The Return Of The Beautiful Blade

"You must return. Your place is not beside me in a place like this. Ever since then your gaze is shrouded in darkness. Your path has not been an easy one. But you've already regained everything you lacked before; you gained something more precious. The scenery and the people around you, live your life with them. Do not restrict yourself and live in isolation just because I am. Live right now. Go back to your friends, the person you respect, fall in love - and maybe one day come by here again to show me your family. Experience more joy and happiness...." the man spoke unusually gentle, as he reached over and patted her hair.

He seemed equally reluctant to let her leave but, "Two years have passed already. You've accompanied me here long enough. Even if you don't know what's going on, just look and walk forward. Surely you will meet somebody, the person who will protect you for life. "


Year 4023 Mist Kingdom Queen Audience Chambers

A woman with brunette hair tied neatly in a bun using some cross-shaped pins, patiently sat on the ground waiting.

"Did you hear? A beautiful woman was escorted to the Queen's chambers."

"King Kazuya's secret lover?"

"Don't be stupid; don't you know how lovey-dovey those two are?"

A deep sigh passed her lips; she wished the escorts closed the door on the way inside. Melina's gaze landed on her surroundings. How many years have passed since she last came here? Around four - to think upon returning she is drawing this much attention to herself. Well, it's true her appearance has changed a lot. The comment regarding King Kazuya having a secret lover made her laugh though. It's the typical talk when a woman is about to give birth; they always assume that one side has had an affair. It seems like the palace gossip remains unchanged.

Four years have passed, two since she left her master's side. The fate of her master is something she will not disclose. But the two had to separate. As much as she wanted to remain by his side, Melina understood that she could no longer do anymore. If it was her of the past, Melina knew she would have caused more of a fuss. In the years since she left the Mist Kingdom and the years, she left her master her appearance has significantly changed. Her had grown well past her shoulders, due to the length; however, Melina kept it in a bun using the pins her master left her. She became much taller and was around 178cm. But the more surprising thing is how elegant she walked.

Perhaps it was because of the strict training in the Silver Palace. But after she left the Mist Kingdom, Melina realized that her reckless way of walking and her manners vanished. Her master said that what she learned in the palace didn't take immediate effect until after the war, because she had fighting on her mind. Indeed, once the weight was lifted from her shoulders.

Only a short while has passed since she entered the Queen's waiting room, but she felt her legs go numb. She may have significantly changed, but there are still things she feels uncomfortable with. This being one of those things, just bear with it for a few minutes. On her way here, Melina heard from other villagers about the Queen's pregnancy. Knowing the Queen was pregnant brought her nothing but joy. She knew how much the couple always wanted a child.


A woman appeared from behind the curtains, long gorgeous black hair and fair skin like snow — Queen Lyn, age 26 and still a stunning beauty. The only thing different was the Queen's stomach she really is pregnant.

"Lyn," a tender voice called out and pulled the woman back, "You're pregnant; what are you doing running around for?"

Laughter passed the woman's lips, "I'm sorry; I was just excited to see her."

"Well, it has been a long time."

The other person looking warmly at her is the King of this country, King Kazuya.


After a few minutes, the servants set up a small round table and placed it by the window. In the process though, Melina noticed how each servant that went by kept staring at her. Go ahead and take a look,

"How are you?"

"Quite well," Melina paused. She didn't know how to tell the Queen, how does she say it? It took her quite some time to comprehend the situation too, even now deep down she doesn't accept it. There has to still be away, in the back of her mind Melina is telling herself that. But there's only one year left before the transformation is complete. In such a short amount of time will she be able to find a cure?

Melina felt the Queen squeeze her hands across the table, "I know about the General. My sister and Ark visited him recently," Queen Lyn took a deep breathe, "I didn't think you wouldn't be there with him..."

Melina immediately apologized, she has no excuse, "I'm sorry— but he--"

The Queen nodded and interjected, "I know. The General, even more than me, has always wanted you to live a normal life. Perhaps it's due to what happened with his daughter, but he's always lived a life of regrets. But when you came along, his life brightened up. That's why I know how important you are to him. He never wanted to teach you how to fight, but he had to during these circumstances. He didn't want to leave you defenseless and unable to control your powers."

Melina looked down and clenched her fist, she knew. She knew that, eventually she got it out of him during their journey.

"When I first found out I was furious. Who is he to make that decision for me?"

Even now she could remember it clearly, her frustrated feelings and how distressed she was.

"I want to find a cure for the General. For Master, I haven't given up."


"Please Queen Lyn; you have to help him. I know you're pregnant. But I can't do this alone. In the two years I left Master's side I went all over the Empire, but with little lead to go on in the first place, I couldn't find much," Melina looked down. She regretted it. All that time spent in the silver palace, she should have used it more wisely. There was plenty of equipment there, plenty of books and old scriptures. She wasted time, so much time.

When Melina heard the Queen was pregnant, she felt happy for it worried her and yet at the same time. Would the Queen be able to help her in her present state?

Before the Queen could answer King Kazuya spoke up, "Melina, are you serious about this? Nobody, as in nobody has found a cure for the Dragon transformation before. You have to understand that it's part of a person's bloodline. Nobody has escaped that fate."

"But there has to be a way, Master is still human most of the time," Melina tone was desperate.

Even right as she left her Master was still fine. He was struggling but remained his usual self.

"Ark said the same when he returned," Kazuya drawled, "He's still human. But the beast inside him is taking over a lot faster; he can no longer eat normal food and his urges to harm humans has increased."

Her eyes widened at those words, Melina felt the color drain from her face, "No..."

"Kazuya," Lyn interjected.

"She needs to know that much. If she's resolved to do this."

Resolve? After hearing that? Her resolve was already small, to begin with. But now hearing Master's present state, Melina isn't sure what to think. Her mind had gone completely blank; she was a complete wreck.