Preliminary Rounds

There was a huge roar of people as everyone cheeared as Ace announced the start of the match. Ace smiled as he finally announced the rules.

" There Will be priliminary rounds first. everyone wants to win and there is a basic difference between the lone cultivators and the cultivators of the sects. there are 300 entry slots and sects can buy these slots for their outstanding geniuses. The price will be cultivation manuals and martial arts techniques."

As soon as he said they all the sect's representatives pearked up their ears as they listened carefully. " Of course, they don't need to be your core techniques and you can exchange for any techniques and methods but there are some rules in this system too. There will be no repetition. if one sect has already submitted certain manual, other sect can not submit a copy. A complete version would be counted first over an incomplete technique. "

The sect leaders and other representatives were in uproar as they discussed among themselves. Ace continued " There are benefits to buying these slots as the participants who pay the most would automatically get the first place. they won't have to fight until the top 1000 are decided. The participants who earn the 301st point can not challenge the 1st rank as he is only allowed to challage a participant 10 ranks above him... meaning that if someone wants the 1st position, he would have to defeat 10 people from 300 to 10 first. "

Han shuya had a smirk on his face as he looked at the screen that was showing him rules in written as well as a book that was given to him as he laughed " Truly, he not only smart in making things but politics as well..."

Ace showed everything in a presentation he prepared on the huge screen in the stadium.

" Of course, the price of the ranks aren't fixed and the sect who gives more valuable books would be given more points and based on those points, the rank of the disciples would be decided. "

Fairy Xian Looked at one of her elder as the elder nodded. he was the one carrying multiple space storage rings which contained a huge amount of such books. " Make sure all our disciples get at least into top 100 so that they won't have to complete too much and can win the tournament essyly..."

Ace continued to explain as the screen flashed with different images " Now for the lone cultivators and those disciples of sects who won't get a place in top 300, The priliminary rounds are a way for you to enter top 1000. Killing isn't allowed and crippling someone would result in punishment according to your circumstances. The matches will take place in three stages in which, in first stage, you would be assigned to a group according to your cultivation. "

" Only those in apprentice rank up to master rank 5 can participate..." Ace put this rule in place to stop sects from cheating. if there was an elder amongst the disciples, he would be in trouble when he was fighting as shen tiancai. " Anyone breaking the rules will no longer be under their sects protection, they will be my property and i would deal with them however i want..."

This statement sparked a wave of fear in masses as they still remembered the elder who was killed so brutally that only one of his hand and a leg were intact. " As for how the the participants of top 300 to 1000 can challenge the top 300, we will discuss about it later... first of all, let's discuss the first round of preliminary rounds. Those who are participating has no need to provide their name or their attribute. "

The huge screen showed each and every single participants pictures that his drones took while they were sitting in the stadium. " I already know how you look like, so your pictures will be used as your identity. if you want your name to be known, just speak your name loudly and it would appear on the screen below your picture. " He smiled as he added " Of course, you need to first show your cultivation so that we can pair you in groups. To show your cultivation, I suggest you inject the spritual force into these rocks one by one...."

A few black rocks the size of cars extended out from the walls. these were the standard equipment available in all the sects to measure the cultivation level of the individuals.

" Wow, why are these black jade rocks so smooth? one at our sect has so many dents and damages..."

" It's even in a perfect ractangle shape...i wonder how sector lord made this? "

" but one at a time would take so much time? right? "

Ace clapped his hands as the rocks split into multiple square cubes as the cubes slowly fell down onto the ground. There were small microchips attached to the cubes as Ace picked up a cube and threw it to one of the male in the crowd. On the screen his picture appeared Along with " Cultivation level - XxxX"

" His cultivation has been measured, but for security reasons, we will keep your cultivation levels a secret. only i would know them and you will be paired accordingly. " So i invite you all to pick up one rock each and register for the tournament. May the strongest win! "

There was an uproar in the crowd as the people rushed towards the rocks. some were sceptical but they knew that they won't be able to participate if they don't register themselves.

those who were to be backed by the sects were calm as they didn't need to rush among the crowd. Ace already gave the sects all the things that they would need before hand. The sect leaders and representatives already registered their important disciples in the competition.

Ace looked at people trying to get the rock cubes one after another as he spoke again " Those who do not get to register today would be allowed to register later but they will be directly assigned last position. The fight for the top 1000 would take place tomorrow, today you all can rest while the auction for the first 300 slots are held. "

Ace said as the crowd listened to him while being busy and in a hurry to register themselves. Ace walked out of the stadium and into his lab though the cave as he looked at another camera inside. there were rooms assigned to every sect's important individuals.

They had a screen on which they would be able to bid. Ace's face appeared on their screen after the view of the stadium as he smiled at them from within the war devil armor. " Now those who agree to participate in the auction can send the books you have into the Hidden slot that is available in your room. There is a red button besides the bed, pressing which would open a slot in the wall on the right. remember, the more book you send in, the higher your rank. "

As soon as Han shuya and others heard this, they left the common room and headed for their bedroom. it wasn't appropriate for them to show others their bids. Ace also placed this system in place because the Sects won't know who bid how much and would be forced to guess and bid more. " You all can see the rank of your geniuses in real time on the screen. There will be sect names on the display and you can bid for the multiple slots. you can specify on the screen as to for how many slots you want to bid and your books contribution would be divided into the number of slots. "

he also added " Of course, if you are unable to qualify for top 300, your books will be returned. The contribution would be counted based on the level of the techniques as higher rank techniques would be assigned more points compared to low rank techniques. This also applies based on attribute as fire, light and few other attributes would be given priority and such books would receive more points..."

He finished his speech as behind him, there was a huge vault, slowly it started filling up with books.

" Haha, this is a huge harvest! quick Alice! scan them and feed them to my brain as soon as possible! I also need to change, give me some clothes. I need make an appearance as Shen Tiancai! "