He thought he could rest at home. His residence is comfy, and he has servants to serve his every whim.

His life in this world when compared to his real life is world apart

But that is clearly not what his assassin thought of. Instead of a nice warm welcome when he got back he was greeted with an assassination attempt.

But Aero had already known Tatiana was hiding there.

He sees it through Hugin.

That is what he decides to call his raven.

Though sometimes Hugin disappears at some period of time. It puzzles Aero. Of course he also had his assumptions.

Aero believes that the raven disappeared to Olympus assisting Athena probably when that raven is not here with him.

As he sat in his carriage he also remembered a few news that is hot right now.

The Archpriest of the Grand Temple in Duvar has announced that the Gods have decided to change their names to ward of the misfortunes that they have been having.