Part II, Chapter II, 3rd Fire Dragon Division.

Herbert enters the hidden IAE HQ under the White House, he enters the elevator to the Facility, he reached his floor, he walked at the neat and clean hallway, and took a right to a room, opening it's door, as he enters the room, he is greeted by many. He asked.

"You all expert in Comms?"

One replied.

"Sir, this Division focuses on Comms, dont worry, we're all experts here, make yourself comfortable."

He entered his office, with his own Communications device.

He was sure his Partner would arrive any moment.

And yes he did, he dressed up in the same Suit he wore during the Facility Breach.

The two have a long talk.

After a long duty. Private Mark Henderson of the Security Department heads home. He released some of the Files of the IAE from his home,causing a major problem, he wanted the truth to be known also, he leaves his room, getting his Crimson Coat, and leaving his home. After he steps out, he sees two Agents walking towards him, he observed the two, all while holding onto his Glock. The two became closer and closer, until they were visible, Agents Herbert Johnson and Walter Roberts are noticeable by his naked eye, he grabbed his Glock Pistol and aimed it quickly. Herbert, was faster, unholstered his P226, Herbert aimed and fired on him fast. Mark was severely injured, no one was there to help him.

The two get back in their car.

They never said a thing to each other on the way back.

Mark stayed there. Chaos Insurgency Helicopters arrived. The rescuer told him, "The Second Insurgency group fell, we're on our own." he then bought Mark to the Helicopter.

The two agents arrive at their destination, the IAE underground base. Herbert entered his office again, he worked on comms, reporting to the Main Field of Investigation when something goes wrong.

George Henry was imprisoned by the Specialists at the Quintet Prison for Insurgents Members.

The Insurgents plan to break him and the others out. They plan for 2 days. Until everything was complete.

Mark Henderson suits up, and just did not budge about his wound. He gets his weapon and boards the Chopper.

They arrive at the Prison Camp. The CI rappelled down, the guarding Soldiers open fire. Some were killed, but the rooftop patrol was neutralized by machinegun fire from the helicopters, the choppers wait. They fire on the Guards as the imprisoned cheered. They got to the control room and opened all the cells, the imprisoned get the weapons of the downed guards and started hunting down the other Guards, all while this is happening, a distress call was sent to the Washington HQ.

A Comms member shouted, "We got a distress call at the Prison Camp!"

The others contact NTF and the whole MTF. The forces are ready and boarded the Chopper. Alpha 1 lands and neutralizes the CI that was left behind. They find no one inside the Prison except one Guard that tripped the alarm.

"Sir John! We got a Survivor here."

"You are really gonna be serious on calling me John? Firth is good enough."

"Alright, we got a survivor."

Firth heads to the Guard. He asked him.

"What's your name lad?"


"You got a nickname?"

"Friends call me Baron, because of my flying skills back then at the Air Force."

"The Red Baron i suppose?"


"Alright. You come with us, HQ might want you."

The Group headed to the Chopper and departed.

Herbert waits for a signal again. His family moved to the underground HQ, it's town-like. Where Families of Officers are living in.

Firth with his prisoner, enters the HQ and leaves the Security there. The Guards escort him to 3rd Firedragon. Herbert meets him outside. The two conversed in the office.

"Sir, Baron i guess?"


"You prefer to be called Jasper, or Baron?"

"Any, as long as you're comfortable."

"Yes, alright. So we have received a signal in which. You hid in the control room cupboard too. Like that doctor."


"Mind if i play some music?"

"No, just go on."

Herbert plays Elton John's Tiny Dancer in the music player.

The two have a long conversation.

Mark Henderson gets a call to the Planning Room.

"Insurgents! The General proposed a plan of releasing the Keters. Lawrence is dead. We dont have a weapon. But if we release the Keter. We will emerge victorious, our planned invasion will be scheduled in two days. Site 17 is the target, we will launch Air Attacks from Helicopters. Then land and massacre the Researchers, do not leave until every SCP has been released, alright? Move out."

The General radioes the other Officers, Herbert traces the transmission and alerted the Founder which ordered MTF and NTF to be on high alert.

2 days later. The Insurgents attack Site 17, but the hiding MTF and NTF shot the Chaos Insurgents down. Some of them escaped. Many are captured, but they are executed since CIs would break them out again. In case.

Inside Firedragon 3 Office. Herbert is watching the News.

"Files of Area 51 are leaked to the public. It appears that the Alien Allegations are false and just some fairy tales. But a Conspiracy theorist say that another Organization handles the Anomalous objects. But we dont know the name of the Organization, they just named it Area 52, what a name for a second allegation."

TV Shuts off. And Herbert continues on his Comms operations.