Chapter ten- You aren't serious, are you?

"I'm spectacular." I mutter wincing holding the back of my head then my eyes widen.

"They're alive." He blinks at my statement as I get up moving unsteadily to grab shookie and RJ.

"You need to see a doctor." He says as I shake my head. "At least a check up!"

"No jungkook, I'm perfectly fine." I grip the two toys in both hands as I strangle them, well squeeze the stuffing out of them. Their faces are slowly changing and morphing into an expression of pain and of chocking.

"Suga hyung, you are not fine! For Pete's sake you're saying these adorable toys are alive and by your aggressive tone to what you said earlier I can guess you also mean they mean harm."


"The hell!" Jungkook pulls at the toys to remove them from my deadly grip.

"You don't understand! They're evil!" I yell feeling hopeless because they hide their emotions well under their innocent facade.

"Nonsense!" Jungkook pushes me so I could let go but instead I flew to the wall and hit my back and my head again. I slide down the wall groaning.

Jungkook looked at the toys in his hands then at me with wide eyes. "Yoongi hyung I didn't mean to-

"Just shut up and give me the damn toys!" I glare aggravated.

"No! You need to calm down." He says putting the evil toys down on my fucking bed.

"They're smirking!" I growl and he turns to see their usual fake cute faces on. "Yoongi-

"Don't tell me to calm down! Don't tell me what to do! Jesus, just-

"What's going on here?" Jin enters the chaos filled room as he looks at jungkook then at me seeming confused and nervous.

"Guys there's no need to fight, we can talk about it." Jin starts putting the towel that was wrapped around his neck on his desk chair.

"There's nothing to talk about." I stand up and approach jungkook, he steps back the back of his knees hit the wood of my bed and he clumsily falls down, holding himself up by his elbows.

I take shookie and RJ. "Hey! What are you doing with my RJ!"

"Even though the lama was polite enough to apologize beforehand he was still involved."

"What the fuck? Jungkook what happened to him!? Why is he being mental!?" Jin tries to stop me from exiting the room.

"He fell and hit his head, I don't know it maybe triggered that crazy part of him?" He shrugs holding a worried and concerned look in his eyes as he watches me struggle to reach the door knob.

These toys are really good at playing the role of innocent cute 'harmless' toys. If only they'd just think about it. If only I could show them the truth. Wait a minute.

"I have an idea." I say all of a sudden.

"Jungkook I want you to create a ball of fire and hold it within your hand while I carry the damn things over it, either they get roasted and burnt or reveal themselves."

"You aren't serious, are you?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?" I retort to the younger boy who seems conflicted.

"Don't listen to him, he's been taking too many energy pills! Maybe they have a side effect, probably cause hallucinations." Jin attempts convincing jungkook with a very valid reason since I have been taking a lot of pills more than prescribed.

"Last week, that night you told me not to go out cause it's past curfew- Jin nodded looking anxious- I left the room."

"My God yoongi! Why?" Jin asks in angry tone.

"Because the pillow was uncomfortable to sleep on!" I sigh. He gives me a disappointed look. "Anyway, I overheard a probably important conversation and suddenly your lama appears so does that cookie but he was on me and stuck a needle into my neck, no, he stabbed it. Really freaking hard." They both gave a -what the fuck- look.

"You see that night I was not taking those pills. We received the bottles containing them four days ago." They still doubted me.

"It sounds unbelievable I know but I'm neither making things up nor trying to play you guys. I'm telling the truth besides how could you not be suspicious of this facility giving us toys specifically drawn by us? Are they really just regular toys in your opinion?"

"You have a point." Jungkook rubs his arm and Jin licks his lips and forms them into a tight straight line.

"Fine." Jin says. "But if you're wrong so help me I'll -

"Like you'd do anything." I chuckle at Jins slight frown.

Jungkook claps his hands and begins rubbing them against each other maybe a way to gather heat faster.

We then see him hold his hand open, concentrating on his palm as orange yellow lights stream down his veins going up to his wrist then circulating through the veins in his right hand.

We stare in amazement. "Does it not hurt?" I inquire gazing at the small fire ball growing in size.

"Nope. When gifted with such strong powers that can massively affect you, you'd also be given the ability to cope with it. I can handle temperatures so high you'd be burning alive from." Jungkook informs mentioning the last sentence in an arrogant manner. He gestures with his other hand to bring the toys.

"Imagine the disadvantage of not being able to handle such temperature. Like being Midoriya from boku no hero academia when he first inherited All mights power." Jungkook gives us an example from an anime he's seen and read about.

I shake my head giving him the toys so he could roast them. I would rather not hold my hand over a fire along with living toys.

That was a good example though.

He holds the two above the blazing ball. I do not remove my eyes from the toys, I can feel someone's eyes on me.

"Look at the toys, not me." I say.

"I don't see anything happening." Jin mumbles.

"You do know normal toys don't change their expressions."

"Maybe it's an addition?" Jungkook hesitantly says uncertain.

"Are you guys idiots?" I exclaim.

"They're moving, holy-

"Jungkook do not let go of them." I order him hoping that he won't drop them.

Because if he does, they might escape and I'm not ready or insane enough to chase two supposed toys around this asylum like place.