Clumsy Coffee Prince

"Umm do you mind if I sit on this end". I turned my attention to the individual that had just walked up. Whom was pharsing this question towards the guy across from me.

Looking closer the individual was a teenager with his hands full of what I assumed was study materials and a beverage from the shop as it had the shop logo on it.

Startled and making too sudden of a movement to remove his bag which had papers slipping out onto the 3rd cushion.

The guy across from me had temporarily forgoten about his coffee in his hand.

The coffee had then tipped in his hand causing him to almost drop it. However, with a sudden release of his bag which fell onto the floor spilling its contents. He made a fast recovery only spilling some of the coffee on his hand and floor.

Seening this unfold and realizing that an extra wait would occur. The young guy quickly walked away to another open seat.

Shaking my head at the open rudeness. I sat my book down on the armrest of my chair. Then grabbed some nappkins out of my bag.

To stand up and made a few steps towards the guy. Then handed them to him while stating, "Here" and placing them in his hand.

I then bent down to gather some of the objects up.