The hunter

♧♧3 hours before the Dream♧♧


Know where can I find the information section? Hmm what is this? In my search for information I came across many things in this land,but this was exceptional. A man in chain is in one of the rooms. Chained in a way you would question, chains tangle and twinkle around his hands, and legs, how dangerous is this man? I wondered.

"Who is there"? The man called as he gaze to my direction which was an odd think to me. How can he even see me? I am behind him. Actually I am behind the wall off rocks that separating us.

"If you think I can't sense that you are there or even hair your foot steps then you don't know me" of course I don't. I raise my head to get a better look of the mans face through a small window, but I was met with his cold gaze.

"How did you know I was there?" The man moves his head slightly towards me, then said "This is what I do for living, I'm a Hunter" I thought so "You should work on your stealth boy. I can hear you quite clear." Right on the point I see.

"How did you get yourself in this mess if you are one unique special hunter that can hear my footsteps behind a wall?". I ask curiously " Ah, where do I begin?" he lowers his head " I finally thought I could rest in peace, by finding strongest force I can find and getting myself slaying,But that didn't work as I thought instead they lock me down like an animale" he attempted a suicide realy.

I lower my head and site there behind the window quietly. Voices of stranger's I started gotten louder.

"It's been 4 years since he saw the light. I don't think he will say no to this offer...". Says unknown male. "Open the door soldier", "Yes sir" says a soldier who was on guard.

"Well,well  Isn't that the Commander of the royal guard himself". the man in chains. The Commander of the royal gourd is here to meet this man,Just who is this guy?

"You know you talk too much" the commander.

"Well I just missed you know, wait the last time I saw your face you looked like you were about to die" says the man in chains with a smirk in his voice.

Before I can fully finish listening to there conversation Michael comes to me. "David!" He whispers "What?"

"We have to go now" Michael says lowering his voice. "Wait I need to know what kind of offer are they about to give him" I say.

Michael leaves me, and I keep listen to the convention that started to take a dark tone.

"You are specially gifted man, and I am sure you don't like staying inside this small room with the same four walls....?" commander

"Maybe but depending on your offer I might change my mind" the man in Chains said. I shake my head, and told myself he is out for blood I am sure about it.

Before I finish listening, a middle age deep vice soldier takes my attention. "Who is there?"  The soldier says, "show yourself now". I move slowly turning  my face to him. Man where is that idiot Michael. I give him the simplest job, and he can't do it.

The soldier points his sword towards me planning of course to strike me down, but before he struck me a flying arrow hits his neck, and He drops dead.

I look at where the arrow was shot just to see Michael laughing at me.Voice of the other soldiers coming to words me increases. I rush to my horse to catch up with Michael who already left.

"They when this way follow them" Soldiers on horses go Based us, hidden in a sweet kind of the bushes hoping they don't he us we stop on river to rest.

"We have been running from them for 2 hours at least" says Michael, "Man those guys don't know when to give up" he adds.

I came as near as I can to him than I land one solid bunch on him. "Wow slow down man" he backs up, "Why did you do that?" I ask him shouting as lower as I can.

"Sorry man I had to get your attention" he says, "by leading one of the soldiers to me. I didn't even have a sword with me" I say.

"Listen I save you from something bigger than that" he says.

"If you would let me stay little longer I would have known what they were offering him"

"No, you would have died" dead silence

What is wrong with him....? He doesn't know how important this mission is. "You see there were 4 of them. I killed..." I interrupt him" Save it man".

He will never stop joking, "We are Soldiers remember, and we are gathering information, and we just lost an important one" I kick a small rock away

I move around to see if there is soldiers around, but I couldn't find any of them. "Our safety comes first" he lashes back with angry voice.

Safety he says were is the safety in what he just did?

We might have known. each other for a long time, but Michael's action couldn't be described like anything else but something but out of character for him.

"We stay here tonight" He nods then walks to the river to wash his face. I sit behind a tree so no one can come behind me, and closing  my eyes I  fall in a deep sleep...