Chapter Five: National Grade Treasure!?

Once again, Leo wants a new weapon, one that utilizes magic.

"Hmm, I plan on going out soon, so I'll need a weapon." Leo thinks, tapping his head with his pencil.

"Aha, I got it!" Leo exclaims, hastily drawing.

"Huh, got what, young master?" Anne asks, sticking her head into the doorway.

"Oh, nothing, carry on." Leo replies, quite startled.

Anne shrugs before pulling back.

"Gotta be careful, can't have anyone find out about this." Leo thinks.

But then again, he is in the library, in public, where anyone can see him.

Some time passes.

"Man, I'm bored, let's go check on the young master." Arc states as he stands up, stretching.

"Mmm." Anne replies, following Arc.

As Arc and Anne pass through the door, Leo could be seen, furiously drawing.

"Woah, you can barely see his pencil from moving." Anne states.

"Expected nothing less from the young master, he can use all four elements." Arc says, hands on his hips and puffing out his chest.

"Why're you acting like you taught him?" Anne asks, elbowing his side.

Too immersed in his drawing, Leo doesn't notice them in the room.

"Looks like the young master is quite focused." Anne points out.

"Yeah, well, it wouldn't hurt to sneak a peek." Arc states, sneaking over and taking a glance over Leo's shoulder.

Arc was met with drawings he's never seen before, as well as some odd numbers, along with an oddly specific list of high grade materials.

At the very top, there laid a title, "Poseidon".

"What could the young master be planning?" Arc thinks, as a few beads of sweat rolls down his face.

"Uh, Arc, how long have you been standing there?" Leo asks, knowing it's already too late to hide his plans.

"Quite a while, actually, uh, what are you drawing exactly, and what's a Poseidon?"

"U-uh, something." Leo replies, dodging the question.

"Well, coming from the material list, are you planning on creating something?"

"Damn, he's unexpectedly sharp, well, I did bring this up myself, no point in hiding it anymore." Leo thinks whilst sighing.

"Well, to summarize it, this is a blueprint for a wand that utilizes water magic." Leo explains.

"Im-impossible, w-well, it is the young master, so that should explain it." Anne states, face full of worry.

"Oi, oi, just what do you guys think of me!?" Leo thinks, face darkened.

"Could you guys explain to me what's so concerning about this?" Leo asks.

"Young master, are you familiar with the history of weapons imbued with magic?" Anne asks.

"No, is it really important?"

"You aren't!?" Both yell in unison.

"Well, it is young master, but, even so, you designed a weapon of national grade treasure." Arc states, hand on his head.

"National grade treasure, hmm?" Leo says as he looks out the window.

A few seconds pass till Leo realizes.

"Wait, national grade treasure!?" Leo exclaims, face full of visible confusion.

"What makes it so!?" He asks, voice full of concern.

"Wait, if this wand is national grade, what about that flintlock I've made!" He thinks, his concern only growing.

"Weapons imbued in magic use little to no mana at all, making them highly sought after by the military." Arc explains

"Yeah, there aren't many out there in the world, and the most recent one found was a few decades ago, it was a staff of wind, while not very useful to the military, it was found in the hands of pirates, allowing their ships to sail much faster than any navy could." Anne adds on.

Facepalming, "Hold on, so you guys are telling me I've designed a weapon that could cause an imbalance of power in the world?" Asks Leo

"Yes." Both say in unison.

"And you even have a list of materials and a rundown on each part needed for the wand, just how many surprises do you contain, young master?" Arc asks, eyeing the blueprint.

"Imagine what would happen if this got released into the public." Anne states.

All three then experience a sharp chill go down their backs.

"Yeah, no, this should stay a secret, I'll report this to Sir James, in the meantime, try to keep that blueprint under tight wraps, yeah? Arc states before heading off.

"Wait, considering you didn't know, how many of these blueprints did you make?" Anne asks, knowing that she might regret her answer.

"Just this one." Leo replies.

"Thank the gods, young master, take into consideration of what you've learned here, things like this aren't good for the public to know. Anne states.

Leo nods.

"These kinds of developments aren't good for the mind, I'm going to take a break, try not to design anymore weapons while we're gone." Anne says, walking out the door.

Despite what's been said and done, Leo still goes on ahead and crafts the wand.