Divine Spiritual Veins

Chapter 9 - Divine Spiritual Veins

"Could it be..."

An old memory surfaced into his mind making him say in doubt, "This is… my spiritual world?"

Only someone who has entered the Elementary Realm could use their consciousness to probe their inner world, a place where a cultivator could store their spiritual energy.

When one first walked the path of cultivation, they had to cultivate the spiritual energy in the air to unlock the Twelve Qi Points hidden inside his or her body to be able to breakthrough the Twelve Qi Point Realm and into the Elementary Realm, provided that their spiritual veins were not broken.

In the Twelve Qi Point Realm, one would not only have to use the spiritual energy in the air to refine the hidden twelve qi points along their spiritual veins, but they would also have to refine their meridians and their bones inside their bodies.

With each qi point refined, a door would unlock allowing for a larger amount of spiritual energy to flow. When all twelve of the qi points were refined, they would subsequently breakthrough to the Elementary Realm granting him or her access to probe into their spiritual world with their consciousness.

The twelve qi points acted like gates that were placed along their spiritual veins and were mostly closed, although cultivators in this realm could make spiritual energy flow through their body, it was an extremely minuscule amount. When one refines a qi point and opens it, however, the mostly closed gate opens allowing for a larger amount of spiritual energy to flow.

To put it in perspective, a cultivator in the Twelve Qi Point Realm could only summon a small pond worth's of spiritual energy while a cultivator in the Elementary Realm could summon a river's worth's of spiritual energy. One could see that there was a large gap between cultivators in the Twelve Qi Point Realm and the Elementary Realm.

To break through to the Elementary Realm, it would take an average cultivator five to ten years. For someone more talented it would usually take them between three to five years, and for a genius's, two to three years.

However, for Zhao Yun, with the aid of the Quartex System's "XP Pill", he had directly broken through everything straight to the Fifth Stage of Elementary Realm! If others who spent tens of years were to know about this, they would definitely pass out in shock and maybe even commit suicide.

Ever since he broke through to the Fifth Stage of Elementary Realm, Zhao Yun hadn't had the time to fully explore the capabilities of a cultivator in this realm, nor did he have much knowledge relating to cultivations besides what his past life's memories showed him. Naturally, this was the first time he has experienced something like this.

As for how he knew what this spiritual inner world was called, his past life had overheard cultivators discussing things such as this, although he didn't understand at the time, being the curious him he still memorized it, just in case.

The more Zhao Yun looked around this world the more convinced he became that this was indeed his inner world.

"But… what are those?" He scratched his head in confusion and looked around him, he found that he was surrounded by seven stone-like dragon scepters that were several meters away from him and was about one and a half meter tall each holding a different colored crystal ball. Each one of these crystal balls was dim in color but he could still make them out being red, blue, yellow, brown, white, black and purple.

Looking below his feet he found that he was standing in a small ring that looked like it was engraved into the ground, or maybe was even born like this and was glowing a blue color almost identical to the color of spiritual energy whenever he looked with his Mystic Eyes.

This ring he was standing in was parted about three centimeters wide. He noticed that it wasn't just the ring that was glowing this blue color, but there were also seven other different paths each spreading into different directions with the same color.

If one were to get a bird's eye view of the surroundings, they would see that these stone scepters were placed in a heptagon formation, and with the small blue circle in the center of this formation the blue paths that were parting from the circle as if a guide lead to the base of the bottom of these scepters.

Zhao Yun analyzed for a moment: "Could this be my spiritual energy? Hmm, that seems to be right" Each one of the seven paths leads to the base of the dragon scepters, it was as if it was feeding these scepters its energy. he could feel the spiritual energy entering into his body from outside and felt that it was flowing to this place as if it was being guided.

"What does this mean?" Following along the blue glowing paths that were about as wide as the circle, he quickly discovered that each of these paths traveled to the base of a dragon scepter and was also in its own circle. At the top of the scepters, dragon-like claws held the crystal ball in place locking it from moving.

Suddenly a system notification appeared in front of him causing him to raise an eyebrow in surprise: "So, it can even appear here?"

Reading the system notification, he began to understand a little: "Ding, host has discovered his inner world and has encountered his Divine Spiritual Veins. The Divine Spiritual Veins also known as the Heavens Creation Veins, these spiritual veins will allow the host's body to cultivate the divine elements under the heavens such as fire, water, wind, metal, lightning, light, and darkness. Once the host has skills for the respective elements, he can freely use them any time he wishes. The quality the power of element has is despondent on the quality of energy that host has absorbed"

"Suggesting host absorbs the elements under the heavens whenever he can to improve the quality of the elements"

Looking back at the stone dragon scepters that had the different colored crystal balls at the top of them, Zhao Yun understood somewhat: "These crystal balls represent an element, so if I should cultivate fire-type spiritual energy then this little orb will absorb it? Doesn't this mean..."

Zhao Yun's realization caused him to be completely shocked then excited, he felt like he was on cloud nine at the moment.

Recalling from his memories, in this world, some people were born with a special type of body constitution that allowed them to cultivate an element at an extremely fast rate. For example, if someone was born with a fire constitution then that person would be able to cultivate fire spiritual energy at an extremely fast rate allowing their cultivation to skyrocket without any side effects to their foundations.

The same applies to the other elements. It was extremely lucky to find someone with a body constitution and might not even find someone with this even if they were to search 100 thousand people.

Once someone was discovered to possess a body constitution, even the hidden powerful sects would not just stand around once they have learned of this and would immediately send people out to investigate.

Zhao Yun's past life's self-had heard about how someone was discovered to possess a water body constitution and had caused an uproar amongst the people, a few days later this person was accepted by a sect allowing their family to rise in status and position. It could be seen that a body constitution was highly regarded. How could it not be? Even if the person with the body constitution was retarded, they could still make it far in cultivation with just this alone.

Some people were luckier enough to possess two constitutions, even possessing three constitutions, however, these people could be counted on one's hand. It was said that someone like this was only born once every ten thousand years, the chances in finding these types of people were almost zero,

However, for Zhao Yun, having the Divine Spiritual Veins was the same as having seven body constitutions, seven!

If the world thought highly of someone with just one body constitution, then what about someone with seven? Would the world go crazy?

Even Zhao Yun was still trying to process this, he thought carefully: "If this was made known to the public, I would not be surprised if many strong powers come to recruit me, I would probably receive a good position within their ranks. Even reaching the grandmaster level in a short time might not be a difficult thing, but…"

"Why would I do that?" Zhao Yun shook his head as he rejected this idea: "If one only took shortcuts in life how could one expect to do anything in the long run? Only is the toughest of steel forged when it has endured the tempering of the hottest flame"

Although being accepted by a sect would bring great benefits in the short term, the risk was just as high, if not higher. He had a feeling that once he amassed power, he would not be able to move around freely, just like celebrities on Earth, once they became popular, they would have to have bodyguards to protect them from any of the crazy fans.

Zhao Yun fell into deep contemplation after a long while passed he spoke: "It seems like I will have to put my plan into motion a lot sooner than I thought"