in the Chen Clan knew of him, only a few Elders did.

After receiving permission, Chen Bai gathered his thoughts then spoke, "Master, I feel as if the situation is as not as simple as it seems" he shook his head and elaborated, "Forgive my words, but the thought of a cripple beating your daughter unconscious is very unlikely, even if the young misses guard was down she has received the Chen Clans resources, even though her cultivation is only in the Elementary Realm, her body is as hard as iron. A mere tree branch shouldn't have anything to do with this even if the misses injury resembles that of the blunt object."

He paused for a moment before continuing, "As for the poison, it is possible the crippled boy tricked the young miss with his words. However"

Hearing his pause Chen Luoyang looked to his side, "Hm?"

Not daring to keep his master waiting he spoke, "I feel that "they" may have something to do with this"

Chen Luoyang's eyes turned into slits and he frowned, Chen Bai was his direct attendant that has been loyal to him for over fifteen years. This entire time, whenever he encountered a problem it was Chen Bai opinion he would seek first, so far his intuition has always been accurate, if he says something isn't simple then it was not simple. If he felt that someone did it, they must have done it.

He stood up from his chair and began walking to the door, Chen Luoyang asked in a serious tone, "What are the chances that they are putting their plan into action?"

Chen Bai frowned as well, he thought for a moment before carefully saying, "60%, it is likely that they will resort to different measures"

Chen Luoyang hands clenched into fists, "It is best we start to prepare ourselves"

Without another word he opened the door and took large strides in a hurry to see his daughter.

Chen Bai watched his masters back get further and further away, he remained silent for a while before turning around and disappearing into the shadows.


Under the Chen Clan in the Cold Cellar Prison

Two pair of figures walked down the dark and cold hallway, one yawned carelessly while the other remained indifferent, the one who just yawned said in displeasure "That cripple has gotten us into a lot of trouble, we would not have to suffer like this if he just had kept his dirty paws to himself, don't you agree Brother Jin?"

Brother Jin remained silent and although it looked as if he did not care, inside he did had to agree with his fellow brother.

"To think a cripple would dare to go so far as to beat the Headmasters daughter with a tree branch like a dog, who does he think he is?!" Chen Lei gritted his teeth in anger.

Brother Jin was also curious about the young boy, what gave him the confidence to beat the young miss of the Chen Clan? Did he have some reconcilable feud in his past life to go so far?

"Enough, we can only blame ourselves for not paying attention. Let's try again, if he should have no use to us then you can personally beat him to death"

They have spent the last four days trying to interrogate the cripple, however, the crippled boy wouldn't even glance in their direction, even after being pummelled he only let out an almost inaudible grunt.

Chen Lei grinned maliciously, "Watch how I turn him into dust later-"

He was cut off by Bao Jin, "Shh, did you hear something just now"

Chen Lei grunted in annoyance if there was one thing he hated it was being interrupted, however, he didn't dare to bring up his displeasure, "A sound? What sound?" they both became quiet and focused their hearing.

They were both in the Lower Stages of Nascent Realm, upon breaking through to the Nascent Realm cultivators in this realm would receive a big boost to their five senses, especially their sight and hearing.

Despite this, the only sound they could hear was the chilling wind blowing down the long hallway.

Chen Lei became even more displeased when they didn't hear anything strange, he looked at Bao Jie with one eye, "It seems you are too paranoid"

Bao Jie could naturally tell that Chen Lei wasn't happy with him, but he was too lazy to deal with him, he frowned and said indifferently, "Maybe"

It didn't take them long before they reached the end of the hallway when they arrived Chen Lei immediately kicked the door.


A loud bang echoed throughout the prison waking up the other prisoners who were unfortunate enough to offend the Chen Clan.

Chen Lei spoke in ridicule, "It is time to get up kid! if you don't start answering our questions, ill start to rip off a limb for every question you cannot answer"

Bao Jin rolled his eyes and took out a set of keys, he infused his spiritual energy into the key, raised his arm and placed the key into the key holder and turned.



The cellar iron door swung opened and Chen Lei walked immediately in with large strides, however, he stopped just after two steps dumbfounded.

Bao Jin walked behind him, curious as to why he stopped, he asked: "What's wrong?"

After coming to his side he immediately knew why he stopped, an ominous feeling crept up his spine. Chen Lie stuttered, "W-Where is he?"

He also had a bad premonition, they turned around almost in unison and what they saw next made their faces go pale.



Chen Lei lost his nerve and quickly dashed for the closing cellar door, however, he was a step too late, the door shut and was locked. He immediately yelled, "How is this possible? Dammit, Show yourself! Let us out! The Chen Clan won't let this go!"

However, the only answer he received was silence.

Bao Jin looked to his waist and found the keys to the prison were gone as if they just vanished out of thin air!

The prison was made out of a special metal that worked especially well with the suppressing formation to seal off spiritual energy, once one was locked in the prison cell he or she would not only have their cultivation reduced, but their spiritual energy would gradually be absorbed into the formation reinforcing its defensive abilities, their voices would also be muted from within the cell, someone outside the cell wouldn't be able to hear what they were saying unless that stood directly in front of the cell.

In other words, if Chen Lei and Bao Jin were trapped in here they wouldn't be able to get help until the next Cold Cellar Prison checking, which was another three days away.

When they both thought up to this point their faces turned unsightly as if they had eaten a fly.


Zhao Yun began walking down the hallway while spinning the spiritual keys around his index finger, he thought, 'I've come to deliver rightful justice to the evildoers, since I was locked in there for god knows how long, you can stay in there for a bit. An eye for an eye. Have you never heard of Karma?'.

He chuckled to himself before placing the weird keys he stole from the two guys into his inventory.

Five minutes ago he was cutting things really close, his cultivation broke through to the fifth stage like the "XP Pill" said it would, however because of the sudden growth in power, even walking normally became difficult. When he first took a step, he ended up stomping hard on to the ground instead. Luckily the cell was sturdy and the sound didn't travel very far.

After getting used to his new strength he sat in the corner closest to the door and waited, when the door opened, that was when he made his move.

In the end, the first step of escaping went well.

"The exit should be down there" He narrowed his sights and peered down the hallway.