Chapter four- Socializing

It turns out they give us three to four free hours, where we spend them is in that room I first met the group I'll be fighting along with.

We receive free time at night from seven to ten o'clock then after we rest, same routine everyday.

After another two hours of training we took a shower and entered the room known as "the room of freedom" since they let us do anything within it.

We can spend our time outside of that room but they aren't letting anyone leave it since we technically have to all be friends and be on good terms to then let us roam around this place.

They told us it's important to have a good bond since in battle we have to fight aside each other and stick together, we need to be a team for the BTS project to be a success.

"This is all crazy." I said resting my head on the table while sitting on a chair.

"You'll get used to it." Namjoon comforted me by patting my back then he opened the mini fridge to get some snacks.

He is the leader of our group since he was the first one to be here. He has the potential to lead, I can tell you that.

"Cheer up hyung." Jimin smiled at me and I sighed.

"You haven't read those files yet, right?" J-hope says and I nod at him.

"Why don't we all play a game." J-hope suggests and jungkook raises his head from his phone.

They give us phones with lots of games on it but it has no contacts, we cannot contact our family or friends for some reason.

"What kind of game?" Jungkook inquired raising a mischievous eyebrow. J-hope throws a white pillow at him while jimin laughs at jungkooks pervertedness.

"A game where we guess our pasts, our backstories, our powers stuff like that." J-hope shrugs.

"Didn't you all check the files already?" I asked and J-hope laughed.

"Nope." He said.

"Me neither." Taehyung smiled one of his boxy smiles and the others say the same.

"Well now I know what kind of group I'll be associated with." I smirk at them.

"Let's form a circle and put a bottle in the middle like truth or dare. If the opening of bottle points towards you then you say your story, not the bottom of the bottle okay guys." Jin shares his idea and we shrug agreeing without any objections.

"What if we ask a question and someone doesn't want to answer it?" I ask sitting down and crossing my legs.

"Then that person should do a truth or a dare." I lick my lips hoping they won't ask something too personal.

"Okay let's begin." J-hope claps his hands together and spins the bottle.

The bottle turns three or four times then stops. It pointed towards taehyung.

He took a deep breath and exhaled. "Hi my name is Kim Taehyung." I furrowed my eyebrows at his introduction.

"Hi taehyung." I widened my eyes at everyone looking at them all flabbergasted.

I feel like I'm in church, confessing my sins.

"Ooh let me guess, you are a pop star slash model that lives with hot girls!" J-hope guessed and we laughed at him taehyung shaking his head mouthing a no.

"I'm 22, I used to live on a farm with my grandparents until they came to take me."

"Why were you living with your grandparents?" Namjoon asked playing with the bottle.

Taehyung bit his lower lip probably feeling nervous. He joins his fingers together then looked back up at us.

"I was found on their doorstep one rainy day, they had no children since grandma couldn't give birth to any. They accepted me without any regret as told by them. I don't know who my mother or father are or my family, I don't know where they are or if they are even alive." Taehyung explains painfully. Jungkook rubbed his shoulder bringing the boy closer to him and tae gave him a small weak smile.

"I guess they found me out since I used to use my powers in the field to grow our crops."

"What was the last moment you shared with them?" Jin asked a sympathetic look in his eyes.

"Well they took me before the meteor struck. We were sitting eating our lunch together like we always do. Our lunch wasn't much mostly consisted of freshly picked vegetables. We heard a knock, we rarely have visitors most of them are people who want to buy the land to start a factory or business or those who collect funds or taxes to pay for the electricity bills, water bills moreover."

"My grandpa opened the door and they aggressively just barged in like it was their house or something." Taehyung's hands turned into fists and his face a bit red in anger.

"Are they okay?" J-hope asks concerned for the old couples well being.

"They told me that they'll provide everything they need since I was their main helper in the farm."

"Hmmm." Jimin hums unsure of what to say.

"I can control plants by extending their growth abnormally and ...I'm sexy." I don't know if he meant what he last said or just to change the tense atmosphere but it made everyone laugh especially how he made his already deep husky voice deeper. I just shook my head at him.

"And?" Jungkook inquired smiling.

"I can communicate with animals." Tae smiled meekly.

"Cool." Jin said nodding his head continuously.

"Okay! Let's see who's next." Jungkook claps his hands together and spins the bottle hesitantly.

It lands pointing towards J-hope.

"Hello, Jung Hoseok here! I'm your hope, I'm your angel, J-hope!" J-hope begins enthusiastically then gulps.

"I'm 24 years old, my favorite hair color is red, my hobbies include -

"You don't need to be so specific we just want to know the basics." I muttered.

"Let me guess, you used to live in a circus." Namjoon said and Jin hit his shoulder.

"Not really, I used to live with my older sister, my mom and dad but....then I found myself in a mental hospital." J-hope chuckled to himself sadly.

Well that escalated quickly.

"How did you end up there?" I ask curious if he was actually mentally unstable or just misinterpreted. Jimin watched hoseok's conflicted face for a few minutes after some time he noticed a pair of eyes on him so jimin turned not wanting to get caught.

"You said not to be specific." J-hope replied grinning and I almost cursed him for using my words against me.

"Telling us how you ended up there isn't being specific." Jungkook interfered.

"I was put there because they were afraid of me, or rather my other me not saying more than that." J-hope crossed his arms over his chest and turned his face away.

"What??" Taehyung said looking confused.

"Other you?" Namjoon mumbled.

"Anyway I've spent a fair amount of time there before they took me in."

J-hope continued. "Damn, that sounded like I was taken to prison for commiting a crime." He laughed.

"What are your powers?" Jin questions him while adjusting his weight on his elbows.

"You can breathe fire!" Jimin tried guessing which made j-hope give him a glance that wasn't hopeful.

"I can read minds which was very annoying when I first discovered my ability. I couldn't control it at first, constantly hearing everyone's thoughts, it made my head feel like it was about to explode but then I figured out how to use it properly." J-hope explains adding a dramatic effect to when he said his head felt like it was about to explode.

"Try me! What am I thinking about?" Taehyung raises his hand eagerly to be tested out.

"Pizza." J-hope quickly answers and V gaps in aw.

"Me!" Jungkook says next.

"How you want taehyungs purple socks that are striped green." J-hope laughs and jungkook scratches his cheek in embarrassment.

"I can lend them to you if you want." Taehyung says and jungkook just smiles.

"Hey jimin why are you thinking about yoongi's legs!" J-hope points an accussing finger at him while I become conscious of my bare pale thin legs since I'm wearing a pair of shorts.

"He's just so white!" Jimin defends blushing. I look at him amused and he dodges my stare by looking everywhere but at me.

"Dude get a tan." Jungkook hits one of my legs marking it a bit red.

"Wow." He says and hits me again and I yell this time. "Stop that!"

"Just seeing how red your leg can get." He innocently disagrees with my behavior and I playfully glare at him.

"And your other power?" Namjoon asks interested in j-hope.

"I can see exactly seven seconds into the future." J-hope proudly declares and everyone gives him a look of shock and admiration.

"Did you expect them to take you?" Jimin asked hugging his knees.

"No, the hospital restricted me from using my powers but they told me a group of people were going to come and take me to a place where I belong. I didn't expect these kind of people but I expected different but I still expected people nonetheless, you get me?" He informed and we nodded all in unison which made him feel creeped out.

"Anyway enough about me let's -

"Did you still talk to your parents while in that hospital or..." I stopped feeling awkward about my question.

"Aren't you being specific." J-hope said waving his finger in my face as if scolding me.

"Forget what I freaking said and tell me." I grumbled but it came out a bit too forceful to my liking.

"No. They abandoned me there after all." He laughed to himself then shook his head to remove the hideous thoughts that tormented him.

"Shall we?" Namjoon asked pointing towards the bottle.