Chapter Four: All Four Elements!?

Both Leo and John meet in the courtyard, very early in the morning.

"The sun's barely out, what time did you wake me up anyways!?" Leo yells, concerned for his sleep.

"I'd say around six in the morning, according to the sundial." John replies, as he reads the sundial.

"Ahem, anyways, let's get back on track, first off, place your hand onto this crystal ball, if you will."

Placed in front of Leo, is, well, a crystal ball on a pedestal.

"What does this do?" Leo asks.

"It determines which element you have an affinity with."

"Ahh, I see, so I just place my hand on it?"


"Okay then."

As Leo places his hand on the ball, the crystal ball glows a bright, white light, blinding, at that. Quickly retracting his hand, Leo averts his eyes to a confused, and slightly scared John.

"Uh, Young Master?" John asks, as he rubs his eyes.


"May I ask," -as he straightens his tie- "What just happened?"

"I should be asking you that."

"Maybe I should report this to Lady Maria and Sir James, I ask that you stay here, Young Master." John states as he hurries into the mansion.

Some time passes, and John, Maria and James rush out, as well as a few servants.

"John, could you explain the situation once more?" James orders.

"As you wish. As the Young Master placed his hand onto the crystal ball, it flashed into a bright, white light."

"A bright, white light?"

"As you say, a bright, white light."

"I see, Leo."

"Y-yes!" Leo exclaims, startled, and a bit confused.

"Could you touch the ball once more?"

Leo nods, and approaches the ball. As soon as he planted his hand, the ball once again lit up, blinding everyone.

"By the gods, John was right, Leo, you can use all four elements!" Maria yells, part happy, part concerned.

"All four elements!?" Everyone says in unison.

Leo, already knowing of his capabilities, decides that his system should stay a secret.

"Everyone, everything that's been said and seen here will and shall stay a secret, not a single soul will know about this but us." James orders, his tone of voice becoming dreadfully serious.

"Yes sir!" Everyone says in unison.

After James made his order, the day went on as usual.

Back in the library, Leo is studying, like usual.

"Sure, I'm okay with all the studying and the training, but, seriously?" Leo thinks, face darkened.

Peeking from the doorway, are Leo's personal knights, Anne and Arc, assigned to him due to the developments that have occurred.

Despite having the title of royal knights and being personal knights of Leo, they're terrible when it comes to guarding from the shadows.

"You think he knows we're here?" Arc whispers.

"I don't think so, he is studying, so it isn't likely." Anne replies.

Leo lies onto his desk, pondering as to why he was assigned to knights like them.

"It'll get embarrassing as soon as people come by and greeted with the sight of two royal knights peeking into a doorway." Leo thinks, staring at the door.

"He's looking at us, but isn't reacting, does that mean he doesn't see us?" Anne asks.

"I don't think so, he hasn't called to us." Arc replies.

"Why don't you guys come in?" Leo asks.

"Erm, I think he knows where here." Whispers Anne.

"Oh, you think!?" Arc says, flicking Anne's forehead.

The duo walk into the library. Both donning steel chestplating as well as leather pauldrons and finely crafted steel swords at their sides, you'd think they're highly disciplined and trained.

If only that were the case.

Both tense up as they approach Leo, Arc almost stumbling over, along with Anne running into him.

"Are these really the ones that are going to be guarding me?" Leo thinks, facepalming.

"Why are you guys so tense around me, trying easing up a little, yeah?" Leo says, looking up at the duo.

"If only that were possible, Young Master, the moment we're caught being familiar with you, our commander, Sieg, will come crashing down on us." Arc states.

"Yeah, he's a real pain, ain't he?" Anne says, nudging Arc's arm.

The two burst into laughter.

"Yeah, yea-." Arc tenses up, and Anne soon follows.

Leo, confused as to why, soon realizes. Standing at the door way is said knight commander, Sieg, with a fierce, intimidating aura behind him.

"U-uh, Anne?" Arc asks shakily.

"Y-yeah, Arc?" Anne replies, sharing the same fear.

"T-the k-knight commander i-is right behind us, huh?"

"I-it's as y-you say."

Both turn around slowly, their eyes meeting Sieg's, a terrible mistake on their part.

Before the duo could say anything, he grabs both of their heads, turns them around and forcibly puts them into a bow position, with him following.

"I apologize for my subordinates actions, I hope that you are able to forgive them."

Despite him giving an apology, his booming voice, most likely the result of being a knight commander, doesn't give of the same vibe as an apology would, quite the opposite, actually.

"I-it's quite alright, Sieg, I'm the one who requested that they act at ease around me." Leo states, quite shaken by his voice.

"Thank you, Young Master." Sieg states, releasing his grip on the duo, and standing straight.

"You guys should be lucky that the young master is this forgiving, otherwise you would've been executed for acting all familiar with someone of royalty." Sieg states, staring down the duo.

After the two gave their apologies to Sieg and Leo, Sieg leaves, releasing pressure on the three.

As soon as he leaves, Anne and Arc both collapse onto the floor, laughing.

"Oh man, that was quite the run in we had with the commander, eh? Arc asks, laughing.

"Yeah, I never seen him this mad before." Anne replies, laughing as well.

"Uh, guys?" Leo asks, confusion visible on his face.

"Oh, young master, sorry about that, it's just that's the first we've seen the commander act like that, so it was a new experience." Anne says, wiping a tear from her eye due to laughing.

"Yeah, if you were to see his face when he was bowing, you could see the worry on his face." Arc exclaims, right before he starts laughing again.

"Uh-huh, well, I need to get back to studying, what're you guys going to do?" Leo asks, walking back to his desk.

"Huh, oh, yeah, Anne and myself will continue to stand guard, I guess." Arc replies, getting up, as well as Anne, and walk out of the library.

"Stand guard my ass, you guys are too laid back to be guards." Leo thinks, grinding his teeth.

Leo then pulls out a large sheet of paper, used for another blueprint.

"Alright, let's make a new weapon, shall we?"