Chapter five- Friendship+ Confessions

The bottle spun until it landed on Jin.

I smirked and leaned my head on my shoulder wanting to hear his story.

"I'm Kim seokjin, 26 years old." He starts and spares everyone a glance.

"Wait, you are a prince from a castle who was trying to save a princess but got taken away when you were in the middle of saving her." Teahyung began and jungkook gave the- what the hell- look.

Jin laughed. "I wouldn't blame you taehyung I do seem like a prince with these looks, after all I am Mr. World wide handsome" He remarked and everyone went silent and namjoon looked at him and opened his mouth wanting to say something but closed it shaking his head.

"I come from a well off family." Jin said.

"Ka-ching ka-ching ka-ching." Jungkook started with some hand gestures.

"He's rich." Hoseok announced.

"Do you have the perfect family like in those movies?" Namjoon asks.

"I wish. It's just me and my aggressive dad. My mom died of breast cancer when I was eight, our maid mostly took care of me so you can say she's like a second mother." Jin smiled probably remembering something.

"Aggressive father?" Jimin asks worried.

"He'd have these sudden mood swings where he'd be happy and in an hour you'd find him either crying or angirly punching the wall. I heard my father was bipolar but he refused treatment so his condition just kept getting worse. I noticed his behavior around the age of fifteen, I think he was diagnosed when I was twelve, I'm not sure." Jin explained dreadfully. I licked my lips in thought.

Why does everyone lead a depressing life in this world? Is there even a happy life? Does a life full of happiness even exist?

"Did he sometimes pour his anger on you?" Namjoon asks looking at jin very concerned for his well being.

"I'm not going to lie, it was either verbally or physically. I didn't know how to help him honestly, while he was suffering I just watched him, just standing there doing nothing!" Jin yells slamming his fist to the ground tears stinging his eyes.

"You were suffering too hyung, silently." Jimin whispers but everyone heard his soft voice that protested.

"How did you discover your powers?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"Well I had this friend, he was a childhood friend. We would always tell everything and anything to each other. He started becoming more and more reserved after he changed schools, and I started seeing less and less of him until we barely saw or knew each other anymore."

I regret my life choices.

"One day I decided to visit him on that same day he decided to attempt suicide. Luckly I wasn't too late, I came just in time. He had cut his wrists, he bled a small puddle of dark red. When I touched his deep wound a green light emitted and the opening in his skin slowly started to close. He was conscious in the middle of the process, his eyes became wide in fear and bewilderment." Jin described as if he was reliving the scene again.

"He must have called you his hero and apologized for being a bad friend, right." Hoseok nudged Jin.

"Not exactly, after what he had witnessed he started freaking out and asked me before running away, 'what kind of freak of nature are you?' I was taken aback but was still relieved that he had stayed alive." Jin said.

"What an asshole." I muttered under my breath but Jin heard me since he sent me a glare.

"Poor hyung got rejected." Jimim says seriously but then cracks a smile wanting to lighten Jin's mood.

"Me get rejected of all people?" Jin laughed at jimins words.

"Rather I believe you rejected him, am I right?" Jin's small smile got easily erased and turned into a frown at what J-hope concluded.

"You read my mind!" Jin accused, furious.

"So what I did! But like what's the explanation for him ignoring you all those years? Duh, your rejection." J-hope argues.

"Okay, I did reject his confession-

"Wow." Namjoon interrupted but then motioned Jin to continue.

"But I did not do it in a way that said, 'be gone foul beast, you're not my type and not worthy of this king.' I simply told him I only saw him as a friend-

"Oooh the friendzone!" Jungkook hollered. "Stop interrupting me guys!" Jin yelled.

"Also! I said let's stay companions and not let this get in the way of our friendship." Jin defended himself.

"I guess he didn't take it too well and still wanted to be more than amigos."

Jungkook shrugged.

"Well that's all in the past, it's been more than seven years since I last saw him." Jin muttered to himself but we all heard him.

"What if you meet him here!" J-hope excitedly gasps.

"Are you gay?" I ask Jin awkwardly.

"I am not sure to be honest. I did date women but not once did they attract me like how men do, I guess I am but I never dated one to be sure." Jin explained awkwardly as well confused of his sexuality.

"What about the rest of you?" I ask.

"I have nothing against it." Jungkook shrugs again.

"I think I'm straight....?" Taehyung says.

"I have no idea, I'm confused too." Jimin says, namjoon agreeing to being confused as well.

"What about you j-hope." I glance at him and he seems hesitant before answering me.

"No, I'm straight." He looks away biting his lower lip.

"What about you suga?" Jimin asks me.

"I'm bisexual." I reply and everyone looks taken aback.

"You seem more straight than j-hope though." I smirk at namjoons claim while j-hope oddly laughs.

"How did you know you were bisexual?" Taehyung asks.

"Wait for my turn to tell my tale." I then look at jungkook. "We're you ever interested in girls?" I bite my lower lip while asking him.

"I guess then I'm homosexual." Jungkook says, we high five. "I bet you're not the only one." I give everyone a teasing glance and jimin throws a pillow at me which exactly hit my face.

"So how were you captured Jin, to this crazy house?" J-hope inquires.

"I wasn't captured." Jin licks his lips. Jungkook raises an eyebrow ready to say something that would make Jin seem stupid.

"I handed myself over to the facility by contacting them because I saw fliers that said they needed unordinary people to help save humanity. They did take me to the facility but they didn't take me by force." Jin rubs his thigh while telling us about what he had done.

"Why did you do that?" Taehyung questions perplexed by jins decision.

"Why not? I had nothing more to lose." Jin smiled to himself.

"So....what's this." J-hope scratches his neck looking at everyone.

"What's what?" Taehyung's eyebrows furrow.

"This thing between us right now, our relationship?" J-hope responded.

"Ugh..." Jungkook tries to answer but closes his mouth.

"Friendship?" Jimin replies.

"Great, now we can finally venture around this place." I applaud to finally us being close enough to be called friends.

"Yeah you're about right but I don't think they'll believe us." Namjoon said rubbing his chin.

"Then we'll have to prove it." I point out the obvious.

"Let's finish the game, I want to know everything about you guys." Jimin smiles. He spins the bottle it lands on namjoon.

"I'm Kim Namjoon, age 23."

"Let me see, you were a mad scientist." Jungkook guessed and namjoon just shook his head.

"I'm not that smart. We were awfully poor, we had this broken down house, my father could barely feed us, a family of five." Namjoon stated.

"Why are all your lives so hard." Jimin cried out feeling broken hearted. Taehyung patted jimin on the back to ease the pain he's feeling towards the members.

"I resorted to selling drugs when my dad fell ill and needed money for medicine. Then I started doing criminal acts like theft." Namjoon looked down ashamed of himself, his hands intertwined.

"Confessions of a wise man." I said.

"Ooh that sounds like the name of some movie." Jin awwed.

"Anyway, I started using my powers to make things easier for me." Namjoon continued.

"Ugh, invisibility!" Taehyung declared as one of namjoons powers.

"Nah, I have super speed which helped me escape the police better than a get away car and I can shoot lasers out of my eyes, which helped me break in." Namjoon shrugged grinning his dimples showing.

"So cool!" Jungkook said.

"Does it hurt when you, ya know." J-hope asked.

"It just makes my eyes feel dry, I always carry eyedrops with me." Namjoon showed us the eyedropper.

"Fake tears." J-hope laughs.

"I bet you use it in both ways." Jin nudges namjoon.

"It does come in handy." He shrugs.

"So yeah, I got discovered and they took me away. Honestly, I thought I was going to some far away prison that was made specially for me."

"But you didn't turn out special cause there's six of us." I mention and he chuckles.

"I wonder if there's more." I hear him whisper.