Adam started ignoring me. I know we broke up but this is crazy. He always looks so sad and fakes a smile around his friends. What happened. After I went to his house that day he didn't return until a week later and I tried to ask him what happened but he doesn't answer. I want to help him but how? What happened to him that made him feel this way? All these questions fill my head. Maybe he's sad about the breakup or he asked someone out and they rejected him? No, no one could reject him. I miss the old happy Adam. "Hey did you hear about that kids grandma?" A random stranger's voice says. I interrupt their conversation and say "whos grandma?" The girl responds" That cute guy with blue hair, Adrien I think?" My eyes widen she means Adam. I look at her" what happened to her!?" The girl looks at me with a weird express then answers" she got hit by a car." My God. How can she say that so easily? What should I do? He needs space. I'll just write him a note.
What should I write? I know. Dear Adam, I'm so sorry. I just heard what happened to your grandma. I'm going to give you space but if you need anything just ask. I miss you I want to be your friend. You're my reason for waking up in the morning. Please be okay. Sincerely, Thomas. The bell just rang. Just one more hour of school. I guess I'll put the note in his locker now so he will see it. I fold the note and slip it through the cracks of Adams locker. I'll just head home now it's only an hour and besides, I don't want him to see me.
I'm at home thinking about the note I wrote. Did I really say he's the reason I wake up in the morning? Ugh. So cheesy. Ew. I lay my head on my pillow and lay there. As my eyes close I hear a loud knock on my window. That's weird I'm on the second floor. It's got to be a demon right? I sit straight up on my bed. I'm kinda panicking. Should I get a weapon? I guess I'll just peek. I pull back the curtain a little. It's pretty dark but I can see the silhouette of a person. I can already tell it's Adam. Why is he here?