Chapter six- Unfair

"It's jimins turn!" J-hope cheerfully says.

"Wow ok, it's my turn." Jimin rubs his hands together nervously.

"Why so nervous?" Jungkook asks.

"It's nothing." Jimin smiles trying to reassure us.

"Hmm, my name is Park Jimin." Jimin begins unsure of what to say next.

"I'm 22 years old and growing." Namjoon roles his eyes with a small smile.

"My father got arrested because he once killed someone and got sentenced to spend twenty years in jail. I used to be bullied and treated horribly mainly for that reason, people feared me saying that I'll become a criminal one day just like my father." Jimin takes a deep breath to calm himself.

"My mother kept telling me that my father is no murderer and truly is innocent as he says he is." Jimin exhales. I can sense he's having trouble telling his story.

"You don't have to force yourself." I tell him looking him straight in the eyes.

"It's only fair if I share a part of my story too." Jimin says, "but thank you for your concern." He happily winks at me then shyly looks away after a few seconds.

"Jimin is so cute." Taehyung laughs and pinches jimins left cheek.

"Well once they tried to drown me, get rid of me for good, get rid of the evil."

"You're not evil." Jin frowns at jimins words.

"Maybe I am." I heard him whisper to himself. "By throwing me in a well, I discovered that I had the ability to control water."

"Nice." Jungkook says then corrects himself after a weird look from j-hope. "Not nice. That was really uncalled for."

"It's okay jungkook." Jimin laughs.

"Your other power is flying?" J-hope wonders.

"Nah, I have ice-based abilities along with my ability to control water." Jimin says.

"We have Elsa here!" Namjoon hollered.

"Are we in frozen?" J-hope looked around, hovering his hand over his eyes to add more drama.

"Guys!" Jimin pushed namjoon and glared playfully at hoseok.

"So for now we all have two powers? Namjoon super speed and has laser vision, taehyung plant manipulation and Zoolingualism, jimin has hydrokinesis and cryokinesis, J-hope precognition and-

"Oooh me and jungkook just had a conversation mentally not verbally!" J-hope excitedly informs us.

"And telepathy." I continue. "Jin has the ability to heal and, wait you have one power?" I ask confused.

"I guess he's the odd one out." J-hope nudged me and I sighed at how enthusiastic he is.

"No I'm not. I have a second power like you guys but I just got too caught up in my story that I forgot to mention it." Jin rubbed his arm.

"I can control any object within my view and deform it." Jin says.

"I have an idea! Why not you jin lift that glass of water and jimin can control the water to enter my mouth." Jungkook says and jin gives him a look that says- who do you think I am?-

"It's not a bad idea. I'd like to see that happen." Taehyung says in a low voice afraid to get yelled at by Jin.

"Come on Jin." Namjoon hit jins back.

"Fine." Jin agrees.

"Don't I have a say in this?" Jimin inquires.

"No, no you don't." Jungkook smirks in victory.

Jin concentrates on the cup that is on the table behind us. The cup lifts up in the air, shakingly, as Jin turns his head back to us his eyes still starting at the cup.

The cup grows closer to jungkook and stops in front of him.

"Why is it shaking?" He asks raising an eyebrow at Jin. "Is it too heavy for you." He challenges.

"I can lift twice it's size and weight. I can lift you. It's just that I haven't trained myself to control it fully." Jin argues.

Jimin raises his hand slowly as the water emerges from the cup similar to jimins pace.

He stretches his hand forward, bringing the water above jungkook.

Then jin moved the cup trying to set it down on the ground, it touched the floating water and splash.

Jungkook was staring at the floating water when it suddenly came pouring down his face.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Jimin apologizes grabbing a towel from the cabinet and giving it to jungkook.

Jungkook wiped the water that soaked him, drying his face.

"It's okay." He said after a few minutes. Jimin calmed a bit down but remained panicked.

"Go on." Jungkook motioned for jimin to continue his story.

"Ah, they came one day to my home which was my safe place that protected me from the outside. They, my mother and the strangers, had a conversation with me as their main topic. My mom told me that if I went with them, then the people's perspective of me here will change, I'll prove to them that I'm not what they say I am but the total opposite." He smiled to himself.

"To be given the opportunity to become a hero- jimin teared up- why would I pass that up? I'd like to seize it and become a person people truly can trust and rely on." Jimin confessed his voice breaking.

"Jimin." Taehyung says looking at him sympathetically.

Jin gets up, walks, gets down on his knees behind jimin and wraps his arms around him. Jimin flinches at Jin's hug but then relaxes.

"What do you call a sad coffee?" Jin asks trying to cheer Jin up with his lame jokes.

Jimin sniffs and asks, "What?"

"Depresso." Jimin laughs and I shake my head.

J-hope snickered at the scene displayed in front of us. Jungkook gave jimin a bewildered look while tae smiled without showing his pearly white teeth.

"There's only two people left." J-hope announces spinning the bottle which lands on Jin again.

"I've shared enough already." Jin departs from the circle we created from us and opens the fridge to grab a soda and picks up from the numerous stacks of potato chips, a bag that's barbecue flavored.

"Throw me a salt and vinegar!" Jungkook shouts and Jin tosses it towards him and he successfully catches it.

J-hope spun the bottle three times while all that happened and it landed on taehyung, him and namjoon again.

"What the heck? I bet one of you is controlling it." J-hope looks at us suspiciously.

"Jin has psychokinesis!" Jungkook defends while munching on some potato chips. He notices taehyung staring at it and passes the bag over to him.

Why does that boy not ask if he wants something?

"Why would jin not let the bottle land on you?" J-hope reasons. "I don't think he has anything against you guys."

"Honestly I'm controlling it." Jin starts laughing hysterically like someone just said the most funniest thing on Earth.

"Why??" J-hope looks shocked for a moment.

"Why not." Jin shrugs still chuckling.

"Don't mind him, he hasn't been taking his pills lately." I said to j-hope as I spun the bottle for the first time. "The ones that keep him sane."

"Excuse me but I'm perfectly fine. Don't believe him j-hope he's messing with you." Jin tells him as he returns to the circle sitting back down in his spot.

"Am I?" I smirk to myself. It lands on jungkook leaving me the last one to tell my story.

"Jeon Jungkook, 20." He licks his lips while looking at me then concentrates on the wall.

"I- well.....uh" Jungkook didn't know how to start his story so Jin began for him.

"I all mighty jungkook defeated a dragon and was hailed a hero." He says with a deeper voice trying to be manly.

"Ha ha, no. My older brother called the number on the flyer and they took me away. He said I should be useful for once and provide my society with a better future, sacrifices must be made in order to maintain peace." Jungkook recites as if he knows that saying by heart.

"That's harsh. Why doesn't he then 'provide' our society?" I say feeling angry about his brothers reason.

"He did. He was a soldier in the army but unfortunately lost his legs from an explosion. He's very dedicated to protecting our country, very dedicated to the point he will do anything to keep it safe from harms way." I took in a deep breath trying to calm myself.

"But it could have been your choice. He didn't have to call-

"What choice did I have yoongi! Did you have a choice to join? We all didn't except Jin. Besides he already called so if I didn't want to go they would have forced me." Jungkook sighed frustratedly after that out burst.

"What did I say, the odd one out." J-hope repeats and Jin smacks him.

"Jungkookie!" Jin calls the boy. "Don't yell at your hyung or speak with a sharp tone like that with him, he was just concerned and worried about you, he felt it was unfair for you to be treated like that." Jin started saying what he felt that I felt when I argued with jungkook about his brother.

"Jungkookie?" Jungkook raises an eyebrow.

"How do you know what I felt? Don't go explaining someone's feelings when you basically supposed that was what I felt but you don't know if that conclusion of yours is true or not." I pass my anger on Jin for feeling exposed. Am I that obvious?

"Fine, then tell us suga, are the ones I mentioned true, did you feel them?" Jin stares at me. "Concern, worry, the unjust in his case."

I swallow. "What's it to you." I say having a huge urge to leave.

"I'd like to know." Jungkook looks me straight in the eyes waiting for an answer.

Better to be truthful than sorry.

"Yes." I answer him without removing my sight from him. "Is it bad to be human and feel those emotions about someone's welfare..." I bite my lip. I should have just kept quiet, what is with me today?

"No. I think the word human suits you most." Jungkook smiles punching my shoulder and I noticed the pink spreading on his cheeks.

Damn, fiesty but mellow.

"You can turn into a bunny! That's your power?" J-hope tried but jungkook just laughed.

He instead of saying it, demonstrated what he had. From the palm of his hand a fire ball formed and then disappeared.

"Huh, you and jimin are opposites." Namjoon states.

"I also have super strength." Everyone gasps then glares at him.

"That's why you can do fifty push-ups!" Jin accuses.

"And I thought you were abnormal." Jimin says while jungkook gives him a confused look.

"I can do them without my power! Don't think I got these six packs by just laying in bed all day and playing video games...." He coughs but looks seriously at us.

"Why do I have a feeling you're all about workout and video games and no social contact." Taehyung rubs his chin.

"Cause he is." I scoff and jungkook shrugs not even trying to say otherwise.

"Never thought you were an introvert." J-hope says.

"You discover alot of things about a person once you get to know them." Jungkook says while looking at the ground staring intensely at the set cup that jin did not put back on the table.

(Authors note)

Let say who is sitting beside who. Yoongi is sitting beside jungkook who is on his left and j-hope who is on his right and he is face namjoon and jimin.

Beside junkook is taehyung, taetae is on jimins left side and beside jimin is namjoon. Jin is sitting beside J-hope and is on namjoons right side.