Life 6: Wutian Who?

The third test was in fact a paper test where you have to answer some questions, there were five questions but they all had three parts to the question, but mostly the test was about Mana manipulation and how to improve yourself, E.g.:

[Question 5C: What is Mana? (4 Marks)]

Mana is believed to be ones life force and it's also believed that it permeates everything and links ones surroundings together. It is also linked to the flow of energy around and through the body, forming a cohesive functioning unit. By understanding the rhythm and flow of Mana, one can gain longevity and supernatural powers. Though in modern day society it is used as a way of life as most people know how to use it, as it is extremely important to living.

Stuff like that came up so I did what I could and answered them, halfway through the paper I checked the clock in the center of the room as it said 1:45 pm it seems not much time was left before the exam would finish at 2:00 pm.

As I slowly turned around looking at the others to see if they too had finished but it seems that most of the people had finished like me and were merely waiting for the time to end.


A day later after we had all returned to our dorms the test results were released in the Sects courtyard, as I hurriedly made my way there in order to see just which class I had made it into, and it seems my presence alarmed a lot of people as whispers, hushes echoed about me and my results yesterday though paid no heed to them with a blank face I stepped forward to see which Class I had entered on the huge Mana Screen.

"Hmm, X it's right at the bottom." Said I as my eyes scrolled through the names in order to see which class I had entered. And Luckily I had made it into Class S the highest class of them all as I felt delighted this meant I would gain more resources and help than the others as my talent made up for everything.

Then randomly a bright flash of light appeared as I subconsciously closed my eyes and a second later the light was gone and the elder was in place, "I hope your all ready for our sect, though I should remind you that every once in a while a test will go on and those who don't make the cut will be sent down to a lower class same goes for the others vice versa, also hunting outside of the sect is allowed so you can broaden your horizons but remember don't bite off more than you can chew."

After saying that the elder had finally disappeared as we all just stared into blank space thinking of what he said. 'If I don't work hard then I'll lose my spot and I won't be able to be powerful which is a no no to me, what's wrong with showing my strength as it is, I'll only gain better education and more help if I show my true power.'

'But first of all I really need to improve my Mana condensation and energy projectiles as I've been relying too much on my strong body.'

As I was entranced within my thoughts suddenly a voice from behind called out to me it sounded quite soothing to the ears as I turned back and saw that it was someone about the age of 15 the same as me, and the person had wild unruly blonde hair sticking up in the air and not coming down for some reason as he had a golden crown on his head.

"Umm, who are you?!?"

At this point the whole crowd had just stopped looking at their placements and looked at me as if I was an idiot as if I was missing commonsense, but truly I didn't know who the guy was, was he a hotshot or something I didn't know.

"Hi, it's fine it seems I'm not that well known in my own continent... it's fine anyway my name's Wutian what's yours."

"Huh, I'm sorry I didn't recognise you as I'm not really from an urban area I used to live in a rural area with no access to the Magus-Net I've only recently seen the Magus-Net, oh sorry for waffling on my name's Xealius no surname just a forename."

"Oh so it's Xealius-your devoted are you and motivated well seeing your results I guess it fits you perfectly Xealius-kun, so... Wanna be friends."

"Wait what, I'm sorry what did you say."

"I said... So... Wanna be friends."

"No, no I heard you the first time but thought you were joking or something."

"Why would I be joking?"

"Ah it's nothing sure let's be friends if you want, you got anything good to do today Wutian?"

"Yeah Xealius I was gonna head into the city to buy some stuff wanna join me?"

"Well I've got nothing better to do so let's go then Wutian."

After that the crowd treated us like royalty as they provided a path for me and him to go to the Sects main city.

"Yo, that genius just became friends with the prince Sun Wutian..."

"Shush, we'll get in trouble if th-they hear us..."


"So Xealius wanna buy anything."

Said Wutian as he waved his around the mall we were in, everything was here from the Magus-Net to the newest and latest artifacts, everything was here as I looked up at the stores which seemed to be overly vibrant.

"Nah, it's fine I'll sightsee for a while longer why don't you buy something Wutian."

"Sure, recently I was going to buy a new Spirit Contact from the artifact store, but I'm not sure which one to get, also Xealius what's your number. I'll add you on Spiritsapp."

"Ah, sorry for that Wutian I don't have a Spirit Contact, so I can't give you a number, sorry for that."

Ten Minutes Later:

"So this is how you use the Spirit Contacts Xealius it's activated with a thought from you and you have to put the contacts on your eyes to see the spirit screen."

"Wutian I don't get it you didn't have to spend your money on me for no reason man."

"Nah it's fine bro, I just had too much money and I wanted to burn a hole in my pocket, so it's alright "

'This guys definitely a weirdo.' Was what Xealius thought as he made his way back to his room.