Life 1: The Way Of The Devil

It was a cold and frosty day as countless flakes of snow rained upon the land as the green grass was covered by pure white snow, and in this weather if you looked closely then you would see a young boy about the age of 15 constantly punching the air.

The boy was punching and kicking the air in such extreme conditions as if it was nothing and if one looked closely then they would notice that each time the flakes came near his body they evaporated.

The flakes evaporated almost immediately as it entered his domain, and it was an unusual site as around him there was pure white snow littered above the grass, while in his own area the land was covered by luscious green and vibrant grass as they stuck up in this cold weather.

After another fifteen minutes of this harsh regimen the boy began making grunting sounds as his body began to sweat out an ocean, and the sounds of gritting teeth could be heard as it echoed in this vast space.

"... Pant, Pant, 395, 396, 397... 398, 399, 400!!"

The boy exclaimed loudly when he had reached the four hundred mark, as if it was his goal and he'd surpassed it. After that the boy simply fell back into the icy snow as it began melting upon reaching his bodies temperature.

This was the Fruits and Flowers continent, and such exercise was considered normal, every morning young boys would go out and train their bodies in the journey of seeking strength.

"... The body is merely a vessel and to be an immortal one's body needs to hold an innumerable amount of energy, and to do that one must obviously begin training their vessel, so that their bodies are strong enough to handle one's Qi..."

This echoed within the boys mind as he laid back in the melted snow, in relaxation, his daily training had just been finished and he had done his daily four hundred punches and kicks training.

He remembered what Master Wu said, the idea that one's body is a vessel made to store an inexhaustible amount of one's life force.

When he thought about it, it was like saying that our bodies were merely glasses that contained water, and to make sure the water stayed in the glass and not break free, then the glass must be strengthened accordingly.

"*Sigh, it's been 12 years since mom and dad have passed and by now this feeling should have gone yet I still feel it within my mind... But though the thoughts linger within my mind I know that I should not let it hold me back- I am stronger than this more stubborn and hard headed than this and I'm sure they wouldn't want me to waste my life for them!"

After the boys small speech had ended he flipped back in up in excitement as his once desolate face became filled with a happy go lucky smile. As he began sprinting towards his home in a child like manner.


Once the boy had reached his old stone house, he slowed down as slowly he entered his house, the home that he had was a small one with a single bed and a small table with a few stools, this was it and other than his wood burning furnace- the house was empty.

Due to the boy training his body, he often got hurt and to soothe this problem he needed to buy some medicinal herbs and have a herbal bath to soak in the nutrients and energy of the herbs so that he could heal up his battered body.

But the thing was, herbs cost a lot of money as one herb was worth 50 Petals, in the Fruit and Flower continent Petals was the name of the currency. And to reach this goal of 50 Petals each month he had to cut down 20 logs of wood every morning, and even though every morning he cut down these trees and trained his physique it still amounted to absolutely nothing.

And after ripping apart the logs he would then go into the town to sell them off before he headed off home, and after an hour of rest he would then go back to the forest and begin training his vessel.

You see this hard work persisted throughout his life as he always wanted to be someone powerful, strong and rich. Call it materialistic if you will but since he had never experienced such things it made him desire this even more as if a goal he had to complete.

But one thing that differentiated him from others was his inborn strength, a strength and physique so mighty that that he was equal to two full grown men. It seems he was born with this strong physique so he felt that maybe he was destined for body cultivation.

But a few days ago something had happened as he was training within the forest, as he was constantly punching the air he broke a piece of a tree, as miraculously a red gem fell from within it, and this instantly turned into a red light before it zoomed into him and at that time he felt something appear within his consciousness.

And it was actually some type of energy source filled with a Cultivation Manual. "The Way Of The Bloodstream Devil Hulk Sheng!"

Yes randomly this appeared within his brain.

And when he felt such a thing he rushed his training as swiftly he finished all his workouts, normally he would take his time as there was nothing to actually do within his stone house other than train his physique.

And once the young boy began thinking about it the next morning suddenly a warm liquid flowed into his veins as the manuals knowledge was absorbed within his brain.

And the idea that such a manual could help him made him eager to try and become an overlord.

And within this knowledge he saw how to become stronger using this mysterious liquid flowing within his veins called Qi, apparently in the manual this Qi was something that allowed one to cultivate much like training in order to gain a higher amount of Mana.

And without any hesitation the boy began circulating this mystical Qi around his body as slowly it coursed through his meridians before entering his Dantian. And slowly he began to meditate and continue circulating this Qi over and over again.

Within this mysterious state he didn't know how long had passed but he carried on meditating until his body began to wear out due to starvation and only then did he stop and once he did he found that all his internal and hidden injuries had been healed just like that.

And once he'd stopped he noticed that the Qi he was circulating to his meridians had instead moved over to his skin, muscles, limbs and bones, he saw that this was called the Qi Condensation Realm.

The aim of the Qi Condensation realm was the improvement of the physical body, an enhancement of one's muscles, skin and bones. But apart from slowly building up Qi within the foundation realm, some cultivators would harm their bodies to huge extents in order to simultaneously increase Strength and Qi, this resulted in rapid growth.