Part I:The Sculpture Chapter I:The Attack

We got another report of a 173 like creature. Agents Herbert J. And Walter R. Will investigate.

They arrive at the scene at a town in Luxembourg. Where the sculpture is kept.

"Name's Agent Herbert Johnson. We are here to investigate an Anomalous event of a sculpture. Moves when eye contact is broken."

"Yes sir! Certainly, the Sculpture is over there."

Herbert heads to a farmhouse in appearance warehouse. He notices the lock is open. He enters and discovers the Sculpture is gone. He runs back to the person whom he asked and informed him. The Man ran to a building and sirens rang. Herbert ran back to his car, startling a half-asleep Walter. Walter then powered the car up and drove.

"Herbert, do you think this sculpture poses a threat to Moscow? Since we are near there now? Should we trace the Sculpture?"

"Yes, that's what we're gonna do. We gotta trace this creature before he gets discovered. Along with the other creatures. But dont worry, the Containment Forces are heading to the last known location now."

"Good to hear, but what if the Creature is dangerous, or hard to Contain?"

"Sure enough, we need the Elites."

"Yeah. We gotta need them."

They arrive at the last known location, there's a dead body laying down on the ground, his head is dislocated. The Containment Forces are searching the area.

"Clear, we got no visual of the Sculpture." The CF did not see the Sculpture. Nor it has any tracks. The radio of the car of Herbert had a transmission. It reported that "A Sculpture like monster in a town in Russia, near Moscow."

"Walter, we gotta go, All CF (Containment Forces) we gotta move to Dubna! Attack of a Sculpture like monster was reported there, recently."

The Forces moved out. The duo got back in their vehicle.

They arrive at Dubna, to their horror, dead bodies lie down. The CF captured the Sculpture. And headed to Site-19.

The duo head Back to their vehicle after a meeting with the Founder of the Organization. They return to the town where the sculpture is kept. Now they're on the man who unlocked the lock. They ask townsmen whom did they see the last in the warehouse. No one knew..

"To be honest Walter, in my 15 years of experience, this is only easy. That reptile was more hard, even the Sword Wielder."

They asked more townsmen. One guy pointed at Yuri Miller, an American activist, they head to his place.

"Agents Johnson and Roberts, you're Yuri Miller right? We have some questions for you to ask."

"Alright. Stay here. I'll just get something."

The two wait outside. Until they hear a shotgun inside. He readies and fires, missing them. The two get their P226 and chase the escaping suspect. It ensues in a gunfight in the center of the town. He runs out of bullets and Herbert shoots the man in the Arm.

They run up to him and cuff him up. They take him to his house near the center of the town.

Herbert asked him questions. "Heard of you releasing the Sculpture right? Why did you do that?"

He responded "I did not, you got the wrong person."

"You got to be kidding me, Herbert should i blow this Person's brains?"

"No, he is still of use, NSA reports him cooperating with Terrorists. His releasing could be a mass Terror attack on those poor victims."

"All you heard, is not true... Someone is behind this, more larger than you think!"

"Eliminate this Man would you Roberts?"

Walter then shot the man in the head.

They left the Man there, but they informed the local PD about it, they then proceeded to head to Herbert's Vehicle, they dont know where to go. They head to the location, where they apparently saw on a paper in his house. In Moscow, the Residential area. They knocked on the door.

"Agents Johnson and Roberts, we are here to investigate a group that was involved in a massacre in Dubna, care to answer some questions?"

"Certainly, head right in."

The two head inside the house.

"Alright, so we got your location from Yuri Miller's house, do you have any connections to him?"

"Once, i was once in a group called the Black Soldiers, with those group they call the Chaos Insurgency. They want to free the Monsters and unleash hell on earth, to hell they go, i left the group because of that, unleasing such devastating force to murder many so the truth will be known? Secrecy is also a must to ensure the panic and safety of the people."

"Well that concludes our interrogation, thank you anyways."

The two left the house. They enter the vehicle again.

"So... What are we gonna do now, Herbert?"

"To find out where this Black Soldiers and Chaos Insurgency is located."