Sixth Stage Of Elementary Realm

Chapter 10 - Sixth Stage Of Elementary Realm

Zhao Yun fell into deep contemplation after a long while passed he spoke: "It seems like I will have to put my plan into motion a lot sooner than I thought"

Once the system explained a bit more about his Divine Spiritual Veins and as to how it worked Zhao Yun willed for his consciousness to return back his body.

Upon returning, he felt that his body that was previously exhausted and drained was now filled with energy. His face that earlier was completely pale white had regained a tinge of redness, indicating that he was indeed recovering.

The Spiritual Gathering Pill that he took before, although seemed to have the same effects as the Energy Vitality Pill was different.

While the latter filled oneself of energy like how electricity charges devices on Earth, the former gathered spiritual energy in the air at an extremely fast rate allowing one to not only heal their wounds but also boost their cultivation level.

Zhao Yun felt the spiritual energy still gathering in him, it spread throughout his body and Spiritual Veins relieving the stress and strained muscles.

After coming back to his sense from returning from the spiritual world, Zhao Yun remained sitting cross-legged on his bed and continued to digest the spiritual energy into his inner world.

Before he left his spiritual world, the system notification had informed him of some things that made him somewhat concerned.

"Host should know that with the help of the system, he can continue to cultivate without worrying about reaching a bottleneck in cultivation. However, while host's bottlenecks have disappeared, instead, the system will send a heavenly tribulation that is much stronger than your average tribulation that he must survive if he wishes to progress. The heavenly tribulation will vary in difficulty, so it is recommended that the host prepares himself"

Zhao Yun didn't know what the good news exactly was. On one hand, his cultivation would never reach a bottleneck but on the other hand, he instead had to now survive a heavenly tribulation to advance.

A heavenly tribulation!

When one walked the path of cultivation, they were going against the ways of the mundane rule and were challenging the heavens. After one managed to enter a certain realm the heavens would strikeout to get rid of them. In the history of cultivation, the number of talented geniuses that had perished under the heavenly tribulation was countless.

One needed not just a strong and solid foundation in their cultivation, but they also needed a strong mind, a bit of luck, and an incredible determination to endure and overcome.

In the face of a heavenly tribulation, even Grandmasters were fearful of them. The further you walked on this path of cultivation the stronger the tribulations you faced.

He was torn between laughing and crying.

Big brother, how can you say something like this with a straight face as if you were doing me a favor? The difficulty would vary and be stronger than a normal heavenly tribulation?

It didn't take long for Zhao Yun to finish absorbing the Spiritual Energy Gathering Pill.


He took in a big breath, paused, then let it out.

Zhao Yun finally opened his bright blue eyes, while clasping his hands over and over, with a smile on his face he said: "I can feel that my strength has risen by a lot, the Spiritual Energy Gathering pill seems to be good"

He was filled with energy; the spiritual energy washed his exhaustion and fatigue away and now he felt that that feeling was nothing but a lie.

Getting off the bed he raised his arms towards the roof whilst yawning and began to stretch out his stiff body with a low moan.

Only now did he finally pay more attention to the detail of his room, after scanning the room he couldn't help shake his head. The walls had very thin gaps allowing the morning rays of sunlight to peek into the dusty room. This room was truly in every sense of the word, simplistic only having a single bed, a desk, chair, and a small cupboard.

He self mockingly laughed at himself; "How can one expect to live here without falling ill? The atmosphere is too depressing"

"Anyway, I wonder how much my strength went up by? I should check my status" Curious; he waved his hands and the systems status bar appeared before the front of him making his eyes flash in surprise.

Name: Zhao Yun

Cultivation: Sixth Stage Elementary Realm (37/100%)

Bloodline: Human, Mystic Eyes

Condition: Good Health

System Points: 50

With a bit of excitement, he smiled and said: "Hmm, no wonder I feel that my strength has increased, my cultivation actually progressed by another stage!"

Zhao Yun quickly realized a few changes: "It even tells me the percentage of my cultivation. The Mystic Eyes bloodline is recorded as well, but… how did I receive system points?"

Recalling his memories, he remembered briefly receiving an objective just shortly after receiving the system. With another wave of his hands, the system objectives appeared.

Main Objective – Prevent the destruction of the universe or win the universal realm war – Rewards: ??? – Time limit: 100 Years.

Escape from imminent death – Escape from the Chen Clan's imprisonment before you are killed - Rewards: 50 System Points + Vital Red Grass Herb (Completed)

His eyes squinted and couldn't but sigh in relief: "Escaping at that time was the correct choice, otherwise…" Zhao Yun felt a chill go down his back, it was a close call if he had ignored the sudden appearance of the objective he might have taken his sweet time browsing through the functions of the system.

When he saw the main objective his face crinkled, chest tightened, and his breathing became heavy breathed. Prevent the destruction of the universe or win the universal realm war? How was he supposed to achieve this? What was this system telling him to do? Kill himself? What destruction? What war? His lack of information made him all that more concerned and depressed.

"System, is there no more information about this? Are you trying to lead me to death?" The only thing he could do was complain and curse, however, when he recalled that the system had warned him before about taking up responsibilities of receiving the Quartex Inheritance, he couldn't help but sigh. In the end, it was his choice and his decision alone.

As if the system heard his thoughts a notification appeared in front of his stunning him with a blank face: "Ding, the host is currently too weak, to access more information about this objective host is recommended to get stronger"

A deathly silence entered the room as Zhao Yun just stood in place with a blank face, suddenly a vein bulged on his forehead: "Too weak? Who's weak? Come, do you think that I won't dare to fight you system?"

The figure of an old man once again appeared in his mind, this time the old man was laughing at him as he was beaten once again in a sparring match.

"Old man, do you dare bet that I won't beat you one day?"

On Earth, Zhao Yun would spar against the old man to perfect his martial arts, but, in every fight, they had it always led to him being beaten to the ground. The old's man's famous words softly sounded by his ears, however, to Zhao Yun, it was akin to a pin grating against glass: "Too weak, are you a girl in disguise? How are you so fragile?"

Zhao Yun was normally calm, cool, collected and there were very few things that could annoy him to this degree, being called weak by the old man and recalling his smug smile was one of the things that annoyed him. The old man was shameless, there was a chance that the old man was a cultivator that could travel overworlds and yet he had the nerve to call a regular human weak?

He only felt his veins bulge even more so recalling this piece of information.

It didn't take long before Zhao Yun calmed down, taking a deep breath he returned to focusing on the system's capabilities.

"The time limit is 100 years… the only thing I can do is to get stronger and come back to this later"

"No matter, but to get stronger within the short time I will have to cultivate and expand my skill set. There are problems that lay within my current skills. Although I have memorized the techniques that the system gave me such as "Shadow Void Steps" and "Water Sword Manual", these two techniques won't be enough…"

"The sword I received from the system is just a regular iron sword, the water sword manual has nine sword styles ranging from flexible to overbearing. From what I can tell, the third style is the upper limit this iron sword can handle, anything higher and the technique might just break the sword in half, it seems like I will need to get a better-quality sword, however, where am I supposed to get the money from?" (Author's Note: "Ranging from flexible to overbearing" means that the Water Form first style is the most flexible while the ninth style is the most overbearing, the higher the style, the more overbearing.)

Frowning a bit he began to carefully lay out his options: "Hmm, two options, one, with my current skills, I could spend more time collecting rare herbs and selling them, with the system inventory I would be able to carry a larger amount letting me increase my profit, but how long would this take? I can't spend a lot of time here since the Chen Clan could still be after me"
