Life 2: Sect Initiation

As he stopped circulating Qi within his meridians he felt that his body be it his muscles limbs and skin had received an upgrade of sorts, as he felt he could do whatever he wanted he felt invincible though clearly he wasn't.

He had only entered the Qi Condensation realm, the first realm of beginning cultivation from his manual, "The Way Of The Bloodstream Devil Hulk Sheng!"

And now that had happened it meant that he could finally enter a sect and become a cultivator.


Precisely A Week Later:

Within a bunch of young people about the age of 10-16 was Xealius as he was quietly waiting for his turn within the line that could stretch to the length of two whole towns, yes this was how long a sects line was.

Within the fruits and flowers continent there was countless sects and academies but the most high ranking ones were the:

• Scarlet Talons Of The Dragon

• The Golden Sun Sect

• The Lunar Swordsmen

• The Thousand Frost Sect

These were the main sects/academies within the fruits and flowers continent and each sect had their own division such as combat masters, artifact makers, alchemists and much more.

But what Xealius had lined up for was the Golden Sun Sect, as it was the only one nearest to him that was also quite powerful.

Suddenly a tap was felt on his shoulder as he turned around, only to see Shi Jin appear before him, "Huh, I didn't know Xealius was gonna take part in the entry exams, are you here to enter the Golden Sun Sect too?"

"Yeah Jin, I'm gonna enter the sect, as I feel my body is trained enough, I bet the same for you?"

"Oh stop Xealius you already know it's my third time doing this exam, and I doubt I'll get in I mean my bodies not strong enough even after having all those herbs it's made no difference for me.."

"Isn't that good, your father wants you to carry on with the family business, instead of wasting your time here, no offense to you but it's been three times yet you still haven't entered, maybe Martial Arts just ain't for you Jin."

"Yeah, maybe your right..."

Through little talk the time went like that as the line had moved inch by inch, and another hour had gone by in this slow rate tiring most people though the hopes of getting into the sect cleared that tiredness.

"SHI JIN...!!"

Randomly came the noise as someone spouted out Jin's name in an exaggerated and wild tone as if wanting to pounce on him, hai it seems he's triggered someone else again, this Jin, as I sighed inwardly the wild voice came further and further towards us with each step causing a boom to sound out.

Soon the male had appeared in front of us, he had a sharp face with sword like eyebrows with a long ponytail, someone who essentially was a lady-killer, and with him were three goons holding onto wooden swords as if about to reduce Jin to ash.

"Shi Jin, of the Shi corporation last time you ruined my courting of a girl with your father's guards but this time your unguarded, so prepare to eat dirt sh*tbag!!"

"Humph, I never knew you courted girls by kidnapping them, truly Blake you've widened my horizons, though I wonder how your father will feel hearing as how you've been 'courting' so many girls off the streets..."

Blake hearing this became infuriated as the surrounding examgoers began talk, "I never knew Blake Lively was such scum to abduct people and use them as playthings in broad daylight, this scum should be erased off this world!"

"You lot dare say that again and I'll kill you all, how dare you use my name so lightly you lowly simians I am the heir to the Lively family and not a peasant like you all!!"

"Wow, Blake your so powerful bullying these ten year old kids, oh so so fierce bullying 10 year olds, I wonder what your father will say about this, disturbing a sect initiation ceremony."

Hearing this Blake merely turned his head as his henchmen knew exactly what to do but Blake still emphasised their task as to scare Jin, "Break both of his legs after roughing him up now go beat the living daylights out of him!!"

Seeing that none of his guards were with him he began trembling as he called out to the crowds for someone to help him but none dared to do so as they would lose their line within the sect initiation ceremony. Only Xealius was at his side though he hadn't spoken out at all.

"Buddy, next time you meet our master make sure to pay him some respect, you shouldn't have messed with the wrong people kid!!"

After that the bulky henchmen stretched his leg out ready to end Jin's mobility for life as if a knife going through butter so was his leg.



Echoed out as a few legs were broken in one kick, the henchmen immediately fell to the ground as if they couldn't move their feet as their bones felt as if they turned into dust not feeling anything in their legs the two henchmen began screaming in pain as everyone looked on in awe.

Yes, Xealius had intervened he felt he was stronger than them as he had ascended into the foundation realm while the two henchmen were merely peak human not achieving any mana meaning they were just weak compared to an ordinary cultivation beginner.

Seeing this Jin was completely gobsmacked as who would've thought that the friend he had was this strong, meanwhile only Blake was left, as he shouted out with bloodshot eyes, "You, How dare you, you've just attacked the Lively family in public this calls for a public execution!!"

After this the boy hurriedly attacked Xealius but before he could even close in a spectre had intercepted him before chucking him hundreds of meters away, "Humph what Lively family this is the Golden Sun Sect not your father's house you dimwitted moron!"

And after that the Sect Elder took the kids money and prized belongings as a lesson infuriating the kid but he couldn't do much now unless he wanted to enrage the entire sect. As he ate his loss while looking at me as if wanting to kill me repeatedly.

"Xea- Xealius thank you for, for saving me I truly thank you without you here I would've died."

"It's fine Jin now come we need to take our places back now."

After five minutes had passed another sect related person came out as he looked at me before saying, "You were the person to kick and shatter their legs weren't you, your power isn't bad at all but rather your inborn power is amazing now come with me."

The person had on a grey robe with a pouch and short dagger on his hips while in his hands had a bunch of names on paper.

"Yes, I was the one who hurt them."

"Hmm, then follow me you no longer need to wait!"