Life 7: The Various Magus' Paths

As I woke up I went to the bathroom had a shower as I cleansed my body with the spirit water, my bodies dirt was dripping off of me as if slime, due to the amount of purity ones body needs when cultivating the art of Mana, I dried myself and then dressed myself before exiting, as it seemed it was time for the first period of the day.

Within the Golden Sun Sect, there were five periods to a day and on Saturday and Sunday we had them to ourselves if we wanted to train, go out with our friends and such.

These five periods encapsulated the school day to be exact as overall lessons lasted 5 hours with 45 minutes spent in the school for lunch and in-between period 2 and 3 we had a break that lasted a short 15 minutes.

With my Spirit Contacts on my perspective suddenly changed as everything around me was analysed if I looked closely at it and when I thought of lessons today, my view had changed as suddenly the spirit screen displayed a timetable of sorts.

[Monday: {P1 Rune Training} {P2 Physical Education} {P3 Magic Training} {P4 Artifacts Training} {P5 Alchemy Training}.]

It seems that Rune Training was first, and I was quite excited about it, after seeing the rune that transported us all to the mountain range the other day when we were being tested, I found it intriguing that a piece of writing could do so much.

And as soon as I headed out I bumped into Wutian from yesterday as it seemed that we shared the same dorm, giving me a quick smile he hurried over as he said, "Xealius you ready to learn about Runes."

"Yeah I'm ready Wutian but I'm not exactly sure what they are I mean their writing that have magic properties I think I'm not all that sure."

Hearing this the blondie turned to me before shaking his head, "I'm surprised you don't know Xealius you aced your intelligence test on the art of Mana, but I'll tell you anyway, Runes are in essence a Magus' energy that he puts into his attacks or defences, and usually they are formed through the art of drawing a specific shape or strokes to form the basis of your attack."

"Sorry Wutian but I didn't get what you even said, could you rephrase it in simpler terms."

Hearing this the blonde slapped his forehead with his palm before he "*Sighed." and then he said, "Xealius to attack or use martial arts or magic spells we don't put in our Mana directly to perform the attack or spell, instead we form runes on the body part that will launch the attack, e.g. I'm of the inferno attribute meaning if I were to form a fireball I would first need to form a rune upon my hands as I want to blast it from my hands, the runes are like foundations to make it easier for us to attack or defend without unnecessary chants like the older generation did plenty of years ago."

"The great thing about Runes is that you don't chant out your attacks as your enemies can hear this and counter with a stronger element than yours and so a few generations ago Merlin Pendragon the father of all Magical Advancement created the art of Runes, a way to make magic more safer and easier as you don't need to know the full spell just part of it as your runes finish the spell for you."

Finished Wutian as I finally understood the importance of Runes, "So Wutian with a rune I don't need to chant out my attacks, and while using a rune I put in half of the effort with double the rewards if you catch my drift."

Hearing this Wutian seemed surprised that I'd already understood the function of a rune as he merely nodded.


Soon after me and Wutian had headed to Class S as inside we found 20 other students waiting inside as they sat on their desks waiting for the teacher to arrive to begin Rune Training.

(Class C - 20 Students| Class B - 20 Students| Class A - 20 Students| Class S - 20 Students.)

A few minutes after I and Wutian had took up a table, the teacher had arrived, and the teacher was seemingly old as he had countless grey hairs sticking out in his oily black hair suggesting his age as he had a few wrinkles on his face with some veins visible off his hands.

Overall the teacher seemed like he was middle-aged or something close, as when he came into the classroom he looked at us all as if saying, 'stand up', and so everyone even Wutian stood up as soon as the teacher entered the classroom, after he got settled in his desk he then waved his hand down as to let us sit back down. It seems when a teacher enters we'll have to stand up as to show respect.

Finally the teacher stood up as we sat down before he used his Spirit Contacts to project our lesson plans, "Hello everyone, I hope your all well and studious with the way your all in S-Class, and I hope you'll give me respect paramount to the respect you give to your friends and family..."

Everyone in the class nodded as the teacher smiled before he continued, "My name is Alexander Blaise, and I am your teacher in Runes training, call me Mr Blaise, and in your academic years I will be responsible of teaching Class-S but remember if your studies do not reflect your skills you'll be sent down so be careful and prepared for that, now then shall we begin our lesson?!"

"So before we start off with runes, I will tell you some common or basic information about a Magus' path."

"There are many different types of Magus' but the main paths are:

•The Runic Path, where you learn the symbols of each and every word, and you use this alongside your Mana to form attacks, defences, everyday things, cooking, cleaning, etc. This is one of the most hardest paths to follow but one of the most rewarding as with this one can gain many shortcuts in battle in both attack and defence and also stealth.

•The Body Tempering Path, where your body is constantly strengthening itself to achieve the state of invincibility, very few reach this stage without a bloodline and only those with bloodlines can step on this path for the longest as non bloodliners require constant resources that bloodliners don't require due to their strong physiques and unique racial abilities.

•The Mana Cultivating Path, it's your life force and it links ones surroundings together. It also links the flow of energy around and through the body, forming a cohesive functioning unit. By understanding the rhythm and flow of Mana, one can gain longevity and supernatural powers. The same rewards apply to all paths.

•The Refiner's Path, it is where you create and refine artifacts that help increase your battle power and multiply your strength severalfold though to do this one needs perfect control of their Mana and a strong physique though with this the amount of money one can make is immense.

•The Alchemists Path, one of the most notably hardest paths to follow, similar to the Runic path though one needs to memorise the various herbs, types and such to create dices, dices are small objects refined with a herbs energy effects and concentration and to create and form a dice one will need a Spirit Flame, and similar to the Mana path it requires extensive Mana control."