'You're dead this time, Aero' Josh thought in his head as he looks at Aero reading the document

This might be his opportunity.

If Aero falls in favor from the King maybe, he will have an opportunity to insinuate himself with the King.

Who would have thought that Aero would hide such an important document from George?

Finished reading the documents Aero did not seem that shocked that his act of hiding the document was discovered by the King

"Yes, I've known about this" Aero said calmly while handing back the document to the attendant.

"SO, why didn't you tell me about it"?" George said his voice slightly raised.

The King got up from his throne and told to the people in the court about how Philip helped in the last war and he said

"Shouldn't we help them in their times of peril?"

Hanson, Amora and Anton with the King starting to rebuke the Chancellor all spoke in favor of rushing military aid to their ally.