Chapter 13: Weekend

In the end that scum man and I. Decided to get a contract that if his mother or anyone in his side enterrupts my life then the things we talked now should be stopped immidiately.

Even though its hard for the little boy to suddenly stop allowing to be with her mother, but its for the little boy's future. And the things the original planned, shouldn't be stop just because of me being soft hearted.

The two of us confirming and calling our lawyer to finalize everything. After that I boldly told him that he can go now and pay the bills first. It's rude but its fun seeing his face distorted after being push away. He didn't say anything and bring the unwilling little boy back, since school days aren't over.

As for my daughter, I explained to her that the boy would be her little brother from now on. I can't explain exactly to her since she didn't know that I'm her mother and I can't lie that the little boy has nothing to do to me. That will bring alot of side effect.

Everything run smoothly in my side other than the time I fight verbally at that scum. My restaurant is not an instant popular one, but it's gaining a foothold slowly. As for my family of three as usual, it's as warm as always. I made treats from time to time to cheer up this little student, no letting them to be lazy at school.

And as the days roll, weekdays arrived.

The little boy has arrived to my house around afternoon, he was still wearing his gym uniform but as lively as the owners memory. He begorously pressing the door bell and calling 'Mom, Mom'. making me speechless. Anyway its good to be lively.

As I opened the gate with my daughter, the little guy rush and suddenly hug my daughter and the two froze. When the two realized something the push each other away, the liitle guy pouted and hmpf before hugging me. As for my daughter she just her eyes and gave a hmpf.

I shook my head. Well I can't intervene in the kids internal war, I just hope its temporary and they will end up friends.

Butler He, whom always beside that scum just standing there at the gate because I didn't invite him in. Since its stated in the contract that they can't step in my abode, because I don't want to be connected with them other than the little boy. The butler politely handed the little boys schoolbag and a big bag containing the boys clothes and necesities.

I just thank him and wait for him to turn around and leave. He just politely smiled and give few words about the little boys assignment, and some things that need to be reviewed during weekends and then bid a goodbye.

I slowly breath and locked the gate. I hope that scum's mom won't enterrupt my life, If she did. Then let them know that I'm different from the soft permisson original female owner.