The Great Queen's Improvement

Harrahinah had a great talk with the Hemora Queen, Crasilde. She could tell that Queen Crasilde is truly a great woman, and a great mother like someone she knew who she is missing badly now.

Her mother, Catherine, is a remarkable woman who serves the people back on her first home, the Earth. She always looks up to her mother and dream to follow in her footsteps. However, right now, she has a huge responsibility more than Catherine does.

How does her mother act in all of her affairs? She questions herself many times. Her mom is calm and collective. She is intelligent and wonderful. Everywhere she goes, the atmosphere lightens up and gets warmer.

Harrah was standing on top of the wall bridge and let her gaze wanders all over the City below. Now, she becomes the mother not only by this kingdom; but every nation, country, small kingdoms, towns, and villages of the Great Land.

However, she has a little worried if she could handle being a Great Queen. Could she become like how compose her mother to settle things that will occur when she sits on the throne? As his father told her, there are trusted people in this land who could help her, like the Grand Shaman Iore who was here on her side all the time.

"Ah..." her chest is twitching in pain again. The Red Dragon sword reacting towards the Blue Dragon Sword.  Grateful that Iore sealed her away to suppress her presence as the Great Queen. Harrah tried to calm down the Red Dragon inside her.

Not long after, she saw General Leonard and Vice General Zen walking towards the Grand Shaman, the Hemora Queen, and Prince Braille. She could tell on their expressions that their talk with the Hemora King has a bad result. She glances at Iore, the Grand Shaman gave her meaningful gazes.

Then, it's decided… she has to destroy this castle that stood before the Great Kingdom become a united continent. Harrah turns her back and Iore got worried.

"Dad, is it the right decision to destroy this kingdom? I wished you were here to guide me," she looks up to the sky and muttered her wishful prayers.

She was in the middle of her thoughts when the pain in her chest is unbearable. The Blue Dragon Sword is calling for her, the sword is nearby!

Is the Hemora King is nearby? She wanders her gazes and she saw him standing in one of the castle's windows looking down where everyone gathered.

Harrah glanced at Iore, somewhat understands and he quickly runs the stairs.

"My Que--- my lady? Are you alright?"

"Sent me to the Guardians, I can't control the red dragon inside me. If I reveal myself right now, my plans will go wasted..."

"Understood, my lady..." Iore replied, then he quickly catch the Great Queen's frail body after Harrah was transported into the Guardians dimension.

"Iore, what happen to her?" Leonard instantly teleports towards them when he noticed that Harrah lost consciousness.

"General Ming looks like, we must go back to the Chen mansion instantly… then, let's travel tonight to go back to the Main Kingdom, so that I could do a complete reading on Harrahinah inside the Mirror Hall," Iore lied. He needs an excuse to leave this place.

"Understood, let's gather the Royal Knights," Leonard agreed. He took Harrah's unconscious body and carried her toward their carriage.


"My Queen!" Seryuu jump in mid-air when Harrah suddenly transported and appeared to the dimension where the Guardians are…

"Quickly, Seryuu!" Suzaku assisted Seryuu and instantly give the Queen enough energy to recover.

Suzaku tears down the seal the Grand Shaman put around the Queen's body.

"Am fine!" Harrah suddenly jumps and she looks very happy.

The Guardian was speechless for the bubbliness the Queen showing them.

"Hiryuu! Come on! Let's continue!" Harrah takes out the Red Dragon Sword and in her left hand, she created an Ice Blue Blade.

She hadn't wait for Hiryuu and she attacks him. Hiryuu dodges the Queen's attack. He initiated his attack when the Queen shielded herself with Suzaku's fire.

Hiryuu smirked. The Queen now learns how to use the Five Guardians' elemental energy. He increases his speed and attacks the Queen continuously when Hiryuu dis stabs the Queen.

He slowly takes out his sword. "My Queen?" He asked worriedly.

The Queen steps back and sits on the ground. "Argh! Am still can't catch up!" Harrah complains while her wounds healing on their own… because no Guardians could wound her or kill her. They are a part of her and she is a part of them…

"Alright! Let us begin!" Harrah gets ready again. She poses her sword and waited for Hiryuu to attack first.

The clashes of swords could be heard for hours until Hiryuu throws a powerful blow which Harrah returned an attack... She releases great fire energy and both fires meet in the middle… but Hiryuu didn't expect it. Ice icicles suddenly appearing inside the fire energy and coming towards him.

The Queen could now both use the fire and water elements like this. While she is using the fire elements at the highest temperature, she could also use the water elements and make their temperatures to zero and turn them into ice. Not just an ordinary skill, but she is doing this in the middle of the fire elemental process.

The Guardian looked at each other, they were impressed by the Queen's improvement this much in a short period.