The sound of clanking iron can be heard. Fire sparks can even be seen from outside the forges. The smell of smoke and burnt iron can be smell form miles away.

Hephaestus was there hammering iron and gold. Hammering weapons and tools of divine properties. Of all the Gods only he has that kind of abilities.

Twenty anvils and bellow worked under him tirelessly all these years crafting things for Olympus.

Golden and silver lions and dogs at the entrance of his forge created in such a way that they could bite the invaders

They are the famous automaton of Hephaestus

Even the palaces in Olympus were constructed by him. His body is enveloped by fire, but he just stand there hammering amidst the fire without even flinching.

That's what he always does when he is nervous. Hammering and tinkering with things. By now Athena must have known what he has done.

He has conspired with Poseidon to kill an adventurer.