
The Night Riders

As they were talking a group of forest thugs entered the village. They were on a battle truck. They held heavy ammunition. Rivallery guns, the latest model, K7.0. Rana was shocked. Even his father did not have such weapons. His adrenalin pumped more and his aura started taking protection as his fear rose.

"Inhabitators of the cursed village hear me. I am Lambourne, the leader of the gang Night Riders. We seek spoils of war and we believe that you will be able to provide them for us. If you refuse, then we will have to take it from using brutal force." One of the men in the truck said. He wore torn military dress. He held a bottle of liqour. Time may pass by but liqour stays young. He was already drowning drunk yet he did not stop drinking. The Rivallery gun was swung behind with a strap connected to his chest. On his pants there was a pouch attached containing thousands of R5 bullets for reloading.

Rana slowly moved away from his current position. But Zoe gripped his arm tight and didn't let him run away.

"You guys take shelter, I will have to handle this alone." John said with frown.

"No. We will fight with you." Zoe said ignoring Rana's attempts to run away. Zolo was also shivering in fear. Rana fear had already affected Zolo but the latter didn't want to leave his friends alone.

"Come on guys, this is a cursed village with lots of cursed men. They are more stronger that us and can protect themselves. The only ones who need protection is us! Can you understand me? Us!!" Rana panicked.

"These are not cursed to turn into monsters. They were cursed to become beasts of low profile. They are not fed well too. The most powerful transformation that I have seen hear is a huge tortoise which is scared of needles." John said. As time passed Lambourn was getting impatient.

"I think we will have to take it by force! Brutal force" And on saying so Lambourn called his gang to get ready to attack.

John on seeing them get ready he pressed a button on his shirt and it turned to a tough bullet proof armour covering everything from his arms to legs except his head. He took a goggles from his back pocket and wore it. Then he pressed a button on the goggles and it also extended to a face mask. As Rana saw his battle form, he knew that the stranger he and Zolo saw on the way to news network was John. Rana had already seen John fighting. And so he had full faith that he will be saved. But still, one person fighting 5 men with highly advanced guns was very odd. Even though Zoe was going to fight along and she had compelled Rana to fight, the odd won't be evened. Rana is extrodinary with his axe. Well axe meaning not the axe that men used for cutting trees. This axe had a handle made of carbon fibre and a head made of Advite, a recently made alloy which can deflect any kind of bullet. The speciality of the axe was that Rana can pass some of his aura into the weapon so that the weapon can only controlled by him. The aura flow in the axe can also generate random aura-blasts that can do the enemy a considerable amount of damage. Even though Rana was very skilled he was of no use in a battle field. His fear overtakes everything. When the thugs saw John change to battle mood, they knew that they really had to fight. Lambourn loaded his gun and was about to shoot when, John moved to his side in lightning agility. John kicked him in his chest before Lambourn could even process what was happening. Lambroun put his gun down and cried in pain. Seeing Lambourn in that state the other thugs started shooting. Zoe was well trained in defence cast out an aura she is on the villagers. Rana was using his axe to deflect the bullets while he ran behind Zolo towards safety. The thugs when they saw Rana run, they knew that he was weak one and so they targeted him. All the thugs started chasing Rana. John summoned his sword. The sword was on of a kind. He had got it from a thug who tried to steal from an innocent man. This sword could bend at the aura-providers will and so it can even be used for long range attacks. He bend the sword into a metallic boomerang and threw it at one of the thugs. The thug was struck in his thigh and he fell to the ground. The other three were still chasing Rana. Zoe stopped a thug and punched him in the belly. He in return punched her back. Zoe's moves were then blocked by him. And his moves were blocked by Zoe. The fight was a draw. Rana, even though he was running for his life he could hear clearly that the others were fighting hard. Gathering up his courage he turned to face the other thugs. Zolo pounced on one thug when Rana fought the last one. By then Lambourn and the other thug had recovered from their injury. Seeing the thug get up, John rushed towards him when he shot in his spine by Lambourn.

Rana and Zolo knocked out the thugs and ran towards John. The bullet had been more stronger that his armour. Blood gushed out of his spine as he cried in pain. Zoe knocked out a thug and reached Lambourn.

"You are going to suffer for what you have done today." And on saying so she made an unusual hand gesture and pressed hard on his head. With flash of Aura exposure Lambourn turned in to snail. Rana was dumbstruck on seeing what Zoe did. Then she smashed the snail under her boot. The last, injured thug limped to the truck and got out of the village abandoning his mates.

Zoe rushed towards John.

"How is the wound?" Zoe asked

"I don't know. There is a lot of blood wasted. We need a doctor." Rana said with deep breaths. The fear had gone to his head. And he was starting to have a panic attack.

"No, no, no. Not now. Take deep breaths bro. We have to save John. He is the only one who can save us all. And for that I need you to take deep breaths and avoid the minor attack." Zolo said.

Rana did the emergency panic release gesture and avoided the attack, yet he could feel the fear inside him.

The three took John to the Elder of the village who fortunately was John's adopted father. The Elder Damo Sao was shocked to see John in that state.

"John! Who did this to him? Who are young ones. I heard that there was another raid in the village." The Elder said standing up from his wooden seat. He called out the village nurse and admitted John in the poor village hospital. After that they explained the village head about the problem they were all facing. The demon is summoned then the whole Blood region will be in serious trouble. The Elder was shocked to the core. He arranged a meeting with all the elders from the cursed villages in Blood region.

That night after dinner Rana, Zoe and Zolo were sitting outside the hospital when the saw a huge High-speed airjet coming towards the village. The jet had Blood region Emperor's symbol.

The Emperor has found out their hide out. And they hoped for the best.