The past

"David help me please", a voice, a familiar voice, but I can't remember who... I move slowly toward the voice walking through ruins that resembles the castle. As I walk Someone recharged for my shoulder turning me around. A tall man with cold blue eyes and a brown hair "David my boy". Who is he?

He moves his hand for behind his back, with a shape less smile on his face, a short blade-the same one my uncle gave me in my 5th birthday. I try moving away, but my body wouldn't obey. The man's blade runs the through my flesh like a lighting... My vision weekends, and my body becames cold. I start to fall on my back unable to do anything.

I opened my eyes gasping for air frightened my hands are shaking, and I am shouting "No" I stop to think for a moment "What was that? Was I-dreaming?".

"I think, yes" Someone says. I move as fast as I can away from the tree. "Why are you running from me" the person says, I turn slowly to look.

"Is just me Michael" he says. "Oh Michael ha-ha..." putting on a fake smile. Was he here the hole time?.

If he knew how fast my heart speed is he would laugh at me until the sun set, Damn nightmares.

"Hey David you seem like someone who had a bad dream"

How did you get behind me that's the question I am supposed to ask him. mybe he was on the tree... like hell he was.

"What a silly question of course I wasn't having such dream" I say with a bigger fake smile.

He stares at me with a disbelieve in his eyes, and he says "Of course someone who had a dream like that would try his best to put on good lie right" "Ye... What?" I stop myself.

Was he watching me while I slept? If that is the case, that would explain why he is asking all of this questions because he knows I was having a bad dream, but why ask if he knows the answer.

"I am sure I heard you saying "who are you?" He says, "Plus you are shaking like you saw some kind of a ghost" he adds. Then it came to me my hands are still kind of shaking, Damn nightmares.

"Hey I think is time to go. We have stayed here long enough don't you think"

My hope is he will stop questioning me, "Besides I don't know what the meaning of the word ghost is. I don't know what you are talking about" I tell him.

He looks at me then Nodding his head, "You are right we should keep going". Did he believe me that easily this is so unlike him.

"Don't you think you should have used better lie on me" he adds "I am your friend we have know each other for 9 years. Try liening better next time".

"So you were watching me sleep weren't you?". I ask him, "I came to see what is happening when I heard you screaming" he says.

He was watching me sleep what does he get from watching me sleep? The question duplicate and multiply in my head. More questions give birth to another a cycle of miss trust was starting to build between us lately.

"Okay let's go, and forget whatever you heard me say while I was sleeping" I say to him. "Okay" he says.

It's been 9 years sense I meant Michael. I was 7 years at that time, and he was 6 year almost turning to 7th year. His father was a good friend of my mother.

Queen Isabella was her name, She was the queen of Constantinople. she was killed because of her position they say, but I believe greed is what killed My mother.

Being a son of the former queen of Constantinople must be great. That's what people will say if they knew, but no I am different type of a son.

known I work as a soldier not as a prince. My mom sent me to Macheals father before her assassination, General 'Alonzo'.

The General trained me by his own hands, and he was very skilled man.With multiple sword skills.

He is one of the most skilled teachers that I have ever faced, and of course I still havn't won one's aging's him. One of his most famous sword skills is his multiple blade style.

Of course this requires someone really fast like him, quick thinking person like him. The man fights with two blades like he is fighting with one.

He is the commander of the eastern border in the kingdom, a man of Steel.

He didn't know about my mother's death until her message reached him, of course the message was with a young boy.

9 years ago...

"Mother what is going on?" "Mother..." what happened to here. Moving around the castle and leaving my chamber I look for my mother. For some reason I felt the urge to look through the window, and couldn't believe what had witnessed. Soldiers fighting here and there, blood everywhere, death had came to other door steps... "Dave my son, what are you doing here darling...?" she says, "Mother..." She grabs me by the hand and walks me back to the chamber.

"Mother..." An old man that I have never seen comes in through a back door, located behind shelves. She looks at me with a sad eyes "Mother are we being invaded...?" I ask. By know it was a matter of time before we all get killed and be came parts of history books.

"Dave my son be a good boy okay. Respect your elders and always listen to them" what's going on. Those weren't tears of joy where they? But I was ready... I knew my time was coming...

"Dave my son I want you to be strong make good friends work hard, and never lose sight of your goal I...I am sorry I have to leave you along" she matters tears interrupt her she hugs me, and holds me tight. Tears flood my eyes without my consultation..... why...Why...

I never saw my mom cry like this... she gives me a letter and she says "I want you to go, and give this letter to General Alonzo be save Dave" What? "Mother I will not abandon you, why are you speaking like I said am the only one who has to scape?" "My apologies David, but I have to stay and buy you some time dear..."

Lies-lies... I knew better than anyone that she willn't last that long... it was all lies.

The old man tolk hold of my hand, and we go out from the back door, but before I go out of the room I came back running to Hugh my mother one last time. For a moment everything froze it was as if the time it's self was given us mother and a Son some quality time, it was as if time was showing us sympathy. I wished it stayed like that for little bit... just little longer...

The loud Bang on the Chambers door pools us apart.

"I love you mother".

"I love too son".

I and the old man run from the place to the Eastern borders. Not that much of people knew my face, my father always said don't show your back to your enemy, and that included my face because I am was young and weak an easy target. We get there save but when the General saw my face he knew right away.

It was as if he could read my face "Is going to be okay" He said, and give me a hugh. I was cold emotionless almost blank page no tears no nothing. I pool out the paper my mother instructing me to give it to him.

"Dear old friend Alonzo is being far too long time since I send you a letter of request like this. How is your family your son, your wife say hello to them from me. This letter might be the last one you will ever receive from me. I am asking of you not as a queen, but as your friend please take care of my son... please take good care of him, and tell him I love him. Truly yours Isabella".

"Isabel..." He looks at me "Boy" I almost jumped out of my skin "Ye...yes uncle" though he was not my uncle I always called him uncle "Calling me uncle will cost us problems, So call me Sir or General unless we are between family, and boy speak with pride" "Yes Sir".

From that day on I became one of his family members. Though I wasn't allow to go outside that much until my face changed, and I reached the age of 12, and People have forgot about me by then.


I was hiding for 4 years since the death of my mother, and I was training, and harnessing my skills until that time come that I can face the word, and when that time came I put my plane into action one survive, two get as many allies as I can, and three revenge...

When I reached the age of 12, and I was allowed to go outside. The general allowed me to put my training in action,I went to go to mission with Michael and other companies to get as much experience as I can.

The people who killed my mother might have forgotten about me, but I didn't forget about them, and I swear I will avenge her death. Call me fullish and stubbornt but I am a dreamer of a destant future. Hunted by the memories of the past.

As we started moving, and leaving the river area we hear a voice behind us.

"So fearless worries are you ready to face my wrath"? someone says.

We quickly turn around, Michael draws his arrow, and I un sheith my sword, but the person turn out to be non other than the unit commander.

"Dame captain I almost fire an arrow on you what are you doing here"? Michael says confused.

"You boys have been taking your time,and I thought something happened to you" he says with angry voice.

Allow me. This is Antonio Michael's uncle, and he happened to be the commander of our unit.

We are in his unity because his unite is the closes to the enemy borders, so me and Micheal are try to find out more information regarding them, and that is why we are here.

"Does that mean you were worry uncle?" Micheal says,"What-what kind of crazy ideas is flooding in your mind boy. I know you two were taking your time I just came to see you in the action"

"What does that mean?" I asked

"You boys are in trouble, and you will make the food for the soldiers all day when you go back there as punishment" he says.

Not this again, "We better find a solution or will be dead in no time. I mean my handsome figure can't do such porutal job" complicated obsessed Michael complains to me as if I had all the answers "Go to hell..." I whisper to myself

"What was that?"


"I am sure I heard something about hell"

"Nothing that concerns you handsome figure"

"Are we all going to hell" Michael's voice started taking kind of a sad turn "This my punishment..." Oh God, he is becoming emotional again...

"Shut up Michael"

That's when I saw him a boys wearing rather old clothing. Laying down under tree. At first I thought he was dead..." Hey look there..." I say pointing to the boy.