Part II:Facility Breach, Chapter III Mike's Battalion head in Facility 19

"Move out!" as MichaelJohnson ordered. His Battalion is split into two, one enters Euclid class, one for Keter. Firth headed to Euclid class.

"Alright, we have our orders, contain 173 first, if we encounter BS and CI, Eliminate them, if it's George Henry, do not neutralize, IAE wants them alive. Alright move in."

Mike and his Company head to find the Sculpture.

Outside, tents were made, FBI and CIA were called. But info was kept from the public, as always, to prevent mass panic.

Temporary checkpoint was made. Half the FBI were assigned there to keep info from spreading.

Inside a Cafe Tent, Herbert Johnson is drinking Coffee, and eating a sandwich while he reads the newspaper.

"Hm, Harold Nolan promises to release Area 51 files? Yeah, just keep SCPs away from public."

His Partner, who in turn was also on the table was reading the newspaper also.

"At least they keep us updated, guys got newspapers from outside."

Herbert nodded, agreeing to what his partner said. He finished his meal, and returned to Comms center.

Meanwhile, the Researcher that contacted Herbert, Robert Francis, still hiding in the locker, waiting for the arrival of MTF, can hear the conversations of Guarding Chaos Soldiers, he stayed quiet.

Until he heard an Explosion, and multiple gunshots, he contacted Herbert..

Herbert answered the radio, "Go on, you got info on the CI?"

"No, just tell the MTF that i'm in a locker, at the control room."

"I'll do."

Herbert alerted the MTF of the premises of the Researcher.

"We got a live Researcher in the midst of the facility, over."

"Roger that Eagle 9, Quint Company will be alert of any presence of Researchers, out."

Francis waits, until MTF Soldiers kick the door down and search every Locker. These Specialists in blue always carried their assault weapons, namely M16s. Until he was found. The MTF Soldier asked him, "You got the information right? And you have access to the Nuclear Codes in case?"

"Yes i have."

"Then lets head on outside, Sir Johnson wants you to talk to him."

As they escort him outside, the MTF Soldier and Francis conversed.

"So.. I suppose you are?.."

"Mike Johnson, Brother of Herbert Johnson."

"The same Agent i talked to?"


"Your surname is too long, mind if i call you Mike instead?"

"Certainly, Sir?.."

"Francis, Robert Francis."

"Yeah, right. Here's the Exit. You may go sir.. Francis, we have a mission to complete."

One guy spots the running man.

He checks the man. Then screams, "We have our first Survivor!"

Everyone cheered, Herbert heads out to the commotion. He claps, and leads Dr. Francisco to his Comms Tent.

They head inside with Walter checking the frequency.

"So, Agent Johnson, your partner is an expert in Comms?"

"Both of us, is an expert in Comms, take a seat Doctor."

"Call me Francis."

"Will do."

"So, Francis , they say you have both the codes of the Warheads?"

"Yes, i do, i also have the list of the escaped

Orange and Red."

"State them."

"173,The Sculpture in it's nickname, 01, that Zeta Reticulian, Warner, 32, The Reptilian, 12, we have Thermonuclear bombs to destroy these creatures."

"Alright, do you know the code for the Thermonuclear?"

Without hesitation, Francis answered,


"Alright, sir, that concludes our questioning, thank you."

The Researcher leaves the tent, and heads to the tent for Survivors. The area is basically like a trench system replaced with tents.

Herbert gets his lunch, he also gets one for Walter. They continue fixing the Comms, after half an hour, frequency was working and they can talk to the NTF and Charlie 6 and 8, they radio them.

"Agent Johnson to Task Force 2, do you copy? Over."

"Yes, yes, we copy Agent Johnson, over."

"You have visual on a Test Subject?"

"Negative, we dont know what happend to them, appears that they left their cells, probably some got weapons, we aren't certain they will survive also.

"Roger, head for the Warhead, we can't risk your lives. But do not detonate without the Founder's orders."

"Roger,will do."

"Capture George Henry first."

"Yes, yes, affirmative, over."

"Alright, Johnson out."

Herbert ends the transmission.

Inside the Facility, Mike Johnson marches with his Company, whilst his company converses. He was continuing the march.

"Sir! We would like to call you John, would you like?"


"Yeah, Mike John is a better name for him, since it's short."

"Yeah, heard that he even called the Scientist Francis, shortening names could be good when in trouble."

"You're right Ryan, short names are useful."

While they are walking, they encounter 9341, a Test Subject , they aim at him. One fires, the Test Subject makes a run for it, and escapes. They didnt say a word about it. As they continue to recontain Anomalous Creatures. They encounter George Henry alone, unarmed, and trying to escape. The MTF got him, and he can't escape now.

"Get over here, you are coming with us." Mike Johnson tied him by his hands. And they escort him outside.

He contacts Herbert.

"Hey, i got Henry, want for be to bring him to you?"

"Yeah, bring him to me, at my Tent near the Middle."


End of Transmission.

Charlie 6 and 8 is in pursuit, they got in a Gunfight.

Charlie 6 headed for the Armaments room, closing the door behind them, cutting off the chasing Insurgents.

Meanwhile, Charlie 8 reached Gate B, or Gate II, the Insurgents reached up to them, and they fire on the running Specialists.

Charlie 8's Squad Leader would contact Ground Command.

"This is Charlie 8, we are Pinned down! Near Gate B! NTF headed for the Delta Warhead,requesting Backup!"

"Roger that Charlie 8, sending Backup Alpha 2,on your way."

Herbert would end the transmission, he would order outside, shouting at the top of his lungs, "Alpha 2, needed at Gate B ASAP!"

Alpha 2 Mobilizes fast and heads to Gate B.

After that, Firth gets in the Tent with Henry, he places him in a Chair and leaves.

"Hey Mike! New orders, order your men to stay here. Warheads could be detonated at any moment."

Alpha 1 stayed at the Camp. Specialists got inside the Delta Warhead, which has a Shelter inside. The Gunfight ended, with 2 Soldiers injured, and the Insurgency escaping. They head for the Exit, NTF contacts Herbert,


"Not yet, we will have to move camp, and until the rest get out. Head in the shelter there after you activated."

After 15 Minutes, the Rest of the Specialists got out.

Herbert got out and screamed "Move Camp, Thermonuclear will be Activated!"

They quickly pack up and leave.

The two get their Comms device and put it in the back of their car, they get in the car and drive off to the next Camp.

After 30 Minutes, they Moved Camp everyone arrived.

They put their tents up.

Inside their Tent, Walter asked Herbert.

"Does the Thermonuclear bomb have Radiation to worry about?"

"No, they don't have. But sure they can burn every living thing alive. Even 12."

While they scramble. Herbert orders the activation.


The Commander of the whole Task Force of Specialists swipes his card and enters the Pin. 6892, alarms rang. Lock down started. They swipe the card and enter the Shelter. They wait.

A large blast is heard.

After 20 Minutes, the Specialist Soldiers scatter. And found the remains of all Creatures. Including 12.

Back at Camp, Herbert interrogates Henry.

"You killed people at Dubna, what makes you think, releasing the new Creature is a great idea?"

"For the people to know, better to sacrifice a few than for the people to live on a lie."

"But you killed many, lying is an option so Mass Panic will not happen, which is more great. Even your group, the Black Soldiers died along with some Insurgency members."

"Black Soldiers? We are the Black Operations for Freedom. BOF. Not Black Soldiers."

He'd call in a transport, and Henry was transported to a Prison, where CI members are kept.

"So.. Our job here is Finished?"

"For the Meantime."

"Yeah, but i think creating a camp near Calgary is a good idea."

"I know, CIA Also wants us at the Pentagon."

They then left for Washington, they also transported the car they love. And drove in it to The Pentagon, as they enter, they have a meeting with the Founder, President, and the Generals.

"I have heard of the Incident. Best be to keep it from the Public."

They have a long meeting, then the President suggested.

"How about promote thie Johnson guy and his Partner?"

"That's what i was thinking sir."

"Alright then go on."

The Meeting concludes and the Founder and the two Agents are left. They are promoted.

"Herbert Williams Johnson, you are promoted to Main Communications Command, your Company is Fire Dragon 3rd. And Walter Oliver Roberts, you are promoted to Field Command for the Investigators of Anomalous Events. Don't worry you two, you are still partners, Roberts you're assigned at Fire Dragon 3rd. Dismissed."

The Two leave, and head to the IAE HQ for North America at the White House, the President is absent at the Moment.

The News from the radio would start.

"... Looks like Canada will win this year's International Hockey games, now, Fells, your news."

"A mysterious explosion happend at Alberta Canada Yesterday, we still don't know what caused the explosion but NASA confirmed it to be a Meteor Strike."

Ernest Cunning, the other reported then said, "Meteor Strike? That was one hell of a strike i guess."

Mary Fells commented, "Yeah, but that's what the reports say."

Ernest interrupts, "Oh we have a Breaking News. The Black Operations Soldiers was arrested earlier because of an attempted raid on the Highly secretive base of Facility 19 in Canada. Reports say that only a few casualties is reported."

Walter would ask Herbert Again.

"Would you think i would fail here? Since.. I'm not good at being a leader." then Herbert would respond.

"If you cant be a Leader, be a follower. Try your best, son, you're great at Comms."


And they continue towards the White House...