Hemora Kingdom

After Harrahina's condition stables, Iore told the two men that he'd stay to watch her. They offered to replace him later, but he refused because only he knew the real reason why Harrahina's body was weak.

He has to avoid the possibility that one of them founds out about Harrahina's true identity... He put up a spell into her body to hide her true presence as the Great Queen. He put so much effort into keeping the Queen not to be found.

It seems like the Queen sense that something big is to happen soon.

Leonard and Zen now left to rest, and tomorrow, they will head to meet the Hemora King. Before closing the door, Leonard gives a worried glance at the girl, and Iore catches that look. He smirked.

Iore wanted the two men to leave now for him to send Harrah to the Guardians' dimensions where Suzaku could heal her himself.

The next morning...

The sunrise is blinding her. Harrah tilted her head into the side to search where the light came from. She saw Iore sleeping in a chair near her bed. Did he watch her all night? She smiled.

Harrah sat up from the bed and went down. She tiptoed not to disturb the shaman from sleeping. Harrah opens the curtains and takes a peek outside. She was mesmerized by the beauty it showed. Hemora City is indeed beautiful.

Harrah steps out to the terrace and wanders her eyes throughout the city.

The castle is indeed more dazzling in the daytime. She stood proudly, beautiful. How pity to destroy it one day. The castle standing on top of a hill, completely looking down the whole city, and behind it is a lake and was surrounded by trees... And so, destroying it one day would not harm the city itself.

"My Queen," Iore call out to her.

"Did I wake you up?" she asked.

"No. My neck is hurting, so I turn to my other side when I notice you are gone from the bed." He massaged his neck then said, "I am really getting old." He joke.

Harrah giggles. Iore smiles, "there you smiled now."

Harrah takes a glimpse at him, then looking back at the Hemora Castle.

"You've mentioned that a big celebration will happen soon in the main kingdom, right?" she asked him.

"Yes, my Queen. The founding of the Great Kingdom is celebrating a month from now. All of the cities will send representatives, including their knights and the rest of the officials," he answered.

"As well, many guests from all over the continent will get involve and joined for the celebration," he added. "The families will gather in one place."

He means it is an opportunity to choose a suitable husband for the queen.

"I see. Also, it is the best chance to engage an attack."

Iore is a bit surprised by what the queen had said. It looks like her body is weakening, but she is fully aware of what is going on. She's the Great Queen indeed.

"If whatever results from today's meeting, I'll judge the situation and will make a hard decision," she said it meaningfully, not mentioning that when the Hemora King attacked the main kingdom during the celebration, she already ordered Seiryuu to destroy that castle. The darkness looms in the deepest part underneath.

"I am going to need the Chen family," she turns around and looks at Iore's eyes.

Mystified, Iore nodded, holding not to kneel in front of her. "It is our honor to serve the Queen," he responded.

He felt so much overwhelmed. He had already served two generations of a Great King, now he will do the third one, and he could feel an excitement arising from his inner being.


Harrahina and Iore joined the others at the long table to have breakfast. Ashley heard of what happens to her last night, and so she asked her worriedly. She smiled. She assured her she was okay now.

She also thanked Leonard and Zen while headed to the castle. They are now riding in a carriage, and the four of them are seated inside. She sat across Leonard and Zen, then Iore by her side. 

Zen, as usual, smiles warmly, and Leonard keeps his serious face. But he gives her a worried glimpse. She blushingly smiled at them and said, she's even better now.

Leonard nodded. Seated on the sidelines, Iore observes quietly. He has known Leonard for a long, of course, he is already familiar with his behavior and attitude.

While Zen is enthusiastically telling Harrah stories about the city, Leonard stays quiet.

She looked around at every street they'd pass by. She wanted to walk around the city later. I hope she could have the chance, but there's more important they have to deal with.


They now arrive at the outer gatehouse entrance of the castle. A guard comes closer to look, but he is startled seeing the Chief General and the vice general in the carriage. Not only that, the great shaman is present as well.

He right away takes a bow and permits them to enter. Their carriage continued towards the drawbridge, and the inner gatehouse opened.

They entered into a wide maze garden of colorful flowers in the courtyard. Now they entered the lower ward, which they are halted.

It was Kihero who waited for them to relay an important message.

"The king will meet General Ming, but he forbid for Master Iore to come."

Leonard glance at Iore, who stays inside the carriage with Harrahina. He laughs sarcastically. He could sense the king plotted something. Iore nodded, agreeing he'll wait here.

After a few moments, Leonard and Zen walk towards the upper ward where Throne Hall is located, following Kihero leading the way. He notices that more knights stood around. He and Zen glance at each other meaningfully.

Left behind, Harrah strolls around the lower ward. Iore follows her back. She climbed a staircase, and from there, she could see the city below. Turn to her left. She notices a young boy practicing a sword fight with his teacher. Harrah's eyes grew wide open. She recognizes the boy.

"My qu--, lady Harrah, wait!"

The queen runs down the stairs towards the young boy in the middle ward garden. The knights blocked her.

"Who are you?" one of them asked her rudely.

"She's with me," Iore speaks behind.

The captain saw the situation, and he recognized the great shaman.

"Grand Master!" he bows partly. "I am sorry, we haven't informed of your arrival."

"There is nothing to bother, and we remained this visit a secret. General Leonard and Vice-general Zen now had a meeting with the King."

The captain was surprised and startled a bit—worries registered into his face.

"Do not trouble yourself. We will leave sooner after the meeting is over."

"Then, please come, Grand Master. Prince Braille is currently taking his sword practice." the captain shows them the way.

"I'll call the maids to prepare some tea," he offers.

"That would do," Iore replied, then smiled.

The captain called someone and instructed something. He followed them after he gave the orders.

"Prince Braille, the Grand Master is here."

The boy and his teacher stopped at once. The teacher bows.

"Hello, young prince." he greeted Braille.

"Grand Master, an honor to have you here," Prince Braille greeted politely.

He smiled. At such a great young age, the queen truly taught her son good manners.

"The honor of meeting the prince is mine."

"Hi! Am glad you are fine!" Harrah holds Braille on his shoulders and checks if any wounds he has.

"Who, who are you?" Braille was confused about the way this strange girl was doing.

"Do not be afraid. I am just happy seeing you are alright." Harrah pats his head.

He is still confused, the prince nod. His cheeks are burning, his gaze settled into Harrah's chest.

"Ah..." she steps back and stands straight. She is still wearing revealing clothes.

Not long after, their tea arrived and was served. At a round table, the three of them were seated. Braille is now relaxed around her.

The queen heard about the arrival of the generals and the grandmaster. Reports came to her how her husband forbid the great shaman of attending the meeting. She plans to storm the throne hall; then she hears Braille is now accommodating the grandmaster and his company, who happens a very beautiful girl.

Out of curiosity, she chooses to meet the grandmaster. She spotted them in the middle ward garden.

"The Queen has arrived!" the captain announced.

"Grand Master!" she directly approached the shaman Iore. "Please forgive the rudeness of my husband."

"Do not be troubled, my queen," he consoles her. "There's nothing to worry about."

"I am deeply ashamed of how the way my husband acted."

"It's alright... this way, we could have our own time," he said between his warm smiles.

The queen wipes her tears. They understand that her tears were meant for something else. He held the queen's hand and said, "Everything will be alright soon."

"It is what I prayed, always grandmaster."

"Now, join us. Prince Braille is really now growing up. He was a little boy the last time I saw him."

The queen looked at her son, "Yes. He is such a good boy."

Braille's face blushed from the praise of his mother.