Suzaku Flame

General Ming gathered the Royal Knights and informed them of their plight soon. The knights bowed, then began conditioning their beast for a long journey home.

"Iore, I am suggesting for Harrah that you travel by air. I am assigning Zen to fly ahead with you."

"That's a good idea," he agreed. In that way, the Great Queen can stay unconscious during the flight to hang around with the Guardians until they arrive at the Main Kingdom.

"Upon our arrival, I want to call for a gathering with the other Royal Generals instantly for a meeting," he commended to the shaman.

"Understood. I'll go fetch Harrah for us to leave sooner," Iore said, then entered the mansion.

He marched toward the room where the Queen slept. Iore meditates and contacts the Queen.

"My Great Queen," he appeared on the 5 Walls Dimension.

"Iore, did something happen?"

"No, my Queen. I am here to inform you we will fly ahead back to the Main Kingdom."

Hearing this, Harrah's eyes spark with excitement. She only saw the Kingdom from her father's paintings. Soon she will go to see it for real!

"Do I need to wake up now?" she innocently asked Iore.

The Grand Shaman smiled. The Queen was cute acting this way. Staring at the Queen, Iore thinking how Lionel raised her daughter with so much love. He could see that.

"It doesn't need, my Queen. I will inform you once we arrive at the Main Kingdom." his response.

"Really? That was great, then! I can have more time to practice controlling the five elements," she told the shaman.

"Understood, your Majesty."

"Thank you, Iore!"

After he talks to the Queen, Iore comes back to his consciousness. He clothed the Queen with a thick fabric and brought her outside, floating in the air.

The wing beast now prepared to fly, as well as the Royal Knights on their journey.

Iore and Zen settled themselves on the back of the beast. Zen ordered the beast to float and stand by for a hasty flight.

"We are leaving now. Thank you for the warm accommodation. I expect your presence during the celebration," Leonard thanked the Chen family.

General Leonard jumps to his beast and settles above his ride. He then orders the beast to move, and the Royal Knights follow him. Above them is the winged beast. After they exited the Kingdom, Zen commanded the winged beast to fly ahead at speed.

Later on, several hours passed. They were passing the Mystical Mountains. General Leonard would also have no rest for two days with Iore and Zen.

Flying for almost a day, they face no danger until a giant flying beast suddenly attacks them.

Iore quickly protected them by putting up a shield and then staying floating while slowly landing on the ground. But the beast continues attacking them.

Suzaku, as his host, can materialize fire as wings. Using them, he flew and countered the flying beast's attacks. It forced Zen to take out his weapon. It forced Zen to take out his weapon.

It was persistent and kept attacking them. He flew back to his wing beast to talk to Iore.

"What should we do?" he seeks guidance.

Iore closes his eyes and heaves a furious sigh. "All right, it is necessary. And protecting ourselves is prime to the line of duty. I permitted you to do what is necessary."

Zen nodded. Hesitant, he began fighting furiously against the flying beast. Zen raises his sword and throws a blazing attack.

He stops in midair and concentrates. He gathers his energy and focuses on his sword.

"Dear Guardian Suzaku," he prayed. "Guide me."

Zen feels the surging flame within him. It covered his naked body with the Suzaku wings of fire. Zen's eyes turn golden yellow-orange.

He aims to release this enormous energy he can gather.

Zen yells, and with the flaming sword, he slashes the flying beast's body. Now the beast began burning. It cries from the pain, so Zen's heart is watching the beast.

"I will avenge whoever did this to you," he murmurs to the beast.

The flying beast looks at his eyes like they are communicating. Zen understands him. He grew up training a wing beast and any flying beast in the Western Continent of this Great Land.

Zen became the most excellent rider among his clan and was granted to become the Great Kingdom knight because of his mastery, leading him to achieve the Suzaku Flame.

He clenches his knuckles. He will forgive no dark forces for turning this gentle beast into a monster.