Duvar is a land that is known for its bountiful and beautiful river

Look at the west and north and one could see large and unyielding mountains dotted the landscape.

In the tales of poets and songs of bards Duvar is a bountiful kingdom and full of prosperity and natural resources

The air is fresh, the scenery is breathtaking and the people are beautiful.

It is truly a kingdom full of life and beauty.

Dan was summoned to the place by King George. Once there, he was tasked to bring the Second Prince to ask for the hand of Helena, the most beautiful women in the continent

But in the carriage he had time to marvel and awed by the scenery of this kingdom. It was beautiful, breathtaking and peaceful.

But then he saw the reputed the most beautiful woman in the world. Princess Helena

Dan also saw her among the crowd when she stands on the balcony of her palace to address her people. It's true what they say about her. She is beautiful