Chapter eleven- Exposed

"We aren't going to tell you anything." The cookie exclaims wiggling around. We decided to keep these toys unburnt and tie them up instead.

The lama tries to remain calm but fails miserably. "Okay okay!" He says in a panicky voice.

"We are test subjects still undergoing experimentation and were each given a task to watch the assigned member." RJ starts explaining as the cookie growls a scowl on it's face.

I glare at the cookie and it returns it with a glower. "Why?"

"We weren't given a reason only a task." Shookie retorts.

"And do you report to them frequently?" Jin questions still bewildered by the fact that I was right and seeing talking toys.

"Occasionally." RJ replies in a soft voice.

"What do you tell them?" Jungkook interferes.

"We are already in alot trouble as it is." Shookie grumbles.

Jungkook gives shookie a look but shookie only scoffs so he turns to RJ. The poor lama shakes in fear.

"Your conversations are not about escaping, you're not attacking anyone, your undergoing improvement stuff like that." RJ says.

"Are the other BT21 toys-

"Yes." Shookie cuts Jin from continuing his question. "Now let us go."

"So you could drug me again?" I spit out still angry about that.

"We had too! You were overhearing something you shouldn't!" RJ defends.

"How would we know that you're not programmed on how you could kill us or if you hold any weapons." Jin accuses.

"We are harmless." Shookie says and I open my mouth to contradict his words. "That was just a one time thing." It quickly states.

"How can we trust you things not to hurt us?" Jin puts his hands on his hips and gives them a narrow look.

"We weren't made for violence more like spying and ....restraining?" RJ tries to sum up their reason for existence.

"Okay we let you go, then what?" I quirk an eyebrow.

"I believe we need to tell our creators about this situation and we can come to an agreement."

"No more observations?"

"I can't promise you anything but I think...." RJ pauses for a moment to spare a glance at the vexed cookie.

I motion for him to continue. "We will aid you in your upcoming battles."

I scoff and lean against the closet doors. "I don't need any help, especially from toys who a week ago did something criminal."

"Jesus boy you hold a grudge!" Shookie yells. "Oh ya hot shot let's see how well you do once those monsters out there easily detach your head from your body."

"You want to bet on that." I dare and Jin moves to my side and puts a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it as an effort to calm me.

Jungkook looked at us for  confirmation, his eyes concentrated on me mostly. I sighed and nodded and Jin closed his eyes tightly as in yes.

Jungkook went around the toys and untied the ribbon Jin had made. RJ waved his puffy arms around and shookie started running around the room laughing.

"What the fuck." I follow the thing with my eyes bewildered by it's unusual behavior.

"Did you give it anything?" Jin asks Jungkook. Jungkook shook his head his innocent eyes wide.

"It's naturally this active and psychotic?" I ask the lama who was staring at it's odd hands.

It blinks then nods.

We hear a faint knock on the door then after a second or two some pushing and a harder knock, it repeats twice more before the person behind the door decides to yell.

"Come on guys it's free time!" Taehyung announces with happiness.

"What are you all doing in there?" Namjoon inquires skeptical and confused.

"Come on I prepared pop corn and nachos! There's this movie that I really want to watch!" Hoseok comes next.

Jungkook goes to the door and cups his hands on the sides of his mouth. "What genre!" I almost face palmed myself.

"Comedy slash romance! It's a romcom!" J-hope answers then someone bangs on the door.

"Yoongi have you decided to be social again?" Taehyung questions and I raise an eyebrow at that. Again? I never was to begin with.

"Should we tell them?" Jin scratches his head and gives a side glance towards the two toys who sat down, RJ having Jin's boxers over his head and shookie trying to wear my socks.

"Hey!" I snatch the pair out of it's little hands and put them back in my drawer while Jin removed his red underwear off the lamas head and scolds him.

"Yeah we should." Jungkook extends his muscled arm and holds onto the golden knob. He opens the door and taehyung, hoseok, jimin and namjoon fall towards jungkook all landing over each other then rolling off.

"Were you guys actually trying to-

"Yes we were." Jimin sighs and pushes hoseok off of him, he lets out a groan and gets up eyeing the room then his eyes land on two specific things that were blinking at him.

"What in the world..." He furrows his eyebrows. Taehyung was holding Tata in his arms for some reason. Shookie gives a signal and tata jumps out of his grip.

Taehyung opens his mouth in shock and hoseok screams jumping onto jimin as jimin stumbles back into namjoon who looks freaked out.

Tata talks to the two and they nod at each other before they face us.

Jungkook holds his laugh in as he sits on my bed and starts petting RJ's head. "You'll get used to it."

"To what!?" Hoseok widens his eyes as he sees Tata moving forward.

"To their presence- them being alive."

"Oh my God." Taehyung was still in shock and Tata looks at him then at us hoping to explain and so we do.

"Shit." Namjoon ruffles his hair and breathes deeply.

Jimin doedn't know what to say and hoseok looks like fainting.

"Can you tranform?" Tae asks Tata and Tata suddenly changes and has tentacles for legs then takes out a gadget and aims it at our alarm clock and shoots it with a red beam.

It becomes Tata and we seem to all be taken aback. The other Tata shoots the original and the original becomes our alarm clock.

"Awesome." Taehyung says cutting the silence.

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