where did he go?

I awake to my bedroom door slamming open. "get up dork dad is leaving and he wants to see your ugly mug before he goes"! It Rachel. I groan and roll off my bed. My dad is going away for two months. With all this drama I almost forgot. He is going to New York for a business meeting. I head down stairs pushing Rachel against the wall as I walk out my door. She gives me a an evil glair.


" Hey dad " I say with a partial smile on my face. My dad looks at me with a warm smile and says " Hey son I'm heading out." Duh. I know. Before I can speak Rachel butts in " Dad did you know your son is a faggott?" Dad's eyebrows raise as he looks at Rachel in anger and says " young lady we do not say that word in this damn house!" Rachel screams " That's beside the point your son has a boyfriend!" My dad still looks angry but he looks at me with a happy smile. He says "Will I ever meet him?" Rachel storms off. What should I say. No we broke up. No he won't believe that ,would he? I panicked" umm sure when you get back." My dad smiles and walks out the door. I'm glad that's over. Wait! I said yes. Why? I don't have a boyfriend. Oh shit. I'm going to die. I walk up stairs to my room with no emotions and slam my door. I just stand in front of my bed with a blank mind before I can change my expression I accidentally trip and land face first on my bed.


Oh well. I'm going on a walk. I walk out the front door. It's about 3 pm so the sun isn't too bright. I start to walk passed Adams house but it looks like no one's home. Should I knock? What if he is home? Who cares I'm worried besides we can still be friends I mean if he wants to be. I knock on his door but no answer. Weird. I knock again. I'm impatient so I decide to peek through the window. I look in but it so dark I can barely see. What u can see are dozens of flowers. Roses and babies breath. Those are the only flowers I recognize. What's going on. Where is he?