Part I, Chapter II:The Black Operations Soldiers Insurgency Group attack again

The two Agents roll in again in their vehicle, they're headed to Versailles, where a said Black Soldiers officer was residing in.

Herbert asked people if they know a Pierre Thomas. No one had a single clue who he was, he proceeded to ask the landlord of the adress, he points to a quiet house, and just left.

"Alright Walter, we got our first suspect." he loaded up his P226, Walter loaded his P226 also. They head in and knock on the door.

"Agents Johnson and Roberts, open up!"

After a short wait they hear another cackling sound of a Shotgun, seems like these BS uses those strategies to evade capture, the two evades in time and the Man misses the two. They head to another chase again, Walter aimed at the man and shot him, in the Arm as the procedures say. They rushed to the Man, and Herbert asked him questions.

"You too, documents say you joined the Chaos Insurgency, then moved on to the Black Soldiers, why are you doing this?!"

"For the world... To be a better place, secrecy is no longer needed, you people will fall, your secrets will be discovered..."

"Our motive? You want to know? We want to unleash hell on earth, My CO, Geo-" a loud firing rifle would be heard, it would hit the Man's head. Herbert chases the suspect, but he lost him. He returns back.

"Lost him, call the Foundation, alert him of this incident, we gotta find that Geo, perhaps George."

The duo head back to their car and Walter starts driving again.

Walter radioes the foundation.

"Walter Roberts, we got reported death of a Black Soldier here in Versailles,we need Mobile Task Force (MTF) to search the area. Over."

"Roger Agent Roberts, MTF is on the way, over."

They head back to Site 19.

"Welcome, Agent Johnson, take a seat, let us talk about this Black Soldiers and their apparent claim that they are working with the Insurgency."

"Certainly, sir."

The two have a long talk about the Insurgency and the Black Soldiers.

Herbert returns back to his car.

"Founder said someone tipped off. George Henry is the founder."

"Alrighty then,where we headed?"

"Alberta, Canada." "Prepared a plane ticket for there?"

"Foundation has got our cover. Head to De Gaulle International Airport."

The two arrive at the Airport where a Plane, a Private one, was waiting for them. They get inside, and the plane takes off to Alberta, Canada. Where Site 17 is located. The plane lands at Alberta, they get to another car, similar to the car they always use and drove off.

They arrive to the pinpointed location,only to find that the location is a bust. There's nothing there, only an empty warehouse. They head back to the car, to be dispatched to Site 19,where new Keters are transferred. The call said that "We have a facility-wide Breach! Call the MTF and NTF, the Researchers got infected with 008, Samples of 500 has been injected into them.. But the ones injecting got... Bit.. And turned to a monster, Cannibalistic. Zombie-like, in appearance. Some Black Soldiers with Chaos Insurgencies opened them up, security force says. Please hurry..". Transmission cuts off.

"Well,we're near. But how about Henry? Will we find him or should we head to the Facility?"

Herbert Radioes again.

"Do you see any Officers of the CI and BS there, Mostly George Henry?"

The Researcher answers, "Yes! I saw them. We are in a lockdown.. We don't know what happend to the Class-Ds."

An ambient voice would be heard as the researcher hides. "Get ready, MTF might come. Disable the lockdown!"

Transmission would be lost.

"Walter, try to contact MTF Alpha 2. We need to send them there also."

"Alrighty. You drive."

Herbert agrees. They drive to Site 19,Walter got the transmission back and he radioes MTF Alpha 2,the Commanding Officer answers, "Firth Johnson, MTF Alpha 2, go on."

Herbert talks to his Brother. "Hey, uh Firth! We got a situation at Site 19,radio in all your troops, and other available Battalions, NTF also!"

Firth then responded, "Alright. We'll do." then Transmission is cut off.

As they head to Site 19, Firth and MTF Alpha 2 prepares. Firth also contacts the other Available Battalions.

"Firth Johnson, CO of Alpha 2, we got a situation at Site 19, requesting backup, over."

"Roger that Alpha 2, Charlie 6 is ready, Charlie 8 is also ready, NTF will be informed, over."

"Alright, thank you, out."

Firth debriefs his men of the Incident.

"Site 19 has been overrun. 008 Victims are locked in the decontamination room, so dont worry of them. Researchers locked them there, we go front, Gate A with NTF, while Charlie 6 and 8 will head to Gate B, all we have to do is recontain the SCPs, just like the training, we also will eliminate the Black Soldiers insurgency group. Good news is that the Reptile was not released, at least they also think for their safety,alright? Move out!" they all get in their Vehicle and head to Site 19.

NTF and Charlie 6 and 8 head to Site 19 also.

The two agents got to the Facility, and set a perimeter.

The MTF Forces and NTF Arrived.

They jump down from their vehicle.

"Secure the facility, make sure not a single soul of those Soldiers escape, contain the SCPs!"

Herbert walks up to the Man.

"Long time no see eh? You enjoy your role here, Firth?"

Firth would answer in a muffled voice like the voices of the MTF, "Yes, call the IAE, George Henry is reported to have been inside, all Gates have been blocked, he cant escape now."

Herbert then contacts the IAE Agents.

"Herbert Johnson, Anomalous Events and Incidents field. Requesting backup at Site 19, Special Containment Procedures' Facility has been breached, all contained escape. 008 victims are locked in decontamination room, MTF Alpha 2 and Charlie 6 and 8 and NTF has arrived, They're requesting for backup, over."

The MTF Alpha 1 enter Gate A.