Chapter 14: Sharing

Little cloud stays in the room next to mine so that he could knock at my door anytime. Of course, that isn't like my daughter's room that has a secret door connected to mine for emergency purposes.

The room I gave him is definitely for little cloud, I personally draw his room when I'm in a cell. I already considered the possibility of him staying sometimes since that scum man can't give the kid the proper mother care that needed, he would contact me for little cloud if he really cares. I just didn't expect that it will be this early, maybe he really does care for his son. Anyway no matter what, he's a scam! no matter your good at something, if your scum period.

Little cloud happily walks around the room smilingly from ear to ear. Well, I never had a second child, just my daughter so I'm kind of nervous that boys won't like it, so seeing that he like it im relieve.

"What do you think?" I asked, and kneed beside and pat his head.

"I like it mom, its like im in a mini car house!" he excitedly said. Well, at least the kid is still in love with cars like the original female's memory.

"As long as you like it, anyway let's go out, your sister still waiting to eat snacks," I said then led him out of the bedroom while telling him which room is it, or what room is that. Anyway, he will stay here so, I should let him know the uses of rooms in the house, like where can evacuate if there's an emergency.

After the detailed tour, I led a little cloud in the garden where my daughter sky waiting for us.

"Mom, hurry the snacks are ready" sky cheerfully call me, after seeing the two us.

"Well my daughter is the best, it knows how to help in preparing snacks now? aren't it already big enough to marry?" I tease her when we got near.

"MOM" Sky protested making me giggle and tap her little nose. She just pouted and sigh like an old woman making me amused at her and peck her many time forgetting the jealous little cloud.

Cloud hug me at the back and tried to pull me away making me stop kissing sky. He intervened in the middle immediately and pull my hands to his fat cheeks and make a kiss expression making me laugh.

Why does this little one amusing? So easily jealous but it's cute anyway. I kissed him too making him giggled, but I still pay attention in my daughter's reaction, looking at her sincere smile I feel relieved.

Even though I acknowledged Cloud as my son now, still he can't be compared to my flesh and blood. Even though it's unfair but I can't stop being like this, because it really is hard to love someone's child more than your own unless the child have been by you since born.

I hold little cloud little hands and reach for my daughters, hand in my other. I sit in the chair and gather them both in my arms for a hug.

"You two are my babies, very important to me, so I hope you can be friends at least from now on." I said and looked at the two.

They looked at each other and both them pouted at the same time and nodded at me hesitantly.

"Well I try to share you mom, but only a bit" cloud said making my daughter pouted.

"Well, I'll try sharing too, only a little bit" said in a mimicking voice making cloud pouted protested.

"Alright not of you will share me" I said to make the two stop contradicting each other.