Entertainment is a Weapon

The Desciples of the four sects were mesmerized by the amount of colourful lights and the calming music in the venue. The tournament venue was a huge circular stadium like building with five square platforms made of tough rocks in the middle.

The middle platform was the biggest and the other four were smaller ones. all of the participants and spactators were sitting around this ground in a stepped stadium that was built just like the ones shown in Greek gladiator matches. they were cheap and easy to make and could accommodate many people.

the rocks were then covered with cushning to take the comfort of the participants into consideration. There was a stage on one side of the tournament platforms on which all the performances by the robots were being done. Although they were robots, with some smart printing and delicate metal forming made them look like beautiful Western angels. some of the males watching them even fell in love with some of the performing robots.

There were even some who wondered which females were more beautiful, Western or Chinese?. the female cultivators who also looked beautiful and refined because of their cultivation were slightly jelous of the beauty of the robots.

" I wonder what kind of techniques mister sector lord used to make such lifeless things so beautiful...." Fairy Xian mumbled. The four sect leaders and representatives were given a special room to sit in and watch the tournament with big screens inside so that they can even watch highlights like a real sport. They were confused, curious and also excited like children upon seeing all the new things that they never saw before.

Ham shuya smirked as he pressed the button on his chair. Soon his chair tilted backwards as two small Arms attached with rollers extended from a small slot of the massage chair and massaged his legs. they were warm and comfortable as the night spent at his personal room assigned by this sector lord contained this chair. " They are nothing but pieces of junk and metal....i can crush those girls with just my single punch...." He laughed as he looked at Fairy Xian.

Fairy Xian sighs as she looked back at han shuya " Some things are not meant for combat leader Han...for example, the chair that you are sitting on...."

Han shuya looked at the chair as he laughed " This chair is good....The servents at my place can't give me a massage this good...hahaha....i am definitely taking several chairs like these to my sect...i am sure sector lord would give them to me for free! "

In fact, the night that they spent at the rooms built by ace just a short distance away from the tournament stadium was an unforgettable experience. Ace pulled out some of the most entertaining shows of his universe and showed them to all the representatives of the various sects. There were television installed in all of the rooms and there were also comfortable couches and massage chairs as well as shower bath,Hot Water bathtub, And Air conditioners available in the rooms.

The technology for these things were perfected and only small number of parts required Ace to be built by himself with 3D printer as all the other parts were being made in Huge Multipurpose Auto manufacturing facilities. These were machines that can give any meterial any shape or size.

For example, if you want to make a plastic covering for the Tv, you have to have an injection moulding machine but the human civilization used the alien technology and just like the 3D printer, they designed the machined that can work with a single material and give it any shape they want. These machines were called Auto Formers as they would just take a lump of raw material and form it into the shape of the design provided to it by the main AI which was Alice.

Ace had made three such machines, one for plastics and two for metal. They were producing all the parts of the robots now and the manufacturing robots were only given the task of Assembling all the parts that Auto Formers produced.

Zhao Guan also turned on colourful lights inside the house, at one moment They were blue and whole room looked calming and next moment the light was pink and it would make someone fall in love. Basically Alice was giving them a first class restaurant treatment which they would get addicted to.

Ace knew that even if the threats worked, the experts were proud and won't be able to stop themself from scheming against his back. so he cooked a plan to give them something to focus on during their stay there. He had data about psychological warfare and he used a few soft methods in his Strategy. The goal was to occupy the attention of the important and strong individuals so that they don't have time to scheme.

He decided to open his Pandora's box and release the beast of technology to the cultivation world. Ace was looking at all of them through a hidden camera while drinking the purple juice. It was juice made from a special fruit that looked like grape but it tasted sweet. The Wan Gong clan delivered huge amounts of this fruit and several other food supplies that be brought from them with few spirit stones that he dug up from their own mountain.

The juices were also distributed among the Elders and leaders. They liked this Western way of consuming food and instantly fell in love with it. " Haha, what is this? it tastes like Purple dragon berries but i don't see them at all....to thing that simply crushing the berries into a liquid would taste this good! "

" You are right elder Ni, i think we should also try crushing other fruits like this and see if they also taste this good...." two fat bellied elders spoke as they gulped down glass after glass of juices that were delivered by small robots to them.

Zhao Guan took a sip as he also smiled. " This is such a unique way to consume food....i think mister Sector lord is a blacksmith genius....he can make such strong weapons with such a low quality meterials and he can also make Something so beautiful and Amazing out of ordinary....I truly doubt if he is from our world..."

Pan Ru looked at the screen where beautiful robot girls were giving a performance as he smirked " I wonder if those fake girls can perform like this in bed....hahaha..." Han shuya also laughed along with him as he looked at the robots. " They indeed look different than most women... they have a different charm to them...." Fairy Xian and other female elders stared at both of them as look of Disgust appeared on their faces.

Fairy Xian Scoffed as she looked at both of them " Hmph! Men will be men....You two can go and ask the Sector lord if he will allow you both to have those dancers for you...this way you won't ruin the lives of some poor girls....hehe " All the people of the Divine Dragon sect and Five elemental mountains laughed. Pan Ru Laughed at this but Han Shuya felt felt a little embarrassing and focused on watching the show.

In just one night that they stayed at the sector lord's place, they experienced watching tv, they felt the comfort of massage chairs and soft warm water beds. They also experienced the joy of taking a bath in a hot water bathtub and also given the opportunity to eat delicious Western food. This made an overwhelming impact on them. The Dance was almost over as Ace's projection appeared on the TV screen.

" Hello Sect leaders and elders, i am here to ask if you are having any difficulty while staying here. I hope you liked my inventions..." Zhao Guan Smiled as he nodded " Brother Sector lord truly makes wonderful things. My Divine Dragon sect would like it if brother Sector lord can sell us few of your weapons and Robots..."

As soon as he said this Pan Ru also added " My Shadow sect would also like to purchase a few Hot Water Bathtub and The lights as its generally dark in the Nether Forrest. Of course we would also like the robots just like Divine dragon sect."

Han shuya also added as he looked at the projection " Although we are against each other, i am sure Mister Sector lord won't deny business with us, we want the weapons and The robots too..."

Lady Xian finally added " Mister Sector lord, I would like to know how you can make those lifeless things look so beautiful? Your makeup skills must be amazing....Can you do my makeup? Of course my sect would also like to trade with resources for various creations of yours..."

Ace nodded as he looked at all of them. " Sure, if you want to buy my creations, i don't mind selling them to you. As for lady Xian, i would Gift you with a special robot that can do your makeup so you can look your best in the future " He smiled at her as lady Xian nodded.

The plan of his seems to be working as he looked at the four sect leaders even forgetting about the tournament as they enjoyed the creations of his which made the human society currupted and lazy in his universe. The bad side of technology which was entertainment.

The industry spanned from movies and games to the Physical comfort equipment. Although he wasn't able to introduce the biggest devil of the entertainment industry, The social media to the cultivation world, the things that he showed them did their work.

He smiled as he announced in the tv screen as well as on the huge screen in the stadium that all the people were looking at. " Now that dance is over, We can start the first round of tournament. The rules are as follows...."