This place is still your home

Ever since Melina found out about her Masters dragon side, from time to time she breaks down. Today was no exception, Melina felt her breathing become unsteady. She had to lean on the wall to keep her balance.

The Queen walked over and pulled her into a hug, "Hush, child. I understand it's difficult for you. The General was like a father to you, just like how General Adrien was for me. General Teo was like a big brother to me, so I can relate with your pain. But that's exactly why we must remain strong. If we break down, then the General will worry about us more."

"Queen Lyn, I need to save him..."

She can't imagine a life without the General anymore. Since when did her Master become so important? Back then, she really took it for granted, him staying beside her.


Year 4023 Mist Kingdom Main Castle West Division

The last thing Melina expected was to wake up to someone throwing rocks at her window. She only just arrived yesterday and the Queen instructed all the servants who saw her, and heard it was her to keep quiet. 'I want to surprise them.' is what the Queen said, but Melina saw the myschievois glint in her eyes. Exactly how does she plan to surpise them?

Melina didn't get a chance to ask, since the Queen's morning sickness acted up. The whole night she was unable to sleep and simply rolled around in her bed, deep in thought. When she finally did get to sleep,

The girl looked around the room again and noticed, this place remains unchanged from when she left it. Though they replaced the bed to a larger one, everything else from the cabinets, desk, walls - remains unchanged.

She ignored the sound, and continued to lay down. She needs to save Master. This whole time she travelled and acted calm despite the disappointing information she received from other people. But seeing Queen Lyn, all the walls she put up broke down. That must be a part of her that still remains the same, then again she's always treated and seen Queen Lyn as a mother figure. Mother huh? Melina shook her head, don't think about it anymore. She has to focus on finding the Generals cure.

The sound on the window continued to grow louder, disrupting her thoughts. Melina stood up and walked over angrily.

"Damn, who is it? Some people want to get lost in their own thoughts and brood in the morning," Melina shot back irritated. She may be more graceful now, but if someone annoys her, her sharp tongue slips.

Bright laughter, "I see your the same as ever. You gave me the scare showing up like a graceful lady."

The person standing bellow her window was none other than the King Of The Mist Kingdom.

"K--K-ing Kazuya," Melina replied awkwardly. Speaking that way in front of the King? During her years apart in the Kingdom, Miley understood how kind Queen Lyn was to her. She really took the woman's kindness for granted. Now Melina was aware of the consequences of speaking the way she has towards a member of the Royal family, she felt herself grow nervous.

The King however simply laughed, "Don't mind, don't mind. Your like family to Lyn. Then it's the same for me."

Melina let out a relieved sigh.

"Then, is there something you need?"

"Let's take a walk."


Since her arrival is still a secret, King Kazuya only took her to the areas she passed yesterday. With the King around, people didn't bother gawking at her. Though there were some who still tried to take a look. Melina ignored them and looked at her surroundings, everything from the structure of the guards to the plants and buildings. Everything looked brand new, grander buildings. In the past the Mist Kingdom was known for not being overly rich and that's why people liked it. It's still the same but the place has certainly gone through a modern day upgrade. She noticed buildings outside the castle on similar wave length, everything is still equal here.

"The palace really went through an upgrade," Melina murmured.

Kazuya smiled, "The Snow Kingdom was really generous, they felt eternally greatful for what we did."

"So you exploited them."

Kazuya laughed, "Half of this is due to Prince Andrew and Pupillam's work though, they've been travelling to the different

"Ah, that reminds me. The head advisor gave birth last year," she paused, "It was quite the spectacle, announcing it the way they did."

"Well, Andrew is a straight forward person. He never actually cared much for status and all that."

"Didn't the head advisor get mad," Melina stopped in mid sentence and corrected herself, "I meant Duchess."

"Hard to get used to huh? But it was the only way for them to get married. Loads of people were against them being together. But the Prince really fought for her. You should have seen how Pupillam's father acted though, he wanted to choke Prince Andrew for getting his daughter pregnant..."

Melina's gaze softened, "I missed a lot," her tone was somewhat lonely as she said those words. She didn't think much about it, but she was gone for far too long, "I used to think you missed out a lot on your marriage with Queen Lyn, with your disappearing acts. But now that I think about it, you never left her longer than three months."

With the exception of what happened four years ago. King Kazuya is always around, Melina continued her voice weak, "Leaving for so long, I missed out on a lot of changes. There's new staff here, and people don't know me anymore."

How lonely, this place is her home and yet it feels like a completely different place to her now.

"We tried to contact you," Kazuya started, "But..."

"I know, I stubbornly sent away all your messengers. I wanted to focus on Master's treatment. I completely dismissed everything else," a strong gust of wind blew and the flowers fell lose from the branches and Melina bent down to pick one up, "I wasn't good at research, or medical treatment. So I had to learn while looking for a cure at the same time. It was difficult for me, I didn't know what I was doing at all. Unlike before I had nobody to teach me, I had to learn everything alone with limited resources."

It was only when she left did she realize how lucky she was.

Kazuya reached over and patted her hair, it surprised her. She never really interacted with the King before. But his hands are warm and filled with the same kindness as her Master, "No matter what changes, the Mist Kingdom is your home. It may take some time to get used to. But this place is yours. The resources? Access to places? You can use them."

"King Kazuya, I.."

Kazuya smiled and pulled his hand back, "I took you out today because I figured you would want to have a look at the town."

Melina blinked, "Your going with me? What about the Queen?"

"Unfortunately I have business I have to attend to. If I don't go, Lyn will go herself and that's not happening with her body like that. Since I'll be going there anyway, I figured I would take you along too," Kazuya sighed at the first half. It must be hard for him. Melina knew he didn't want to leave Queen Lyn's side even for a moment, "Sounds good?"

The town, the entrance she used to enter the city was different. It was on the side so she only caught a glimpse of the place, so she didn't walk through town to arrive to the castle. She wants to see it, her home.

Melina nodded, "I shall take you up on that."