
Born Cursed

The next day everyone woke up to face the truth. John, whom everyone thought to be an idiot, was the killer and could be the beast.

"Who are you?" Zoe asked John.

"Why did you kill Ganesh?" Rana asked.

John didn't seem to like their sudden hostility. The air inside the cave started warming up.

"I don't like hot air. I will explain everything outside." As John spoke, he walked out of the cold cave. The world out of the cave was alien to Rana. He had never seen a cursed village. It looked normal except for the airborne poverty. It resembled the folk tale that his history teach e r had once said to him. The tale was about place that exsisted before the fall of democracy. The place was called Somalia. The people had no food there. Their bones are always sticking out of their body. The people there suffered a lot. Children were all born with problems that were simple but unaffordable to them. It was said that they suffered so that they can live happily in the afterlife. When democracy fell, everyone lost their sence and started violating the law. Thefts and murders started increasing all over the world. Somalia was different. They lived as usual since they had learned to live a poor life. The rich became mad when the poor stepped forward in life. That's when King Dheeran took control of the world. No one knew which country he was from. No one knew who he was. To everyone he was a saviour who had come out of the blue to save them. King Dheeran brought back order and stopped the chaos. The people were very fond of him. He destroyed poverty and promised that he will never let poverty spread again. To rule the whole world he divided it into many regions and he named them with respect to the struggle they suffered. He appointed emperors on each region. Time passed as he aged and his son Raut Dheeran took over. As expected he was a good king like his father. And so like that 500 years passed away. In 2530 King Daniee Dheeran was murdered. The investigation was still going on when Kaur Dheeran, the former king's brother took over. King Kaur didn't have a heir till he was 45 years old. The day King Kaur's was born the the last day The Dheeran family ever saw daylight. The whole family was killed in car bomb blast. The incident was perfectly planned and so the investigation was a dead end. Then emperors of all the regions took control since there was no one else from the Dheeran lineage. And so the Emperors elected one king from among them. As Rana recalled everything that has happened in the past, the people around them started to go near them.

"John? Is that you?" A old women asked. John nodded.

"Are you from around here? They know you. Who are you?" Zoe asked all the questions that was blocking her mind. Rana was dumbstruck on seeing the poverty. Do I belong with them? He asked himself. He parted away from the other three and he started going through the town. Zolo on other hand was interacting with few cursed coyokeys.

"I am not cursed. My parents are cursed." As he said the bitter truth, Zoe gasped. It was a universal truth that cursed humans can't have a life. But in hearing John, it was clear that even cursed humans can lead a life.

"I didn't know what I was. I can control my transformation. Years of life in this village taught me that there can't be a world without poverty. Everyone need a goal in their life. My goal was revenge. I wanted to avenge my parents. I had to kill the one who cursed my parents.It was Ganesh who cursed them. He cursed because of an argument. Isn't that stupid. In this time period aura and power, a curse Chas become very simple. Only those who are cursed know how painful it is to be separated. It all happened t the day they had got married. They seeked Ganesh's blessing. It is usual for newly married couples to seek blessings from idols. What they did not know was that Ganesh really existed. During the ritual, Ganesh appeared. He said that Knowledge is most powerful thing In the whole world. But my father said that love was the most powerful thing. The argument was long and Ganesh lost his patients. He cursed them. And banished them to this village. My parents were devastated and that in destroyed my life when I was born. I heard tales of the normal world and envied the person who cursed my life. Two days ago I got some info from a trustable source that Ganesh was the news network operator. And I went there to seek revenge. I killed him in cold blood. On my way back I saw a bike but I did not think that I might have caused trouble for other. I am really sorry that you were also imprisoned." As John finished speaking Zoe recovered from her deep thought. Rana had heard half of their conversation and so he was able to make out the gist. Zolo had lost interest in the coyokey long time ago and so he too understood everything.

"John, as far as we know the emperor has become dark and we need to stop him before find out where we are." Rana who is always scared said.

"What happened to you?" Zoe asked.

"What? Nothing." Rana said.

"Seems like you have changed. A lot."

" I am the same Rana. Don't thing that I am brave. I have already peed over 5 time just by thinking of going against the emperor. I just don't want to loose my mind in fear." Rana said fast and Zoe laughed. She punched Rana in his arms playfully.

"Yeah, definitely just friendship." Zolo said.

"Shut up!" Rana said out loud.

"What?" Zoe asked.

"Nothing. Nothing at all!" Rana said as he tried to hide the fact that he was blushing.