
Unexpected Change

Rana and Zoe waited as the emperor's arijey to land. After all Rana cannot escape from his fate. John, who should be able to defeat the Emperor's guard is too weak to even stand up. All was lost. The air jet landed creating a vortex of forceful wind around the village. Out of the air jet the emperor got down. Following him a huge figure about 7 feet got down. He had someone tied to a chain and he held the chain aggressively in his palm, dragging the prisoner like a slave. To Rana's shock, the person under imprisonment was none other that Chief Inspector Bratt, Rana's father. Rana got up from his seat and ran towards the emperor. Like a jar overflown with water, anger overflowed his scared mind. He took out his axe as he neared the emperor. He swung the axe at the emperor without any hesitation. Tears flowing down his cheeks and anger with flowing down his heart he had taken the decision to slay the emperor with his ability. Suddenly in the gap between him and the emperor, the guard appeared out of thin air. It was like the guard had never moved. His movements couldn't be seen with bare eyes. Rana stopped a minute seeing the huge man. The man's whole body was tattooed with red ink. The tattoo resembled a red dragon. He just wore a jeans and so his bare body showed the dragon tattooed very well. The wings of the dragon were tattooed in his arm when tge body was tattooed in his bareback. He wore two gauntlets made of Tremid, shaped in to spikes. The spikes were wet with poison. The gaurd swung his left hand to hit Rana. Rana blocked the hit with his axe and the struggle began. The gaurd wanted to beat Rana without the use of his right hand and Rana did not want to die. The struggle was everlasting and gaurd had to finish off Rana quickly. And so he pressurized his left hand with his right hand's strength. Rana couldn't withhold and so he dove away from the attack. Seeing Rana fight Zoe alss took out her sword that she hadnt used for along time. She ran towards the guard and made her first strike. The sword was caught by the guard in mid air. The guard took sword high in air with Zoe still holding the sword. Without any hesitation he struck Zoe with one of the spikes. Blood came out of her mouth as she cried in pain. At that moment the whole world stopped for Rana. Again his soul snaped. And this time one half was purely scared immersed in hoplessness and other half was aggressively angry. His anger was beyond limit. The soul pushed the body's limit beyond the overlined border. Rana moved at a speed that he had never moved. He struck the giant and to giants surprise, Rana's physical strength had increased more than his own strength. But Rana aura stronger that anything that the giant had ever seen, was aimless. The aura was not well trained. It was unprepared. Just Tongs appeared. She bite the gaint's leg but the giant just shoved her away. Rana again struck him. The fight was equal. The guard used his water-aura and threw Rana far away. Rana had become weaker. His body had gathered up enough hatred and it was ready to unleash it's aura. Rana's body illuminated as his body enlarged and he burst into a huge light of pure aura. The golden aura created a mist. The guard was shocked. The Chief was dumbstruck. The emperor ran towards the air jet to save himself. Out of the mist a huge scaly limb with talons grabbed the emperor. Zolo was sweating on. The guard was scared to his internals. The guard had known that Rana was cursed but he never knew what he will transform into. Out of the mist a fire as hot as molten lava emerged and burned the guard alive next the monster behind the mist turned towards the village. The villagers started running in fear. Without further thought the monster let out fire from its mouth to destroy the innocent villagers since it did not care about their innocence. All that the monster wanted was blood and revenge. Just before the fire hit the village time stopped. Something had happened in the Realm of Time and that was disturbing the parallel universe. During the time the time froze Rana understood that nothing in the world is perfect. Not even time. Then it all blacked out.


Rana was dreaming his past again. He woke up with the question of the cursed soul as he remembered that he had to enroll his name in the Academy of Aura in the Blood region. As the warm breeze hit him through the window Rana got refreshed. He brushed, showered, dressed and ate. He took some packed food for Zoe too. To him it was a new day. Somehow time had gone 24 hours exactly. After all it all began one afternoon and ended the other afternoon. Time can be so unpredictable sometimes.....