System Store Function

Chapter 11: System Store Function

"Second... I could disguise myself and hunt spiritual beasts within the area, I could sell their materials and their spirit cores for a good price to the merchant branch, this is something worth considering. I only need to know the current market trend and how much martial arts and spells go for"

Shaking his head, he spoke: "It seems that I will have to take a trip to the market district"

"But first… let me see what I can do with these system points": With a quick wave of his hands, the systems store function was displayed in front of him.








With a blank expression, he thought for a moment before selecting a category. Another interface appeared in front of him, however, with just a quick look he was completely shocked.

[Store – Weapons]

[9th Star Rank: Sword (Yin & Yang Heavenly Splitter) - Price: Not available

Description: Not Available)]

[9th Star Rank: Hammer (Gravity Flux) - Price: Not Available

Description: Not Available]

[4th Star Rank: Sword (FrostoVein) - Price: 1500 System Points

Description: This bone freezing sword creates an aura around the user chilling anything within a certain radius. (Recommended for Ice Sword Skills)]

[3rd Star Rank: Spear (Spinefall) - Price: 650 System Points

Description: A deadly spear with great reach, the user will find that their speed and attack power increase when wielding this spear. (Recommended for Fire Spear Skills)]

[3rd Star Rank: Sword (Baneful Deflector) - Price: 600 System Points

He was completely shocked, his eyes threatened to come out of his head: "Holy crap… why do these weapons look so grand?" The image of the weapons was advertised just above their descriptions and was turning circles while bobbing up and down.

Although the first two weapons that were both 9th Star Rank were hidden and locked, he could tell just by the outline of its shadow that they were incredibly powerful.

The FrostoVein swords appearance was quite eye-catching to Zhao Yun, it was completed frosted over in blue colored ice and had a snake-like hilt, just by looking at it Zhao Yun felt a bone-chilling cold. His mouth hung wide open the more he looked down the list.

"Doomblade, Stormcaller, Flame Lotus, Void Returners, Defiler… what the?"

Seeing that this might take a while he sat back down on his bed and scrolled through the list, after a while he was exasperated. The system store didn't seem to have a limit!

When he saw the price tags though his eyes slumped and he felt depressed, they were too expensive! He only had a measly 50 Points, could he buy anything of value from this store?

He noticed that there was a filter option at the top of the interface, he inputted his desired inputs and the screen immediately displayed its options.

The only thing he filtered was the price range, searching for anything that was less than 50 points. Zhao Yun found that although he was looking at the cheaper items the weapons were still quite good all tailored for around his level, although on the weaker side it was still many times better than the iron sword he had. When he searched for the iron sword in the weapons search bar, he cursed the system.

[Ordinary Iron Sword – Price: 5 System Points…]

How exactly was he supposed to defend himself with something like this? After a while of browsing, he found a couple of weapons that would help improve his current strength.

[1st Star Rank: Sword (Shisui) – Price: 35 System Points

Description: Can enhance water type sword skills]

[1st Star Rank: Sword (Silversblade) – Price: 30 System Points

Description: Can enhance sword type skills]

"While one costs slightly more, it enhances water sword skills, while the latter is cheaper and only enhances sword type skills" After a bit of contemplation he was leaning towards purchasing the water type sword, after all, it would enhance the Water Form Sword Skill.

"The question now is should I spend my points? Should I go to the market district beforehand? I don't have many points and I can't exactly trade money for system points. It's better to save. If there isn't anything in town, I can just come back to this…"

The reason why he wanted to start gearing up was because of the gift he got from the gift crate the system gave him.

[The 1st Star Ranked Dungeon Key – Twist this key in the radius area and it will open a dungeon portal leading to a world filled with beasts, traps, and even treasures. The host should prepare himself before entering the dungeon (Recommended level - 5th Stage of Elementary Realm) (Head north-west 94km)]

He closed his eyes as he pondered for a moment: "Right now, I should leave this place, if the Chen Clan start asking around town they it won't take them long to realise that I live here, although my appearance has completely changed and I don't have the same aura as before they would most likely detain me just for being related with the "criminal""

He spent some more time looking at the rest of the categories, particularly the skills and techniques. When he exited from the store, his face was completely depressed, so much so that he started to laugh: "I'm broke"

Before he left his shop, he quickly washed himself down using water qi, got changed and put on the long brown cloak. He stored whatever was valuable in his inventory and made his way to the door of his shop.

Turning around he glanced once last time at the shop, memories of the past three years that he lived here surfaced to Zhao Yun's mind. His mouth parted and it looked like he was saying something, but it was completely inaudible.

With a little smile on the side of his face, he opened the door to the shop and walked out.

When he was cultivating in his room, he had already noticed that the night had passed and that it was now morning, the reason he took some more time to prob the system store was exactly because it was too early. Most of the stores would be closed. Now that it was later into the day the stores should be opening for business which was why he decided to leave now.

The door opened with a sigh and a squeak, the gentle wind blew into his face causing his brown robe to flutter and causing the hood that was over his head to lift a little to reveal his snow-white hair.

"Stop!" Before he could even take a few steps out of the shop a voice shouted from behind him making him almost trip over his feet: 'Caught already?'

"Heh heh, Boss Tang, that little guy actually dares to have his back turned to you? I wonder what gives a guy, who seems to know our little "friend", the courage to ignore someone as great as you?" Boss Tang continued to carefully observe the brown cloak figure's back as he tried to identify him while listening to his underling, Zhen Yating, kiss up to him.

When he felt not a single ounce of spiritual energy come from Zhao Yun his expression changed, his eyes flashed, and his lips curved up: "It seems he really is the cripple who disappeared"

Boss Tang's full name was Shen Tang, during the three years Zhao Yun had rented his shop, one of the people in Qingwei Town who had caused his suffering was him. And for these three years Shen Tang's group had been charging stores with taxes for their protection services, so every month they would come around to the stores who had paid for their "protection services" and collect their money. When someone couldn't pay up the fee Shen Tang would let his underlings deal with them in secret.

Half a month had gone by and the cripple of this shop had yet to pay his fees Shen Tang's group hadn't seen Zhao Yun at all during this time. Today, they decided to completely trash his store, and if they found the cripple, they would throw him out of the town. Does a cripple dare to not pay the fee? Did he forget that he was a cripple? Just a normal punch from a cultivator could send him flying like a broken kite, where did he get the courage from?

Even if this guy wasn't the cripple, they just saw him come out of the store so casually as if he owned the place, it must mean that he was at the very least, well acquainted with the store owner.

Zhao Yun felt that their voices were quite familiar, within a second he remembered who these voices belonged to and his face immediately went black. He decided to feign ignorance and continued walking away ignoring their mockery.

If they dared to deal with him Zhao Yun would reciprocate in kind. In fact, Zhao Yun was hoping they would pick a fight with him, he has yet to truly test his cultivation and was itching to exercise his body, especially after advancing to the next stage.

Boss Tang, seeing that this guy actually dared to continue walking even after being told to stop, grinned maliciously: "You dare to ignore me? Don't blame me for what happens next" without even saying anything, Zhen Yating who was standing just a step behind him, understood and dashed forward.

Zhen Yating laughed as he pulled his arm back like a bowstring and flew towards Zhao Yun like an arrow that was just released: "Heh, little cripple, watch how I handle you!"


Zhao Yun felt a slight chill go down his spine making him immediately take action, activating his Mystic Eyes he quickly twisted his body and with a quick rotation of his feet to build up force, he swung out his arm to receive Zhen Yuting's attack.

Zhen Yuting's eyes lit up and he chuckled to inside to himself: 'What was this guy doing, a cripple wants to receive my punch? Does he not want his arm anymore?'

"Hahaha, boss, this cripple wants to contend against Brother Yuting in terms of strength? Hahaha!" The underlings laughed as they found this scene akin to a clown show. However, what happened next made everyone choke and made their eyes bulge out of their heads even making Shen Tang's expression freeze dumbfoundedly.

With a loud and audible: "Crack" followed by a scream of anguish, Zhen Yuting's fist collapsed in on itself against the force of Zhao Yun's attack and was sent flying backward like a broken kite, landing on the ground groaning in pain just a few meters away from Shen Tang's feet.

For a time, besides the sound of the wind blowing and the screaming, the street fell into an awkward silence. Shen Tang's underlings felt like they had just eaten a fly, didn't they just say that this guy was a cripple? Were they wrong? Of course they were wrong, but, if the figure who came out from the old wooden shop wasn't the crippled owner, then who was this guy?

Zhao Yun at this moment, began to pull down the hood cover of his cloak making everyone in everyone stare at him somewhat nervous, just who have they offended?